The title of this report is misleading, for I'm sure I'll get paid in a another week, but with Covid-19 running the world scared, my employers have saw fit to make life hard for me. I'm hoping it's virus related and not a reflection of what they think of my apitude to do the job.
When I'm not producing art, as you know I Care-give...stressful right?
A private group, not beholden to governments or state laws. I liked it since I was not expected to pay taxes...6000 a year..I was not going to pay taxes anyway. Now, that my check is every 2 weeks and liable to be 50 usds instead of the usual 100 usds..I'm hurting.
I don't say this as click-bait, or a desire to silicate monies. Merely to inform friends and supporters of the reason behind my recent lack of production.
Truth be told, it should not stop my art, but producing comics out of a cardboard box, or a cave just does not sound conducive to my health. I shared most of this on Twitter: @Scope2Mars but many of you don't tweet so I'm reiterating my state of depression and desire to produce content that uplifts us all...please bare with me (those that support me)