Crisp clean fun!! Three thumbs up! I wonder if she has been presented at a Comic-con yet?
Crisp clean fun!! Three thumbs up! I wonder if she has been presented at a Comic-con yet?
Honestly though, why can no tell the difference between the Black Man and an Ape, sigh classic failures of laughter!!
HAHA Certainly FrontPage Worthy!
Throw him over the wall!! HAHA
The best line is "Can't see me in the dark!" awesome. I also love how you making the phone a focal piece in the conversation. A lot of good topics. You made it worth everyone's while.
Thank you for being true to the art. =).
That is great. The gong is perfect. I know you were excited that you got the wings to act right. Was if a very difficult project?
This was a lot of fun and brought back good memories.
This was much like my story. No I was not a musician as gifted as your character but I did place music on the street and I do have art on some ones Wall in Miami which was made in hopes of bringing cheer in the darkest of places.
So it is nice to say out of the 111,000+ people there is one that can thank you for telling his story.
Yup, that is indeed the story of many artists who seek to push the envelope of creation. Just a little. That has-been part was pretty hurtful but it is true that some people feel that way about classical art, prose, music. Just wonderful work. Thank you.
I am surprised more people did not take time to register this feed. I was so excited when I saw it. Thank you for such a wonderful Christmas present!
This is right up my ally!
Great work and nice ending!
I don't have to look in the mirror to know that joke was anti-semitic . I also know it is anti-crip if we are going to talk about stars why did he not choose a five-point star like the game represents. Now had he chosen a five-point star he would have been anti-wiccan and anti-blood...We won't go there already went there when you said he was not attacking the jews, though he was...To be fair he should have used a five point star...that is what is funny..that he is afraid to attack wiccans cause it is easy to attack jews and watch you all laugh and tell people to look in mirrors if they have something against the joke.
As the years go by I still love to view this short classic. 2004 was a long time ago a lot has changed since then but not much. I always wonder how the creators of this are doing. Could you imagine there style influenced my own work. I could relate so much to this story that I even named one of my ex-girlfriends bunny and when ever she would present herself to be like this character I would sing the song. I sang this song as we broke up over dinner. It was wonderful
I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!
Age 36, Other
Of Hard Knocks
All Over
Joined on 5/15/17