Nice story development!
Nice story development!
Thanks AdventVoice! :D
Very smooth animations!!
Hetzliver did a pretty good job of bringing everything together. I am glad you chose him to read things over.
You guys are so lovable!
Very smooth animations.
I really would have voted you number one if I had seen this video first. This is an awesome job done here and the voice acting is on point.
Alas. such is the crux of being an unknown! you can always still help us by showing your friends! the more people see this, the more likely we can get attention to make more!
This was Epic!!
It is nice that he could take her to get something to eat after all of that fighting. Never would have happened in the Matrix. They never ate and when they were found eating in a nice restaurant, you had to be careful or you would have been considered a traitor to the cause. I am a firm believer that is why they never ate during the series. So it is nice to know you take time to feed these wonderful characters.
I think, and I know my thoughts don't count for much, you should have vented a little bit. Sleep is good and I get like 20 min naps through out the day because I am a 'live-in' (care-giver) and can afford to do it...I really can't but I tell myself that just to make the idea of me sleeping for 20 min throughout the day seem ok. There are other people out there that can't do what I do and are f**** tired and need a video like this to show to there friends when they go on about how "Unproductive people sleep or complain." I suppose to tell the truth about the dangers of not getting sleep would have made the video more "T," or "M" rated so I guess for the "E" rating this was cool...I still would have complained! lol
I'm working on another video right now, but I'll tackle that topic. I appreciate the feedback.
I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!
Age 36, Other
Of Hard Knocks
All Over
Joined on 5/15/17