I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


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Dream Weaver: An Answer for Black Illustrators.

Posted by AdventVoice - March 15th, 2019

A few days ago I asked,

Abysmal0 https://abysmalzero.newgrounds.com/, who is not to be confused for others of similar names:

https://twitter.com/abysmalapathy or https://www.deviantart.com/abysmaljack, and artistic motivations, about a character from her collection of erotic beauties. Who she would like to see pared with the Dream Weaver?

Pared is not the right word. I wanted to know who she thought would be a suitable fuck for him. I was expecting just one of her characters and to my pleasure and I am sure to any man’s desire, she offered me her twins. Ebony and Amber

(The Irish red head on top is Ebony) and (The German blond on the bottom is Amber)

Age 29, Dom (Ebony) and Sub (Amber)


Separated at birth, Ebony living with her father in Ireland and Amber with her mother in Germany, the two of them reunited on a late night while Ebony was taking her motorcycle sabbatical after her father's death in her early twenties.

They immediately felt something special between them...but didn't realize that special something could be them being twins until they saw their mother's reaction at Ebony.

When you're raised as strangers, it certainly makes things complicated. For now, all the two know is that they want to spend their time together living it up, however fleeting it may or may not be.


Fun Design Detail: The two were designed to be a play on Guiness and Heineken beers. 

Abysmalzero was certain from what she knew of the Dream Weaver, he would especially enjoy Ebony. The redhead who is the more dominate of the two. Prior to this introduction I had not seen any renditions of these twins. In fact when she mentioned twins I began to search for her various galleries looking for her original characters that would fit that description and was sure she meant Kime and Kimi: 


Guess which is the "evil" twin. P:

I think the one with the clearer glasses, giving pleasure to the one on top is the 'evil,' one or at least most in control most of the time.

Which would not have been a bad deal either. Overall I find most of her designs and sensual ideas to be so delicious that I go to bed dreaming of her creations. I am sure she blushes to herself to know she has such an effect on men like me. I’ll have to ask her one day if knowing someone is aroused by her inner most expressions of desire is an added bonus to her productions?

As I’ve begun working on the sketches of my numerous projects, I’ve started to think of the words of wisdom coming from my mother.

I know, I know, it is odd to think of your mother as you decide the right position to illustrate a threesome with two twins, one German, the other Irish. Each moaning in pleasure from the insatiable gun slinger, who’s seen the under belly of the American penal system, more than any healthy individual should. I mentioned her, my mother, because I remember as a child she was so certain that their were just not enough “Black,” faces in entertainment, literature, movies, cartoons. Etc. It just was never enough and she certainly was not trying to understand our (my siblings and I) midnight binges of Adultswim or AniNation (https://issuu.com/anination-theinternationalanimation). Now that I mentioned it and have an original character few have seen I should send the Dream Weaver to Newtype, if it is still being published in print.

As I begin this process and advertise my work, I wonder at times if my mother can see it and if she does, is she pleased with the idea of a sharp shooting vagabond who travels from his dreams to anywhere he wants to be, fulfilling the needs of others, before his own. Speaking up for the weak, standing with whores. Strengthening the fatherless, wanting more for the unlovable and changing the perspectives of the cynical who spend their days dreaming of outrages to correct, or how unfair a social system is, without providing rational solutions?

I have really appreciated the acceptance of the Dream Weaver from those that have read of him: https://www.deviantart.com/adventvoice/journal/The-Dream-Weaver-784160376 and those willing to donate power points and real cash into the development of his overall story. I have a lot of love to give to https://www.deviantart.com/spaceshipearth for their recent show of support.

To receive such consolidation from Abysmalzero goes a long way as well. When she said I could devise fan art based on her original characters, I was excited. When an independent character is given freedom to be themselves and not compared to the gazillion ideas that came before them, you know you’ve developed something special.

Of course it is hard to say if my mother, friends, and close associates could really get over their own biases or limited ideas of what a ‘hero,’ is supposed to look and act like, enough to dive deep into the cogitations of the Dream Weaver to understand why Abysmal0 believes he could handle twins or even deserves to.

In my family we still argue over whether or not the God of the Universe will punish a man for having more than one wife or condemns adultery with the death of the children born out of wedlock? Since I was a boy, born out of wedlock, I taught to those around me that men like King David, King Solomon, and Judge Jehu or the ((Adulteress of the Wall (John.8 KJSV)) each had a level of favor from God despite their conduct behind closed doors.

 I was not wrong either. God permitted David to have an many wives as he desired, he was just not permitted to steal and kill for one. King Solomon could love as many lovers as he could handle wisely, if they all worshipped God as he did and did not show favor to the designs of those outside of the mystery that is laid up for the righteous of the Lord God of Israel. Judge Jehu, born out of wedlock become high the house of elders despite his mothers sex crimes, and was given many victories in battle, from the Lord. The Adulteress of the Wall, I call her that because the elders of Israel were going to stone her to death until it was revealed that their lives were no better than her own and since only the righteous can judge the unrighteous, only the pure of heart can obtain any real balance, in our very dark world. She is then free to live and sin no more.

 Of course this message just sets my family in a rage and convinces them that I have fantasies of married women coming to please themselves in my parlor and God finding no fault if simply allow him to watch. The truth is; if you find yourself in the presence of two beautiful women who look good and are willing to give you the universe; if you do so in return, for no other reason than love and compassion, who can fault you on how you express that love? Only those not receiving the same.

 In September of this year a court order in India was issued in which telecom companies were ordered by the government to block 827 porn sites; as we have the nerve in America to presume the denial of potential economic securities is not political.  (https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/theshadling/twitch-thot)

I’ve just been having a hard time trying to understand what people get out of denying sex. I can only presume from what little I know; government officials are simply upset that they are not on the receiving end.

 Several interesting facets as I have been working on my latest NSFW production: ((https://www.patreon.com/posts/dream-weaver-his-25324029))

A year ago, I realized there was a lot of censorship of data from Google and tech firms and knew if I sought to get the word out about civil issues I’d be blocked: https://adventvoice.newgrounds.com/news/post/1009939 & https://www.reddit.com/user/LaughingMANB/comments/88dt0r/now_why_would_this_occur/?ref=share&ref_source=link Yet their was no proof outside of no ‘real,’ engagement, good or bad from anyone about some very controversial discussions I was wanting to have at the time. Now I can actually see the flags posted on my website. It is very dishearting to know my livelihood and the potential for more, paid for my talent is non-existent. For many reasons and a thousand different dynamics but mainly because of my promotion of ‘positive sex,’ heterosexual interactions, the male ego, interracial relationships and prison reform away from progressivism.

Now it is not impossible for me to change my content. To discuss something else, to never ever again speak on the abuses online institutions, who find it convenient to deny artists visibility and traffic because for St. Patrick’s Day, I illustrated a Caucasian woman kissing an African American. I could begin to only draw Pokémon, landscapes and birds. I could say nothing of the parallels between what happened in ancient history to Dream Weavers of the past and the hunt that is occurring now. I could completely dilute my talent, draw stick figures and discuss my latest attempts at shadow puppets to keep my fingers busy and stave off boredom. None of that would change how disgusting it is for my America, home of some of the best artists and story tellers in the world, to deny me visibility.

I’ve worked out how crazy people must see me, after I hand them a card with my numerous online contacts and one encrypted website, only to find the information dissected and dismantled by entities I can not really give a name to. Google is bigger than just a search engine now.

I could waste the money to print my various findings, but receiving no response because the information is seen as science-fiction or short fiction stories without a ring of truth in it and in essence dispensable, makes me wonder why anyone chooses to write anything?

 Type into Google’s search engine: “Why are there not enough African American Illustrators, NSFW or otherwise?”

And you will receive every answer under the sun for the oppressive hand that’s been upon the Black Illustrator, but I am sure my own study of this topic will be most enlightening.

 13 is the number of well known African American illustrators, according to Wikipedia. What do they all have in common?

They are children book authors, activists who seek to showcase American pop culture of their particular ear and outside of the struggle for diversity in the illustrative guild, Nilah Magruder of Pasedena, Maryland and Peter Ramsey (director of Rise of the Guardians) are the only to contribute to the world of art, space for a few ethnic values. Despite their achievements, they could not succeed in developing a black centered media, why is that? Neither would they have illustrated a black man loving any woman, black or white: Of course they can escape the aftermath of ridicule by devising a “furry,” that symbolizes a colored person, but for me, I just don’t consider myself an animal and have come to agree with my mother, there is not enough Afro-centric content.

I am not in that list of all-stars or Coretta Scott King Award winners or children book authors, nor do I believe illustrators are only good for coloring books and picture books for those that can’t read. I have not been awarded the Mississippi Medallion for outstanding children books and neither will I ever be, because I can’t condone diluting language to appease a market place that feels “The New Yorker Magazines,” portrayal of the African American culture is Drake, Michael Jackson, Tippy-Toe, and Mr. Peanut.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved E.C. Stoner and has his company survived his death, I would have loved to illustrate for him. But in a world were the Furry Market is taking precedence and Sara Jensan, 28 years old can make $500.00 in Minnesota, drawing racoons and bunnies, I can’t help but to wonder what is going on in the world of art?

The Women Who Draw website boasted of receiving 1,200 submissions in a 24 hour period. None of it was a reflection of the black community mind you but it is amazing to think in one day their were thousands of women globally that wanted their work featured. Due to lack of woman power the site shut down, again their was this major incentive to separate the sexes and not encourage NSFW material, but they did give exposure to a lot of illustrators of color, just wish they were male ego friendly.

I have written reports on my idea of the word, “minority.” https://avproductionsblog.wordpress.com/2018/02/19/power-of-the-tongue/

Just because something as mystifying as the “black,” illustrator is seen through 13 eyes, according to Wikipedia, and Google will take you all the way to Kenya and feature Jeochumba, by no means should the black graphic artist be considered a ‘minority.’ Neither should we shy away from the idea of the healthy relationships found in interracial love.

In San Francisco Neryl Walker can sell renditions of Leroy Neimans’s Femlin, but ask the same from the black culture in the black perspective and we will shy away from it all the time. As if black is not sexy or desirable. That has been a personal ambition of mine for a while. To confront this aversion from including the male ego into cultural conversations, especially the black male.


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