I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

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Joined on 5/15/17

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My Little Brother Came To Town!!!

Posted by AdventVoice - August 26th, 2019

So my little brother paid me a visit last night. That last time I spoke to him or of him was:



I am a little afraid of what his reaction to my work might be.

He is not much for conversation these days. ( I should mention this now before I forget, I have meant to do it in times past but other things come to mind. So I knew when the last time I saw him, he was about 16-17, that he would have to find his way without me. It would be tough, but I was determined to live without Government support. No government support translates into not serving the military as well as not settling for the allotted food stamps that are given by the government and asked of able bodied men to accept at the sacrifice of livable wages. I have always wondered if Republicans and conservative Christians, that say they love the men and women that sacrifice for their country, know that is what they are really saying to people when they tell them to get off of welfare, denounce their commitment to ACA and all of the other talking points that they use to earn votes of the people they say they are governing? I wonder if Democrats are aware of the damage they commit to people they preach to when suggesting a complete government take over of their food distributions services and University campuses and avenues of employment at the exclusion of start-up and non-profits or heavy tax-regulations? Whatever. When I dumped University studies, whom barred me because I sought to implement avenues of the law,that aided men and women to find justification and clemency for their criminal actions opposed to settling for adverse prosecutorial misconduct and abuse, when I left home and traveled with the Occupy Movements and set out to march against Wall Street, or homelessness, and the increased "Food Insecurities," set upon the people of this country, I was determined to do so without government support. I still do a lot of the time and though the work is slow and aid limited, I still hold out hope in finding those willing to aid in raising awareness to some of this massive issues.) <<I mentioned all of that because of what he said to me lastnight: He joined as an avenue to leave a home in which during the time he joined, food was hard to come by and work was even harder. The Great Recession of 2008 which I mention briefly in a lot of my segments and articles and blogs hit people hard in a lot of ways. My aim after returning from the dead or what should have killed me, is just to shed light on the adventures that were had during that time and why people do what they do in the name of freedom.

It has been years since we have seen each other face to face and there is a lot to discuss but work or what we want to do with our lives after years of limited contact and the struggle to keep food on the table and support our loved ones, well we were happy to see one another after it was all said and done.

I gave him access to my work..at least I gave him a business card. iu_50810_6384799.jpg Which I am hopping he won't make me regret in the future by any negative feedback of the work or doubts of the marketability of the franchise. I told him I would produce a piece of art for him. I am not sure if I have mentioned this before, but as kids, he loved dinosaurs so I might produce a piece of board art with his favorite dinosaur and send it to him. Kind of like a memento to the good old days of art.

When he met me last night, he asked me what have I been getting into. It is hard to describe to someone, anyone, let alone your little brother, who is your best pal, what it is you want to do with your life after the burning crucible's that occur in life. https://avproductionsblog.wordpress.com/2018/05/01/they-have-called-me-a-degenerate/

I can write and write and tell my stories, https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/dream-weaver-s-contempt but I don't think I could ever really convey what it is I want from all of it. Just to say I did it I guess. LOL. I mean without making any real change or opening the eyes of those around me to the hurt that is caused by the decisions of the selfish and expecting them to want and desire better. I don't know what to expect of people.

I have not yet heard from my brother about my art, or my stories. I know he does not agree with For-Profit-Prison's which is nice. Yet I believe he does not believe in the process for my sake and I want him to realize it is damaging to a lot more people than myself. https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/dream-wavers-aim I want him to realize that I am not asking for charity and never have. That in supporting the work and giving to https://www.patreon.com/AdventVoice he is not just helping his big brother stem off starvation and reduce the chances of him having to resort to cannibalism: or by helping me find sponsors and publishers or investors in the art he would be helping beat off the social head hunters that would like to end the creative process that we all grew up loving and entertaining ourselves with: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/thief-of-void-the-dream-weaver-page-2. By supporting his big brother, he could give a little of his time and energy in encouraging artists like myself and the friends I have made: ((There are a lot of you)) and in doing so aid fueling the fires of creation that wakes us up every morning. I am hoping after I complete this project for him and finish telling the story of the Dream Weaver when he was in a University town and before his trips abroad: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/dw-nadia-cover-page-bad-guy That he will find the effort to be a worthy investment and desire to give into the cause or raising awareness to the ambitions that pile on my desk, as I sit high in my loft tower.

Be sure to keep your fingers crossed!!



Ok I’ll try to keep my fingers crossed just for you