I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

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The Frustration ensues, then sooths!

Posted by AdventVoice - November 28th, 2017

[Life is my Strife]


    Posted on November 27, 2017November 28, 2017 Our Stand Edit

Life is my strife!

Lock me away for crimes that pay is what I always say.  White collar crimes in which the people I love never worry a day for the time that elapses in my passing. This is not from delusions of grandeur. It stems from the futileness of having to rot for three years because of things that could have been explained, forgotten, forgiven.

Does this mean, white collar crimes bring wealth?

No, it means the scheme that takes years of investigation to solve and still leave room for doubt have always allowed families to remain intact and the fathers or sons that are caught and made to do time in the feds; still have enough to make sure their families are fed.

Those doing time, 25 to life behind a robbery charge, a gun never used, typically needed a job or to learn to be content with what they had.  Those doing time behind the sale of  a substance that is now legalized, I know are pondering what life would have been like if they just waited a few more years for the mind of man to change.

I remember the employee of my university when she was blamed for the embezzlement of thousands of dollars from students and the institution. I always thought it ironic how she still has nothing and the University thrives, as best as an institution like the one I attended  can. The entire time I was there I felt the money of the student body was being misappropriated in some way, but never by, “one person.” The school found a scape goat. How do I know? Because when you are put up to commit a white collar crime, when you are caught you will be silent and made to settle for nothing and never made to sit in a jail cell. If you are smart.

I reflect upon all the times a gun was pointed in my face behind petty crimes or petty accusations. Petty because they were arguments behind two or three hundred dollars. They were behind a robbery from the deranged broke man that believed my little paycheck would get him ahead. They were arguments behind the police believing I would rob a bank or a store or some other blue collar crime.

Did I ever shoot a police officer or a confused man who was hungry?

No, I had places to go and people to see. I had jobs from night to day, roof tops where my home, dark alleys where were taxies picked me up before they got paid to help me deliver food to hungry people. To look at me you would think I was the type to carry a Maltese Falcon every where I went. I was a professional, always looking for the big pay-day. Never settling for a job that would entail I needed a gun.

At the moment  I can’t think of a bigger crime than that of Identity theft~Our identity is strung together from a string of numbers that an entity can claim ownership of and have you committing shopping sprees in another country. A person can take your creative ideas and scrub your name, taking your place and ride the chariot of fame as if they are you.

Equifax, Uber and Banks have been umbrella supporters of tech thefts since before 2000; we’ve read stories and have been made to support those that lost it all because the wrong person got a hold of those nine numbers that work better in identifying a person than their own fingerprint.

I really shy away from telling my friends what I know about our world and the hidden parallels I’ve seen from the anti-Semitism  of the 30’s and 40’s and that of today. I  don’t try to make the issues of today about religion~ honestly see what is coming to be a human affaire. I see and hear drones every night>knowing the difference between the lights of God, the lights of man, and not believing in aliens helps. So when people speak about impending apocalypse the only reference that can be had are the highlights of what occurred to the Jews.

I follow Isreal  and have learned what the Jews feared is to be repeated because what happened to me was no different that the lists of Schindler, who inspired Kissinger, who is reported to have whispered into the Presidents ear. In light of this history lesson it is not a farfetched headline to read, “Massive Us Military social media spying archive left wide open in AWS S3 buckets.”

In light of what happened  to Snowden I am surprised Ian Thomson of San Francisco was not called a traitor for sharing these insights. Clearly according to the report, Amazon has been privatized by government contracts, which poses the question, “How far can private citizens trust an organization willing to be supported by the government finically for trade of information collected on private citizens?”

This same question is posed to Equifax, Uber, and all the number of Banks who’ve fired employees on the account of information leaks of private citizens, monetary leaks as well. Very few have held these companies accountable more so to do with the fear of being labeled a traitor or instigator.  Case in point Snowden vs. Verizon; who is known to have passed off information on private citizens to the government.

Steve Blank of the Howard  Review pulls for the start up to remain private; why? It could be because in the 1980’s and 90’s tech companies and their investors made money through intial public offerings (IPOS) V.C.’s set these rules and where able to buy out founders like Steve Jobs in four and a half years; ripping his nest egg and everything he owned and created and sold it whole share to the government. It could be because Centcom. (US Central Command is in the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, PACom ( US Pacific Command  is in Southern Asia, China and Australia) and are running programs hosted by Amazon designed to monitor comments made by Americans and citizens abroad and inspect these dialogues, “if deemed terroristic in nature,” keeping them away from youths in these designated areas and here in this country.

According to Vickery the most disturbing thing is if America’s enemies get a hold of these abilities and use them on Americans. What I find disturbing is the fact that the government feels the need to moniter the internet use at all. They claim to safe guard against terrorism except in this country we debate over what we deem to be terrorism and have used it as a grey cloak to condemn any form of rhetoric concerning what is occurring in this country. In safe guards we’ve allowed the likes of Amazon and Apple to deliver entertainments from foreign entities rather than news and the war of propaganda is smothered through these Centcom safe guards.

Safe guards that have only proven to stifle creativity and hinder free speech.

If it was free speech someone other than a bot from a Coral Reef data mining firm would respond to the thoughts of the people.

I’ve been in prison twice and none of those that were there were there for speaking against Abortion: sure murders, rapists, drug users, those prone to violence, petty thieves; all who would have made church, Christ a priority might not ever have seen those grey walls.

Yet I hear of Jada Picket Smith giving thanks to God for the wealth she acquired before her name became famous, the drugs she used to  sell. I am made to think of all the millions that are sitting behind bars for the very same thing.

Then the real crimes of America are ignored

Real Crimes like what?

UN Agenda 21 is a real crime. Imagined or fictionalized means in which it is implemented, be it Russians or our own Government making mandatory decisions for our own personal safety and seeking to play GOD. Then silencing people in the guise of cyber security against terrorism because I insist with a pool of like minded people that Eugenics, Fluoride, Vaccines, GMO, WAR, DRUGS and the sale of Military Arms used against American is evil.

Hospitals firing doctors because they refuse to take vaccines that they know they don’t need is wrong. The Use of medicade and medicare as a stipend for congressional work is wrong. Not asking what happened to all of those doctors that were barred from the hospital because they refused vaccines is wrong.

The fact that there is daily static interference and not a single word can be debated and the best I can hope for is to share with those I know and that maybe something breaks through is what makes for such a Strife!

I decided to share this here because it would seem that no one was able to read it anywhere else:

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