I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

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"Bad Guy," and "French Connection's"

Posted by AdventVoice - August 12th, 2020


Are two stories I aim to finish soon and will be more than pleased with myself when I do. As an Anarchists', I have personally set out to avoid the trends of yesterday and today and merely desire to illustrate the memories which fashioned me and bring to the world concepts deemed fantastic in there development.

As a creator, I don't desire to make 'masked-hero's,' and villain's and define for a generation morals or morays to live by as Stan Lee did. Creating cults in the woods or city streets in which people Cosplay as fantasies they never dreamed of.

I am really disturbed by the notion of people falling in love with Comic books, Novels, or the Bible and if they are not building conventions around ideas they neither aided in creating and reenacting or living out conceptions and ideas devised by another fallible human; they are encouraging others to read some story and create a D&D version of it for them to play. Of course holding onto such disdain is counter intuitive for even I, who is influenced by trends and morals of a past long gone. I've as of yet been able to present anything new or astounding and have found contentment in my own personal development.

In telling my own stories mind you, I'm safe from falling prey to the influence of others, I can hold to my anarchist leanings and I feel I will always be interesting, original, different and never run out of things to talk about.

Isn't it amazing though?

When you look at all of those people who dive into a story, concept, theme, culture, or the satirical diatribes of the Rap-Culture and base their lives upon what is deemed 'materialistic,' painting their faces and dressing the part of a celebrity, action hero, of theatrical production and dance the night away as a blue-haired goblin, or a knight of templar of a Cosplay Convention, or video game forum, or Fortnight game shabang-- They muse together and become what they dream, hoping to find fulfillment. Some even roleplay sexually as a little pixie and based on rules of D&D cosplay in the real world as what the script says they are to be.

Then you have the Christian, who bases their whole life, the good, the bad, the ugly, on the rules set for them in one book, that is separated by only a few thousand pages. (I've written more than that in my short life time)) and the Christian does not see themselves as merely 'reenacting,' ideals given to them by Jewish writers.

( I won't talk about how may Jewish writers control television and pop-culture and have set to making Cosplayers out of those that follow their ideals of finance, trade, and overall living. It's a stretch. ((Their is no proof of any Jews creating or aiding pop-culture, and I never considered it racists to give credit to a Jew for creating a Comic book that was worth reading and making a television show worth watching, No matter what Nick Cannon says: https://www.voanews.com/usa/race-america/nick-cannon-apologizes-jewish-community-hurtful-words )) It's very easy for someone to deny their own Jewish heritage in order to protect their work or ideas and the ridicule that arises from such revelations; never quite understood that either. If a concept works, why bother with all the name calling. Anyway, it's been an obvious fact that whether any of the said groups believe anything they've constructed, the fantastic world of comics and the Bible has created two systems of Cosplayers, I'd very much like to keep myself as a writer away from in the development of "Bad Guy," and "French Connections."

In “Bad Guy,” The Dream Weaver finds himself in love with a prostitute. In “French Connections, B.A. White, finds himself in love with a French Teacher: Both concepts are against what most deem culturally acceptable–Taboo as it were. That is broad overview of those two adventures: Finding love among the Taboo and being ok with that makes you an anarchist.

Not too long ago I read a comic by the name of: "Die KITTY DIE," by Dan Parent and Fernando Ruiz..a Chapter House publication. It was the Heaven and Hell, # 3 issue and they went on to make a gag about the struggles of Comic book artists that sought to illustrate the bible, or spread virtue signaling messages and try to reinforce a sense of piety upon people at a Comic book convention, where Xena Warrior Princess is being draw by her fans with her tits hanging out, while she is cutting a cannibal in half. Everyone mules around the art of Xena and ignore the zealots. No one is upset except for the zealots, who receive far too much support from an anxious community broadcast station, seeking to appease the general culture and, since no one can get along, the Comic book company, which decided to sexual Xena was forced to shut down. (Of course this was just in the comic book, and never really happened...but there is a lot of hidden truth in the sentiment and it is easy to cast blame on the pious for any sequestering of NSFW comics.) Truth is if someone from a community is reading Taboo material, in order to talk about all the things they hate about the sexual material, why do we allow them to speak beyond the admittance that they read and bought the material in the first place?

They decided to become pro-bono sales advocates for material they do not agree with and use there platforms to not only tell people not to read your work, but must display the work they don't want seen, so others know what it is they are to avoid. Once they see it, digest the material and are influenced, by what is presented, half the work is done and that should be more money in your pocket for all of those 'secret buyers.'

So I dream.

It's been asked of me, "Would you want your children to know you produced these works, told these stories, and think this way?" Short answer YES. When they are old enough to handle the material and know that it has nothing to do with them and there are many things for them to get involved in and I hope they share them when the time comes and are not made to fall into the world of silent thinkers, who don't take the time to do anything besides talk about what they don't or do like all day, never having created anything to add to the world at all.

For every page I read in the paper, on Twitter, or Google search engine, dedicated to tell people how they should think and what they should think about something, I hope I can create a piece of art to be used as a meme, or message, explain what life would be if you thought another way. An all inclusive devise, that did not encourage confrontation or the need for you to call me a 'Bad Guy,' but just a conversation that made a few people stop and say, interesting.



Your not a bad guy you not whoever said you are is a shitfaggot i dint think you are because i am always here to help you out dude if u need anyhelp hit me up on google hangouts.

I get my new smartphone at the end of the month...hopefully, keep your fingers crossed that I do..and I will hit you up on google hangouts, then. For now, I don't mind talking to you here. Your my best buddy!!