I love how you created a whole world, and made a pan-pipe playing musician that flies awesome ships. Can't wait to read the comic!
I love how you created a whole world, and made a pan-pipe playing musician that flies awesome ships. Can't wait to read the comic!
Bubble Yum!
This was a great design and I admire the use of the blue outline. Great work on the hands as well. I have a thousand different songs that come to mind when I see this image. It would make a great EP cover.
She has a cool fashion sense. She reminds me of someone I used to know.
I was wondering, is the midriff seen a lot in Slovenia? The only thing that is missing is a belly button ring. Not that it takes away from the image for not having it. I find it to set of all the "Cool VIBRATIONS," of my myopia.
sometimes..yeah you can see it
I wonder what she is like on the pole? https://www.deviantart.com/adventvoice/art/Anansi-In-Flight-751007537
Black Widows can be sexy!
HAHA. Unlimited possibilities indeed.
This would make good design for just about anything. Cover of a book, A story that has been untold. Skies the limit really. A lot of people like Sanskrit and Chinese lettering for the exotic feel of the text. The idea of how far it is from everywhere else and a different language always carries the appeal to ones imagination.
It also brings to mind how many of us feel after eating a fortune cookie, Does it really mean, today is my day, or, that I am going to be successful, or are they really laughing at me for opening that cookie. lol
This was a really fun piece.
thank you ^^
This piece of art confused the moderators of the site. They are not sure what to label it as. "E," for everyone or "T" for teen, it is too modest to be mature, but just enough inference in her expression that at anytime the scene can turn into an adult masquerade. So much fun. lol.
Thanks AdventVoice is interesting what I mention
I always did enjoy this picture. I can't help but to wonder what she is thinking as she watches the stars.
Did I get pretty warm in my guess?
she wished for something. i hope her wish came true :3
Still one of the best ideas I have seen in a long time.
thank you ^^
Awesome piece, I love her attitude.
Thank you ^^
I really liked some of the techniques you used on this one. I wonder if those are called "rabbit lips?"
aww thank you :3 ..naah rabbit lips is when your upper lip is split or a little deformed (i had a classmate with rabbit lips).
I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!
Age 36, Other
Of Hard Knocks
All Over
Joined on 5/15/17