My aunts are lesbians who will never understand the male need to be coated in the warmth of a wet pussy. They see heteronormative sex, and ask what is the big deal, why would anyone pay that much money for it, and I try to explain how good it feels to touch the base of a pussy, dig into a cervix while the woman's clit is pulsating to be released . And they have no idea what I mean. How will I ever get a squirting pussy again?? In the 3 years that I have spent here I've not had any sexuaul interaction and it was out of respect for their life choices but I really feel like they should consider that I get one last nut before they lock me away in a nursing home.
This is the most amazing thing that I have ever read! PUSSY IS SUPREME!
You know when you watch lesbians having sex on TV, it has the same camera angling of heterosexual kissing, so you'd think that there is nothing going on but Hutchinsg Very deceptive. But in reality I need to feel the squeezing of a woman.