Everyday my art is achieving and touching someone's life to make a difference.
I don't always get it right but when I do get it right man or man do I get it right.
Gregg Housh of the: https://www.patreon.com/gregghoushshow/overview an activitst of eclectic tastes and interestes viewed one of my old pieces and fell in love 4 times. It has been so long since I even took interest in that story and art or the motivations behind it that I published in the subtext. "Some Stories Should Never Be Forgotten."
Considering Housh supporters Novermber 5th celebrations and considers that day important to the world. He really appreciated the hidden messages found in the content.
The point is he is one of those individuals I hope to continue fueling with ideas and encouraging with kind words that what he is seeking to do is worth the effort. Especially if he is willing to show me some love as well.
Just to have someone as cool as these guys into my work is an amazing achievment.
Congrats on the good recognition here with Housh
Thanks. I am hoping something nice comes from it.
I am also glad you liked that Short Story.