I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

All Over

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Making History

Posted by AdventVoice - December 31st, 2018

 It’s not hard to make history---Everyday we breathe, a step has been made to either hinder or advance history---The hard part is knowing what is worth what to whom. Knowing another man’s trash is another’s man’s treasure, when there is no money to go around, very little, does anything hold an importance.

 Recently I spent $150.00 on a piece of art and made history with the purchase. It is one of the first pieces of collectable self-portraits of the Mistress of Art, ever sold, and it is sitting on my wall. I like to believe when we all die a fiery death due to nuclear Russian invasion, when they look in my home, under a bunker of old food, books, writings and more dust, they will find the framed works of the Mistress of Art, on my wall. Displayed in all of her glory, to my pride and joy.

 Now you might say, ‘We are heading into a financial meltdown, there is a trade war with China, they are building a wall and their won’t be any more ‘south of the border,’ labor to buy and you waste $150.00 on a picture of a woman, when you could have bought food, gold, or’…anything else that would not make a bit of difference to me when my time on this earth is over.

You could say all of that and nothing would dampen my stride of excitement that occurs with being in a position to buy it and find the right spot on my wall to hang it up.

Such trepidation and anticipation of having nothing to the point, they spend nothing on the hard labor of those in my guild, makes me sick. Instead of talking about it, I decided to take the lead on this issue and by example purchase Mistress of Art’s work and love her tenderly, as I desire others to love me, my works, books, and blogs.

Having one of four pieces will satisfy me. It would be nice to know where the others end up. Speaking of which, I placed three portraits of my own,  ( https://adventvoice.newgrounds.com/news/post/1034107 ) for sale and who ever buys them will be really fortunate and wondering where they will end up has been on the forefront of my mind all day. Who will pick them? What will be their motivation? What would captivate them about the pieces of work, will they buy them as a set or separate?

What would you be meeting if we were face to face?

You would meet a man who prided himself on his intelligence, once upon a time. An intelligence that did not amount to much when he was in college. His intelligence showed him the evils of prosecutors and judges who would use their influence to silence the clemency of defending attorneys, due to ‘state regulations,’ finding themselves having to choose between advancement to partner and the inner councils of the department of justice. By sacrificing the lives of presumably innocent men and women or fighting to preserve the security of those that sought their advocacy and their lively hoods. All on the securities of the poor-destitute-and uneducated.

State regulations decreed a lawyer defending the innocent till proven guilty or the guilty till proven innocent, will only receive $800 monthly and in ‘selling,’ plea bargains and guaranteeing pocket books of the district attorneys, who are incentivized by our present government to fill prisons to secure a working class and their own financial securities ergo the term For-Profit-Prisons, a taint in the American legal system, that has hurt the heart of the man that writes you today. Due to this knowledge, made him turn from law to wanting to work in journalistic studies.

 Doing a lot of satirical work has gotten me in a few scrapes and many would like to see that I don’t write any more.

You will find a man that loves women, every inch of what they have to offer, but I desire to be with one woman. I want a woman who will love every inch of what I have to offer and won’t try to make me feel bad because I am willing to help the needy and disenfranchised.

It’s been asked of me, “Do you want to be known as a “Great Artist,” and have fame?”

The answer is a surprise to many, No. I am not seeking fame, or riches, truly believing that will come, has come and it is not predicated upon how anyone takes to my work. People look at me and are certain there is a level of unhappiness or anger hidden inside of me. No, I am healed of pain. That is why I draw.

No, I am seeking to tell the story so nothing is lost in the folds of time. I believe we all should do this and if millions come to glean some truth and pay into the effort that is all well and good but the true riches and achievement reside in the ability to carry everyone I meet into the forefront and visibility of this world and to be counted just as important as those with all the money in the world.

 I suppose this is because I have seen how people with billions are treated. Everyone wants to be your friend when you can pay for the glamor of a fleeting moment. When the lights have stopped flashing and your back to an average nine-five life style, they don’t even say hello during the holidays.

 Instead to hold the universe in a glass means, to me, to be loved unconditionally and to return that love to those I meet. You can, but should not buy friendships. You can but should not buy kindness.

The Great Recession of 2007 nearly destroyed my pride. A man with no pride is a welp. I said it. We know it is true. Where it is unnatural to look at a man with any respect who can not hold fast to a goal, it is especially unnatural to expect a man with no pride or self-respect to take the pain of this world and create beauty from it.

Now in this same forum discussion I refuse to understand those not willing to make a profit on art.

Oh, sure they will sell their own works if someone happens to want to purchase rights or the ability to use the image as a logo for some company, but to whole sale a product or be found assisting of sell of art, there are rare deficits that boggle my mind. I asked some constituents on their thoughts on the trade or sell of art and many suggest not selling to be prudent and kind.

I disregard this advice because it does not erase the fact, no matter how kind it is to be perceived, that art is meant to be sold, traded, adored, fawned over and out of my view before I am dead, if it is to hold any meaning in the world. As much as a book, a poem, an autobiography. It is not commercialism, consumerism, or Warholism, certainly not the latter. That method of trade offends and gets you shot. It is capitalism in the best form of application and the denial of the sale, the hinderance of the trade and the silencing of such an image that is screaming to be seen is akin to barbarism. Selfish practice of sequestering talent and stifles progression.

Nothing will change if we are not willing to change it. Nothing is gained from having an avenue to profit and better oneself and not taking it.

Presently the allure of making history as a male artist upon the wings of beautiful women should not be such a far-fetched idea. Considering how nouveau its become to be a woman in our global culture today. My three paneled showcase is an advanced experiment with the culture I find myself in. One in which I hope to understand the people that are gravitated to the art. To see what they see, and hopefully define my own evolution from the presentation as the years go by.

Here is the thing, so many artists of any real clout and have a show case, suffer- by their own admittance of some mental illness that makes them hard to deal with or socially awkward. My experiment is to persist that creators don’t have to be seen as freaks, just as looking at beautiful women and enjoying them does not have make you a pervert.

Because Congress amended Section 706 of the Communications Act of 1934 to allow a sitting president to shut down or take control of any facility or station of wire communication upon his proclamation that their exists a state or threat of war involving the United States, I have been desiring to establish hand written correspondences with all of my friends from over seas. I really want snail mail availability with those I meet since we live in such precarious times. Believing that the months and years I’ve put into my work might come to naught and the few friends I have made abroad and at home should never be without the understanding that there is a little man, sitting on the edge of the universe that cares about the well being of them all and wants only the best for them in the coming new year.



We're approaching another 2008 this year. Sigh. When could we get out this circle of hell...

Stay strong, my friend. Happy new year