I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

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Time to Kick back maybe chew on some feedback!

Posted by AdventVoice - October 24th, 2017

A lot of the time when i am working on a project I aak myself, "What do I need to post in order to recieve feedback?"

I love that fact that 122 people coiuld dig the piece I did called "Unplugged!"

They looked at it and as they look my stars raise. It is a wonderful process to be recognized. I take it with a grian of salt though. Sometimes you have good days and sometimes you have bad days and the art is a reflection of feeling a lot of the time. I really try not to allow my emotions to take over. I really try to rermain placid. Then the work comes off flat and unfocused and the themes are all confused. The stories are there, but what will it take to get people really involved with the vision?

They say, "don't talk to me about religion, polotics, race, creeds, cast, sexual orientation, music, Don't share your views cause no one cares. Yet it is all I hear on the radio. It is all I see on tv, it is all I hear at the dinner table. So how can I have a good conversation about my art with those that are viewing it?


Open question? I feel like religion and race are hottest potatoes right now, talk about those in the wrong way and it's easy to step on toes, but I don't like avoiding topics either just because people might get offended. Everyone has a different world view so of course thereĀ“s bound to be differences, but just be humble with your own, and respectful towards others, and usually it doesn't seem to be a problem.

Good art makes you think, too. It opens your eyes to new perspectives and realizations. Some say it's meant to be controversial, but I don't think that should be the intention, it should just be a possibility when you make something without limiting yourself. It's expression! :D

I stumbled in here via the ID btw, 999999, Congrats on snatching that! Nice spontaneous writing too. Opened for afterthought.

Yes it is an open question and we are so pleased to have you on the floor, Mr. Devil.
We won't fly off the handle and suggest that because you have chosen that name that you anyone besides an interested passer byer. It is always safer it seems for people to be just the ones on the side walk passing by and enjoying the views.
I thank you so much for reiterating some of the ideas I share myself, that would mean we are like minded and may not hurt each other at the dinner table with our words.
This passed Thanksgiving I was asked, "How did I like the meal?"
I responded with, "It was filling."
You can not imagine how irate everyone became, It was the same turkey as last year and at no time did I express and thanklessness for having it, I paid for it, but because I did not express how wonderful the gravy made me feel, I cheated someone or made someone feel bad.
That is what our world has become.
The people I meet in passing, or have at my table have one thing in common and that is lack of imagination and a need to be led into a conversation, or they are so dumbstruck with fear of offense that have no conversation at all.
My world was never like that as a child, and I don't want a world like that for my children. Where they are afraid of expression or fear what comes out of there mouth lest it hurt someone's feelings.
I noticed in my life that the only thing that could hurt anyone's feelings was a fist to the face. Anything less than that was immaterial, not anymore it seems.
Someone asked me what was it like growing up in family, "Did anyone ever spank you for the things you said of did?"
I am kind of big and have been since I was a kid. Nah I never had to worry about someone hurting me because I offended them, I held pride in the red white and blue and the freedom of speech that came with it.
So I find I humble myself, just so I don't loose it...the freedom I mean.
I suppose it just hurts to think that I have to....
If I did not say it before, thanks for taking the time to view my site and have this conversation.
I am glad I could, "Snatch you up via the ID 999999"

Thanks for not assuming anything by the name. :) It's inspired by a game, so not as much reference there as some seem to think!

'Filling'. XD In turkey context it sounds like a fun remark, though guess it wasn't so at the table? Indeed strange that even with the 'lack' of a compliment it's taken as the opposite, though I do feel like we appreciate the luxuries of our lives a bit too little overall, would love to be more positive about little things, like a glass of water, sunshine, breakfast. Really appreciate the details. I don't do that enough. If I'd spent a lot of time making some edible mastery and didn't receive recognition I can relate too, is it really new? Words have always had an impact, and psychological torture is just as bad as physical really, not sure people are more sensitive now or not though, interesting...

Haven't really considered humility to a burden either, so that's an interesting perspective! I've been raised on the benefit of white lies, and not saying anything that'd hurt someone unnecessarily. I'm all for freedom of speech, but in the context of direct conversations I think it's better for both parties if you don't just speak your mind without forethought. Honesty, sure, but it depends on circumstance. I mean, if someone asks if I have time to go to *nameless event* and I'm really not interested, I'll tell them I'm not really interested. If I'm invited to a dinner and the host asks if I liked the food, and I hated, I won't say that. Difference being there's the consequence of being nice here is better than the alternative, whereas in the previous example I'd have to go to an event I didn't like if I'd said yes. So I guess what I'm saying is... that in the context of interacting with others I don't mind compromising my freedom of speech as to make things better for myself, or to make someone happy (which makes me feel good in return, so the former applies too).

In the context of creative content though I see it as a totally different thing, because the craft is a direct expression of yourself, and whether others chose to view it or not is up to them. And expressing yourself first means there's no one else to take consideration to. At least not the same way. Man this was actually a pretty complex topic... I'm for freedom of artistic expression regardless of consequence, and for freedom of speech too, but with regard to consequence. If everybody was angry at everyone it wouldn't be a fun place to live, so: compromise in the benefit of social kinship? Something like that.

I don't think most mature people feel a need to say the wrong things anyway, but still within context.

Also thanks for the thanks. ;) Guess we're not of all to opposite views on the benefit of appreciation after all? Pretty interesting topic.

HAHA that is so cool I am going to have to share some of your thoughts among my friends and I will keep you name out of it, Ill just say somebody I know has this really cool way of looking at things and they said this....and if you missed it, it is cause as everything else in life you were too busy with your iPhone and your head in the cloud.

Turned into a wall of text too, but happy you got some slice of sensible opinion out of it. XD For sure, and name me by name too if you wish, it's all open opinion. Hehe yeah, in the iCloud huh.

Oh well now that I know you are cool with being named, I will certainly let people know where to achieve sage advice when it comes to Freedom of Expression!

: )