I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

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Net Neutrality repeals effect on sex

Posted by AdventVoice - March 11th, 2019

I’ve made several friends online despite the trend of isolationism, protectionism, and the general threat of the FCC and global governments to begin controlling publication rights or the individual’s creative content. I have become so frustrated with talk radio, and the general media with their supposed ignorance as to why anyone would be against Net Neutrality repeals or government control of cellphone companies, Netflix, Hulu, internet broad ban, twitter, Facebook, Times Magazine, The Economist Magazine, CNN, MSNBC, all of it controlled by the government and funded by the WTO, (world trade organization.) is a very bad idea.

 Just as the World Bank having any control of a countries central banking system and holding interests’ rates at less than .1% out of some twisted notion of equality. In times passed I’ve suggested Republicans should have their own media outlet, and that was because it was clear to me that everything written or constructed for the entertainment and education of the general public is scripted for the appeasement of NWO, (new world order) and OWG (one world government) lovers, i.e. globalization supporters.

 I enjoy variety in my life.

What I don’t enjoy is censorship, the idea that no one will read or see my art based on where I live, or how much money I am willing to give to watch re-runs of the Handmaids Tale. I can’t stand the idea that my friends in Costa Rica, or the Philippians won’t be able to read my letters because I don’t believe Prime Minister Netanyahu has taken the stance of a ‘victim,’ but is being victimized by his opposition. Verbally at least. So much so that not a word is heard here much about him, besides, how incompetent, those that don’t want him in power see him.

Ahmed Hussein-suale Divela was shot in cold blood in Ghana for the positions, politically he stood for. Outside of America, taking a stand on how you feel about something gets you killed. Here, no one knows you exist and so you can’t make money and if you can’t make money in America ~ you are better off dead.

 Because of this truth I have taken the few friends I have made online and in real life (IRL) to heart and care about their wellbeing. Enough to desire snail-mail correspondence for security, in the event the ability to send a message overseas or abroad becomes impossible. In previous letters I’ve offered to mail a free publication of poems that I desire them to have. I hope to increase this list as time passes. I just don’t want to ever be alone again. Which is pretty easy, when those around you can’t explain how to take Gold-Silver-and “real money,” earned and convert it into digital dollars that can enhance your online franchise. To find someone that will be honest about the damage to intellectual property set to incur to industries forced to apply Net Neutrality repealed regulations. Conservative voices and Republican legislation have ignored the appeals of NN (Net-Neutrality) supporters like Evan Greer who suggests Ajit Pai’s repeal order crippled investment and caused layoffs of Verizon and AT&T employees. Big Cable funded politicians are confusing legislation that up hold an open internet market under normal FCC rules, while claiming to save pieces of the 2015 policy. Despite the language of the clauses, internet subscribers want an assurance that there are no loopholes in the reformed legislation that allows for broad ban providers to control what is published, seen and provided by the Free Press, online.

The Mendocino Complex fire in California was an extreme case against NN repeal, in which 460,000 acres were lost in a fire, and Santa Clara Firefighters blame the throttling of internet service by Verizon. The real heart wrenching piece of this story is the idea that Verizon suggested if the Fire Department had paid for better service they would not have had to deal with the slow reception.

Apparently ISP’s will act in the brand ban providers economic interests, even at the risk of public safety. This can be said of small business proprietors who, because they do not pay for the premium packages advertised by the holders of broad ban connections, their e-commerce will be regulated and or information lost.

Joseph Cox, a writer for “Motherboard,” believes this ‘bounty hunting,’ practice is due to the overplayed hand of the FCC and FTC regulations.

I personally can not see the motivation behind the bartering of geolocations and data of individuals. This information is sold to low level officials and people not authorized to have it in order for bail-bonds me to find people. That is not new information, it has been going on for thirty or more years. There are those that believe none of us have a right to privacy and we are all subject to become criminals and the best way to prevent crime is to monitor people at all times.

For some reason the FCC thinks if people are aware of the trade and selling of their data information or the ability for law enforcement to raid their homes without probable cause because the individual has been tracked to their place of residence via their phones, customers will be more agreeable to this violation of privacy.

The truth is, since the inducement of these policies, developed by private entities and sold to the government, the American people have had their 4 Amendment rights violated and many have been jailed or imprisoned by these tactics with no more than circumstantial evidence, here say, and a geolocator data harvested from an Unsubs phone. Where law enforcement were bogged down by regulation, cyber interfaces have paved the way for ‘precognitive,’ and ‘forensic,’ technologies to aid in obtaining warrants, indictments, and prosecutions virtually without a motion of discovery or trial. Typically cases aided by these blood hound enforcement measures end in plea bargains by suspected criminals who can not explain to a court why their geolocator pin-pointed them in the vicinity of a crime.

 I’ve been made to wonder if the general public and local law enforcements and the brass that implement statutes and act upon legal clauses that encourage the ‘life-time,’ or yearly monitoring of already having completed their time convicts. By any normal legal standards, if the notion of harassing those that have served their time in prison and simply desire, upon their freedom, to achieve what everyone else has, Constitutional rights restored. When free among the general public, should not these men and women be given Constitutional protections as (free citizens.) Are people truly ignorant of the parallels between this system and that of the interment procedures of those considered combatants against the control and command of WW2 US, Russia, England and Germany. I mentioned these because in as a snapshot of history these are the only countries that implemented the use of camps to confine someone based on race, creed, caste, or sex and the implication that because the world was at war and because Germans, Japanese and Jews or the mentally degenerate were the cause of most troubles, they were ‘spirited away,’ in the night when deemed not to comply with that eras rule of law.

 It is not so much that I believe in Theocracies, though those that oppose my views may accuse me of such. They may say I would weaponize ‘forgiveness,’  and free everyone that is locked up. That is going to the other extreme. I am for the rule of law, knowing full well that when I am wronged I will desire retribution. Since my college years I’ve been proposing that as justified as a court may be to convict me, I am equally justified to wield my tongue, retain my rights to privacy, in pursuit of happiness. In hopes of rising above the murk found in my flaws, obtaining freedom from the institutions of criminality or DOC.

As idealistic as this is perceived, none of this is monopolized by Christian or Democratic views but is equally humanistic.

When we consider The Dream Weaver's past and all he has been through, the things shared of his time in prison have been discussed in hopes of others becoming willing to share their own stories. I have always people not be the sum total of our flaws.

Those are not just words for me. It is a belief that allows me to see women as Maggie McNiell as not flawed at all but an architype of what a heroine freedom fighter looks like. Her unashamed stance on sexuality and sensuality appeals to a man such as I, who was imprisoned behind his sexual desires, which honestly could not be beaten out of him, starved out of him, stun-gunned out of him, nor through phycological badgering, could I be made to feel shame for my love a woman.

 I have made excuses for her out of admiration. She never did answer my question about the fate of men in this game of cat and mouse poised by sequesters of adult literature.

“What is to happen to the men who’ve agreed, for the sake of peace, in their homes, with their lovers choice to make ends meet by trading services for goods?”

…Silence was all the decriminalization(ERs) gave me. Contempt for bringing up the masculine equivalent to their Venus.

“Where is Venus without Eros, where is woman without the quencher of her thirst? Are you truly willing to stand by and say nothing while supporters of your trade are threatened with castration, mutilation, emasculation and death by the same group that in a pinch will throw you to the wolves in the midst of a litigation suite because you made more than them in their entire life time through tax free means?”

…It is better not to ask, saves me on the heart ache to know her sweetness is for the moment. Leaving questions that remain unanswerable to die. In my heart of hearts, I know she has been there, she has seen levels of pain I could never imagine and her ability to stand on any position for as long as she has and it seems like she is alone, content to write her books and dream of worlds that would be if given a little push. She is 52 or 53 and still I desire her. When she is 71 and makes it to 120 years old I know I will desire her as much as I do now. She is nearly an immortal to me now for the aura that surrounds her thirty plus years of work. I suppose when it’s all said and done and the final chapter of our lives are revealed I would like her to know she’s been the best friend a guy could ask for. 


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