I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

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My overall outlook on the global market

Posted by AdventVoice - April 17th, 2019

How do I make friends online?

I was asked this very interesting question by a wonderful artist friend a few days ago that has been having trouble navigating social media and other platforms that allow us to establish contact with people outside of our own comfort zones.

Coming from a military background, and having seen a lot of the world and having traveled by foot across America in the past, I have never considered that there would people that did not understand the power of solicitation and why it is considered illegal and frowned upon in so many states of the greater united states.

The first few things I learned over the years about social media is that one should not be afraid to share how they feel or devise a conversation. Most people don’t know what they want to talk about and so it is wonderful to begin most conversations with a question. A lot of the times I make it about them because most people like to talk about themselves, opposed to listen to stories about you, who is asking questions about them. There was a time in my youth when I began with the abc’s of getting to know people online. “What is you asl? (Age, Sex, Location) from there we typically can decide where not to take a conversation. After you have determined who you are talking to, always affirm the boundaries of how long this conversation will last and what the topic is.

For example, a lot of the time I like to talk about money and the prospect of making it with the assistance of others. For a long time I have felt if it does not make dollars it won’t make cents and that is really true to life. Whether I am spending that money or they are spending it on me does not matter. Money is going to be spent somewhere.

I don’t particular condone using money to make friends online, but what other use for the internet is there? This idea of making solicitation illegal to curb online prostitution, pornography and the sex market, has gone on too far and the reason why I push so much to interact with people despite our very clouded legal system. The War on Whores and Sex workers should not affect me as an artist but the laws set against solicitation, and making ends meet to pay rent or to build a financial enterprise online has taken a toll on many industries and I don’t want you, I, or any future generations to continue to suffer, due to the misunderstands of past corporate bodies.

As artist, creators, musicians and entertainers we are in the business of giving people what they want but we are not slaves to the people. We have the ability to interact with the world and actually move it. The silence that is impending from our lack of existence and accessibility is much too daunting to consider. So when I read reports from conservatives or liberals that suggest there is something wrong with this present generations dependency with the internet, cell-phones, and telecommunications industry which is what has grown into our now global social media outreach platforms, I am horrified at their present inconsideration to our creative spark.

It is much like my irritation with my family and friends who don’t consider https://twitter.com/Scope2Mars






And the million other forms of communication to be lucrative or affective in the way of business but when they desire to begin a self employed business, desire to use these very same platforms to advertise there less marketable ideas.

As a young man communicating my desires to those around me in the hopes of merely devising conversation is all I knew. Being friendly with everyone, even those that think differently and express their own desires in means of which I could never dream is what made University education a thing of massive beauty. In the midst of college I realized that we were all fresh out of highschool playing as adults in a world that was not ready for us. Thus everyone was friend and potential business partner and that is how I still see the world and desire to communicate with people.

It is how I would expect others to communicate with me, especially if I am in a position to send funds to aid in there capital ventures, great and small.

I see you all as potential owners of companies that will outshine the days gone by and that is why I seek to appeal to your better natures and keep in your good graces. The merchant has a saying that will never tire, “The customer is always right.” Those of us that have gotten in the business of supplying products to the masses of volatile worth have to consider that those consuming our product line have a say in what they are receiving and when we ignore it, we are only hurting ourselves. It incentives creators to get out there ask people what they would like see, how can we reinforce their dreams and by helping others we help ourselves.

At least that has been my personal motto and it has served me well. Thus far.

You have to remember, before I became the author https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/AVplusME and creator https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=37570430 I am today I was a traveling kid, a pikey, and without a home or a job that could keep a roof over my head, I had to play music on the street, fill my hat with about $500.00 in cash and then go to Vegas, play cards like crazy to turn that into $5,000.00, just to do it all over again. All of it was through communicating with people and giving them a product that made them enjoy life. At least more than I was.

I had to keep a smile on my face and remember that my dreams of a better tomorrow are what fuel my creative engine and as long as I am not in the same place or predicament that I was the day before, then I am getting ahead.

Living life day by day, hour by hour, one dream at a time, in hopes of one day holding the universe in a glass.

Those where my beginnings and as long as I am not back there in reality and have a product to sell, then I have a reason to communicate with people and make more friends who will keep me out of the hands despair that captured so many people in my “under privileged,” past.

I placed that phrase in quotations because that was recently summed up of my life by a very interesting person who though she is getting older, lived a rather jaded life and thought because of my stories and reality and how I look at things, I only devise these articles from the realm of an under class individual, looking to become famous and do nothing with the money I earn, besides spend it with the undeserving.

That is a bad business policy. I can’t get along with people if I am going to go around calling people undeserving or more deserving based on what they have in their wallet. Sigh. So I never establish friendships based on what they can give me, but what I can give them from the sweat of my talent.

In return for their talent and with proper pay for what they produce. What is proper? What ever you ask for, of course. Just don’t ask for a million dollars cause I have not devised a million dollar plan yet.

One day maybe.

A signature way I have decided to make friends with world after such a long and difficult journey, is not being afraid to share my story. https://avproductionsblog.wordpress.com/2016/07/ I don’t know of many of have read this piece of description about my work, but that was one of the original aims of the website, was to aid others in realizing that they are just as important anyone else. There art and talent, their music, their poems, that spark needed to be seen and heard and remembered and if someone like me can devise content worth reading, so can others. I try rather hard to hold onto these memories so not loose the aim of my mission.

You all have something to share and it is in my willingness to listen that I write this article today. Wanting to encourage us all to remember the internet, social media, blogs, and telecommunications is about connectivity and we as a society need it. I love the fact that the internet has allowed me to be apart of a global society and speak to people from Russia, Prague, Slovakia, Sweden, and California and anywhere else people will listen. I am amazed when I receive a response or a like from someone from the U.K. who stumbled upon my articles and decided to chime in, give their view point and teach me something.

That to me is better than money a lot of the times. That is what allows Discord and Skype to me a stroke of genius and Pay-pal to be a wonderful tool. To transfer funds for ideas created in our solitary moments.

I hope as creators you don’t miss out on the chance to be friendly with others and work on your people skills. From there you can become what ever you want to be. You can sit in your loft towers of imagination and inspire those younger than you to keep the franchise of the Arts alive and valuable.

Yes. This is how you make friends online. By remembering we all need each other to keep networks flowing and the possibility of building those mansions in the sky a reality.

It is also a good way to fill in the time and not feel so lonely.

With my desire to speak to people on any range of topics. I never really have to claim I am alone anymore. With the internet, there should always be someone there willing to listen.

Maybe spend/receive a little money.  


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