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Macbre and all it entails.

Posted by AdventVoice - April 11th, 2018

After receiving such mixed reviews about discussions poised in "SilveWOLF," https://adventvoice.newgrounds.com/news/post/1010515 I have decided to postpone any further search of this elusive club until I estabilsh a readied defense for a genre of art that seems to be getting the bad end of the accredidated stick. Since I have been made to worry about the "sensitivities," of avid readers and viewers of NG's material and content, I've decided to stage a defense for the creative minds of the Macbre, Beautfiul Bizzare, Heavy Metal Magazine, Asylum Magazine and anyother genre that can only have achieved the likes of great visuals and detailed effects from the minds of EX-CONS.

Presenting an idea to the world that most of these ecletic arts, illustrations, and views of the world originated from the bowels of prisons.

I think of men like Marque De Sade; an erotic novelist whose acclaim was originated from the Bastiel of France. Dante's video game originating from the trilogy of his comedic expression of traveling from the Inferno's to Paradise and was only materialized through his all too real ostrinization from his home land in Florence Italy.

I was applaused at the idea of my presenting, "Prison Art," or the Dark Arts to this round table discussion and those viewing would turn to the likes of Manson and Jody Aries.


As models for Macabre liturature; This demonization of what can be a grand tale of Redemption, Renewal, and Reconstructed Vision is base and of bad taste.

 Every piece of art was depicted by someone that has had to do a little time and as you can see there minds are pretty awesome. I am sure those that have seen the movie of Jet Lee in "The One," understand the concept of the soul seeking physical or incorperal assension; The Matrix comes to mind when so many fans applauded, "Mr. Smith's" desires to be free from the stench of his virutal box. "Prison," but I must suffer the corrupted conversation of those that would suggest the work of an Ex-Conn is not to be counted.

How sad your life must be; you'd never be entertained by the writings of Monte de Cristo.

I wonder what Ted Dekker would have to add to this conversation.

 who's writtings and art I've witnessed restore a many a man's soul who is locked away in the man made catacombs of the very prisons I am asked to ignore or speak less about. To forget I have seen. Michal Jackson sang about Dirty Diana whicih I always felt that was about Michael Christopher Diana but again that could be stretching things and I did not come here to make fun of Mike and his creepy ways. I came here to talk about how Babylon A.D. was given wonderful accolades and Mathieu Kassovitz was considered a fine director and writer dispite his, "How shall we say, Colorful Behavior."

Kassovitz is also known for his outspokenness, frequently making controversial comments on socio-political issues.

In November 2005, riots spread throughout suburbs of Paris following the deaths of two teenagers of black and North African descent, who were electrocuted while avoiding police ID checks and questioning. The question of whether young men were victims of racial discrimination set off a chain reaction of violence in schools, gyms, and police stations, and an aggressive response from then-Home Office Minister Nicolas Sarkozy. Sarkozy stirred controversy and outrage when he said the rioters were "rabble" and should be "cleansed" from the banlieues (suburbs) with a "fire hose".

This making me sure he and those around him have done some time in someone's lock up and developed art worthy of my posts and visual consideration.




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