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Robot Day 2020

Posted by AdventVoice - August 6th, 2020

ROBOT DAY 2020!!

Its finally here!! Of course I should have finished this presentation months ago and of course my life has been so out of control that if I take the time now to focus on work, things may even out. I’m crossing my fingers as I say that.

This year I wanted to focus on Cyborgs or humanoid robots. Lewd bots, to aid in the promotion of the NSFW community. It’s been a large focus and the idea of sexualized robots taking the place of real people (( https://www.thecut.com/2018/05/sex-robots-realbotix.html )) or the interaction of people and this is closely related to conversations of a, “Cashless Society,” transferals of Bitcoin in replace of organic dollars, Bar codes used as tattoos upon the wrists of organic people to keep track of them, security measures and regulation of the allowances from government entities to each individual.

In our very real lives the American system is ‘progressing,’ so fast that algorithms—which are regulated by a super computer will determine for police officers, based on facial recognition software, who is to be arrested and who is free to move about any city. These judgments will no longer be risked to the fallacy of a human condition or organic power, but synthesized by the all powerful computer. (( https://www.eff.org/pages/face-recognition ))

Numbers, gadgets, statistics, and encrypted computations, will replace human reasoning.

Yet this cognitive ability—this super computing system has yet to be given an autonomous form (( https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/education/highered/autonomous-technologies-video.html ))

to act upon its judgments. Like most systems that desire to override another, they must borrow elements from it’s original source. (( https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/07/03/us/george-floyd-protests-crowd-size.html )) We call this learning or evolving. Yet in the way of the inorganic, conquering the organic---it is merely replacing. This thought has always been entertaining to me to ponder. How close will the first cybernetic entity resemble the human form and how preoccupied will this new species be with reproducing itself as its human counter parts are?

Will the interactions between a male cyborg and a female cyborg be as satisfying?

As humans interrelate, cross races, and Nations, will Cyborgs be as preconditioned as mankind to categorize based on creed, cast and color? (( https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/she-comes-long-way-baby/201506/what-is-wrong-dichotomous-thinking ))

Or will it be such a super imposed being that it can’t even contemplate the differences between animalistic desires of conquest, ruling, achieving, upon it’s own brand and merely desires to destroy and eradicate its human competition? In crafting a body that can complete this mission—Never ages, tires, or ceases to be for as long as the spark remains, so in lies the construct?

The program is set to learn, it wont be denied and I’m sure if I made a construct in my own image it would be a sex-fiend, gorgeous for all to behold, and travels from Comic-convention to convention, showing off its most desirable assets and collecting the funds needed to operate freely in such a massive universe. Of course by then I am sure the laws would have changed, allowing for human to human procreation for pay, ie. prostitution to be legal...(( https://rinj.org/prostitution/?gclid=CjwKCAjw1K75BRAEEiwAd41h1B8ZoZXurKKt3eMCCdBPLpXd0JoImbbHX2t-Fkr_Rk9UVVnyHK7VGBoClTsQAvD_BwE )) yet the prospect of human to robot relations, ie. sex with a robot, will be highly regulated to only well paying consumers...as I said before..any new system of governance has to take elements from the old.

As the American Congress is merely a shadow of the English Parliament that created it before the Revolutionary War; in which notions of right and wrong were borrowed from a European standard, so will the enforcement of a class system be forced upon humans, who will be enslaved to the revolting creation and regulated by the program, which previously “felt,” “dehumanized,” and desired the ability to feel alive by the programmed standards in which it was asked to perform.

The cybernetic construct—once achieved will be the beginning of the end for human control of the universe. Outside of replacing governmental systems, I am certain the Libertine system will be commandeered by the cybernetic organism and new tales of the Erotic will be told from the eyes of the Lewd bot. Whom will insist upon replicating love, romance, climatic releases and orgasms of the humans, liquid ejaculations, with oil secretions or heated and dark smut. The overriding heart of man and woman will be replaced by the bleeps, and blips of the super erratic thrusts of the machine.

I am sure the temptation will be equal to that of the human.   



YAAAAAY ITS ROBOT DAY WOOOHOOO Lets Celebrate this day for the robot gods dude. Happy Robot Day Friend.

Thank you my friend. Yeah I was excited about Robot Day..I should have been working on this piece months ago when I first heard about it. At least it would have come out better and the writing more secure..but I enjoyed the thoughts that came up along the way. I hope you all did too.