I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

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Hold the Line Reboot

Posted by AdventVoice - April 5th, 2018

Recently one of my peices was compared to  the cover of Kreators album"Endless Pain," album. I thought this was intersting and because it was brought up I decided to visit some sites that help to shed some light on the idea behind this German Metal Band.

  Very curious how my American art can be confused for the stylings of German design so I wanted visit and see who they were and if they still perform or create works. They were apparently introduced to the world on October 1985 by Noise Records. Well at least this album was. They went through some ups and downs as discussed here, https://www.metal-archives.com/reviews/Kreator/Endless_Pain/805/. Now it can not really be said I am a fan of Heavey Metal, though it is insteresting that a lot of my art work has been compared to creators like HYDE and Japanese origin or this German band that has created music only a few thrashers could enjoy.

  It is nice to be counted in someone's number though. I listen to the music and compare artisitc motivations and sometimes wonder if maybe back in College we all could have had a cup of coffee together and discussed some of the problems we are trying to overcome in the world of the arts. Discuss some of the head strong wins we have established and the parralles in some of our ideas and how we can fuse them together.

  A dream conversation that would have never really been a reality because of our differances in age. Can you imagine in 1985 I was not even thought of, but my work can be said to bring back some of those memories. Which makes me happy in some regard, because I do not believe any creator should be forgotten or abused by TIME. I was born in 1988 and was not really centered around the heavy metal crowd. My influences stemmed from everything after the 90's and wanting to do more for the genre of modern and contempary art than what has been given, all in the name of the Freedom of Expression, which whenever I use that term, makes those in my immidate circle cringe because if their is no order to the sound, prose, line, structure, they can not see the art hidden inside.

 I was not the only one that had dreams of taking contempary art somewhere else; Tsurumaki has said that he tried to "break the rules" of anime when making FLCL. April 2000 to March 2001 alongside a manga and novel. It aired in the United States on Adult Swim several times between 2003 and 2011. Then we heard nothing more from them really or they got lost in video game productions and we know how grueling that life can be.


Those before me say they were inspired heavily by Anime, Punk Rock, DBZ, Naruto, Superman, and ScoobyDoo for what comes out on paper. Which could all be true. I mean GorillAZ is all of that wrapped into one packaged produced by 60 year old men but they created something that has touched the lives or many and won many awards that I would never take from them. I LIKE TO THINK Kids WITH GUNS was semiprofetic, published in 2006 and here we are now ten years later trying to figure out how kids have guns.

  After everything has been said, I really can't say I was motivated by any of these sounds, prose, lyrics, or desires echoing though our radios. I am an individal and if I cave into the idea that someone can influence what is real to me without my consent, then I am allowing someone to call me brain dead. Which we all know that is not true. I can say because of what I have experianced the art comes easy. Refelctions of dreams turned only into reality by my pen and not by men. I am hoping most of the time someone takes something postive from the content, the images are just a prop to ganer attention; when that is settled, then the story unflods.

  For the longest time there has been discussion on the dangers of video games, movies, music, anything that protrays viloence and the art that has been presented has been said to be the work of demented people. It made me so angry to hear that. To know everything I grew up with, from Something Wicked:

To Ex-Files:

TO the Pretender:

as seen as something bad, demented, disturbing, Out of this world to the point that anyone who brings to the topic of discussion possiblities that are clearly evident from every news source, and infrustructure since I was born is given this face :

While listening to what I found to be quite entertaining as a young artist. Always feeling I knew the difference between Fact and Fiction.

So, what aside from my life, entertainment, music, and liturature went into the creation of, "Holding the Line," I can not say it was Metal Thrashing Rock, I would say a love for Pulp, and Imagination and Mystery!


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