That is really good ink work. I am highly impressed!!
That is really good ink work. I am highly impressed!!
Thank you! Its just pencils. No ink work yet :)
A vampire that eats only rats...does that make her kind of like a vegan, or vegetarian? I have always wondered how vampires make sure they don't get fat. or what kind of diet would they go one to lose weight. I go on vegetarian diets just to lose a few inches on my waste.
She eats r a ts when she has nothing else to eat.
I never considered you a poetic artist, but after seeing this one I feel like there is a whole story you will have share one day. It reminds me of this song:
I'm the kind of artist that will do what I feel or like. What ever comes in mind. I don't have just one style. But I like cartoon sort of stuff but not too crapy.
Your technique is wonderful. Is this in a personal dream journal?
The details on the mermaid are very nice, her gills and the speckles are a lovely touch. The pen work is nostalgic and the shade lines are classically divine. I really enjoy how you designed their mouths as well. Very sensual.
No I just love mermaids and fairy so just showing some of my old artwork.
This is an awesome piece of art. You did that on a board too! Amazing!!
Yea I did do that on wood. Only painted though.
Hmm my two picks are Delia Ketchum teaching Casey and Female Protagonist. That sounds like fun.
Now that's very enteresting! Thanks for voting!
Good grief, I would love to know what kind of digital program you use. Look at those flawless lines. Deep River.
I use Paint Tool Sai for everything! :D Not the fanciest software out there, but it works for me!
How many super girls have you made this year? I love how you designed her beach towel, very nice effects.
Thank you,Advent Voice I'm glad you like it.
It has been a while since I have posted a review on one of your pieces, and as always you find a way to inspire imagination and make me think. I love it!! Keep up the good work.
Thank you !! For both the comment and taking the time to review my art! It means so much !
You stole my heart with this one!!
Hue glad to hear that!~
I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!
Age 36, Other
Of Hard Knocks
All Over
Joined on 5/15/17