I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

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When you can't be famous, you can always settle for Infamy!

Posted by AdventVoice - December 5th, 2017

I have been chatting it up with some great supporters and users of the NG industry and have found some wonderful information that I think will help all new creators and there motivations.

A while back the idea was to close off certain pratictioners of the site from using material from other sources.

You know name copyrights and just all the things that legal protect people from Creative Identiy theft.

Well we all have legal battles sometimes in the war of creative relevancy. Someone will always chime in and say they had an idea first or that they can do yours better and dub a new name and win all the proceeds. Etc etc.

I say etc because in the battle of creative relevancy it is a battle royal and the one at the top of the heep will win.

I give many cheers for those that have had to fight legal disbutes over who had an Idea first. Win or lose those that have these debates have done one of two things.

They made someone notice there talent: That is why someone is complaining.

Two: They remain infamous because they were able to upset a corporation who is making millions off of an idea and they have shown themselves to be just as talented if not better.

When a corporation begins asking you to cease and disist in making content with something to do with there work and are not willing to pay you for your ideas, there isĀ  a little monkey on my shoulder that begins asking the question, "Why do they care that I have Nitindo characters doing things they never dreamed of and have not made a proceed from the idea yet? Why have they not offered to pay me for my idea, shouldn't I be broaching them for a contract?"

In the words of Jay-Z: when those with money come knocking on your door and asking for a cut from your work or for you to stop working>>>

****K You, PAY ME!

Promo work can be just as challanging. Can you imagine the creator of Grim tales and or Aesop fables or any literal mogul coming to you and asking you to stop using the ideas for your posters that come from my writings, please stop being creative?

Why can this not be interpreted for game developers like Nintindo, Capcom, and Sega, or an other E3 developers, who begin to become upset with the merchindise creating potential of those that have the talent. How can the creators of Zone of Enders become upset when jet fighters and giant robots are all the rave and people get the idea to create prints based on the ideas?

Instead of getting mad, they should just write a check and sign me up to create for them.

Don't sue me. Pay me!

Of course I say infamy is grand, but I don't want to deal with crazy lawyers banging on my door about copy rights so I like to create original work and surf the net for potential buyers of an idea.

Now can I go around suing people that look at my work, capatilze on something I missed out on, and not give me credit? I could but why would I, I would just ask to be paid my little compensation fee and have a nice day.

Well in a world of civilized people that is....


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