I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

All Over

Joined on 5/15/17

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AdventVoice's News

Posted by AdventVoice - July 31st, 2018




So, we travel far and wide just to find "Truth." We have learned over the years, to never taken at face value the things we have been told and to believe everything we see on the news.

 That is why we travel and take vacations. Just to see the world from behind the lens we create ourselves. After all I have seen from Canada down to my home, All I can say is I-95 and the Jersey Turnpike are still an awesome ride and a lot has changed over time.

  I just never thought they would up-root statues, and monuments just to build a road. I cannot understand why anyone would want to change the greatest skyline the world has ever known.




Posted by AdventVoice - July 24th, 2018

A few more hours until my Birthday! July 25 1988 was a special day! To all those that watch and just happen to pass by, continue to enjoy my gallery but I will not be around for a week. Vacation Time! I am going to New Hampshire CT with the crew, Ill be sure to take pics and have lots to write about in my journal to catch you all up with. Until we meet again, Keep smiling folks!

Posted by AdventVoice - July 21st, 2018


The barbershop is a very important place for a man like me.

One who cares about making an impression upon the people he interacts with that will last longer than the average television special. I have come to believe that a person has five minutes to earn the attention of a room before they have become so bored with you they've already decided by the end of the week, how many times they can avoid cooking a meal by eatting out.

It takes a good barber an hour an a half to have a person ready to meet the world and their public for his daily life of "Five minute," snap shots of impressions. On twitter, with my monolouges and eclectic converstaion, which has not motivated any "real," constructive value, I am able to gainfully pull in 1000+ "impressions," in a day. " I would like to give credit to the art mainly; because no one on twitter knows of the man and how much he spends on his hair-cut."

All they know is his art and his words. Keeping this in mind, I am sure it is nice for many to know his haircut is as smooth as the words that are used to grab your attention for five minutes.

Very little can take me away from the need of the places that help men like me maintaine the character of "Man," we've created. I did change a particular tradition to the story of one of the mainstays to manhood. "I allowed a woman from a hair salon to cut my hair, spent the best 20.00 I ever thought I'd spend in  a longtime."

 Keeping with most traditions the "Master Hair stylist," and I began to build the "relationship," she asked me how I wanted my cut, "Even fade, sharp line." With a new barber, always start off easy.

 I told her, I want to feel clean again. She laughs and allows me to sit.

The allure of the hair-salon and barbership is the idea that anyone can go there and recieve advice and direction, just open up and talk about what is important to you, while they lose half the "character," which set upon the world a bad "impression."

 I asked my new barber about Bitcoin. She has as much hope in it as I.

After some thought, I imagined these same conversations were had during the Gold Rush years when the West was being developed and everyone asked their barber or hair stylists if they thought all of the digging in the quarries was worth leaving the security of the Common Wealth for what oneside of the population calld a "Fools Venture," or "Fool's Gold."

 I told her breifly how I acquired the indention found at the top of my scalp and appologized for the dry scalp. She did not care about the dry scalp, she had ointment for that, she wanted to know about the scar. I told her about the, Man with a wild jealous streak and known for going to pop his trunk not to retrieve a rifle but a hammer. The man carried "Premeditated thoughts," of murder in his left pocket and had the ability to weasel out of any court case, with the asinine defense delivered to the judge in the form of, "Your Honor, I only had a hammer. A hammer has never been known to kill anyone."

 I was not bleeding enough for the judge to file anything more than a misdemnor assualt charge; I was thankful to have gotten a few good licks in to save my pride.

"Why were you fighting," my hair stylist asks.

"Over a woamn," I tell her, "One I has not intentions with besides hello and good by mind you, but like I said, the man with a hammer felt he had cause becauise I danced to long with, "His woamn."

 The hair stylist asked if I learned my lesson and stay away from clubs or pubs and loose women.

I had to tell her, None of what happened above, was the reason for the attack of my skull. If men could keep their personal feelings away from the dance floor in a place where no woman carries a sign on her back suggesting she is untouchable or "owned," by anyone carrying a hammer, in the trunk of his car. Then again I've not been back to such a place since then and don't miss the drama.

After busting a gut she tells me how she has a thing for gambling and it is a problem for her. She can't stand to lose and does not know when to stop. I wanted to help her so I told her to stick with cards and stop playing bingo. Cards are all about reading the bluff and only playing sure hands and avodiing the hammer when you win.

Posted by AdventVoice - July 13th, 2018




This project was devised because it seemed for a long time as I turned on the radio I could not avoid hearing songs of love that depicted a very short beginning of development only to end as quickly as it began.

  There was very little emphasis on a kind of forever love that a lot of people are seeking. At least I know that is something I always wanted.

 Flings are nice, one night-stands are an art all their own, booty calls have there place, but when I am in the mood for love, I don't want to have to think about where my lover is going to be with the night ends and the day begins. I was never the jealous type anyway. Always felt if I was not enough for my lover, there would be others. Never looked for it either and certainly would not sing a song that spoke of replacing them.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt005WD3rKA  <<<These three songs, when listened to in order as I have them listed tell a nice story, it is open-ended so anyone can add their own conclusion or just continue the theme. I like to think continuation of a motif and a push for more is where real lyrics come from.>>>

I remember jamming Tokyo Hotel when I was growing up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HEvF8QLoYY and I can say they have had a good influence on my artistic developement. At least with love songs and Dream Machines.

 Loved me some T.A.T.U. "There not going to get us," and  Paramore: Decode, the guitar rifts would take me to places I could always only dream of. When I think of love I really  can forget about FlyLeaf "All Around Me."

 I wanted to develope a song that could challange Regina Spektor's idea of "Fedelity," I might have failed but it was worth a try. Does anyone remember  Alanis Morissette - Ironic, man that song was hard to combat when trying to keep a girl-friend. Can you imagine having to beat the radio up when you come home because Natalie Imbruglia is blaring all over the house and she is stuffing her face with ice-cream after comparing you to all of her last relationships.

You have to pack all the bags while she cries, carry her to the car, drive far to the woods, pull out the hermonica and sings songs you've worked on for a year to show you remembered what it was like to finally fall in love and what the first kiss was like.

Posted by AdventVoice - July 11th, 2018

~ Timothy 3:9 Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience~


 In light of today’s social standings, I can not say any religion has truly been fair to the respectability of “the woman.” 

  I’ve listened to countless leaders of the sects of ideologies, that have established kingdoms on the earth and have found them all wanting in regard to the woman. The bible, filled with allegories has been the victim of numerous stifling interpretations in regard to the woman, that I’ve always prescribed to scriptures that not only speak well of her, but give her a prominent position, coinciding with the promise in regards to the “Free-Woman,” spoken of in Galatians Chapter 4.

 Clearly the Bible separates all of mankind, the woman and man by two standards; righteous and evil. Where the “Free-Woman,” teaches of a standard: if kept keeps each of us from falling for the allure of the “Mystery Babylon,” spoken of in Rev 17:18.

 I directed you to this passage alone, so as not to confuse the direction of the text: Where prior to this verse, you learn of this evil woman’s nature and what not to exemplify if seeking to be seen as one of a pure conscience and we find this manipulation will be used to control world leaders or kings of the earth.

  This is well and good for the Christian, to know there are standards toward morality, for us all and how to move in accordance; yet this does not suffice the Hindu, the Buddhist, the Catholic, the Muslim, the Wiccan, the Atheist, whom will find the passage of Timothy 2: 12-15 and seek to suggest their justification for their callous abuse of the woman to be allowable.

  I would cringe as a fourteen-year-old when I’d hear spiritual leaders condemn her. Constantly repeating ideas of debasement as a mantra to encourage submission. Opposed to allowing her “free-will,” to love whom and what she desires.

 I wrote a friend whom by all measures must see me as Srila Prabhupada spoke of those whom ask of “the woman,” in regards of the Hindu cause; A “rascal,” or an “ass.”

Chandra is my friend and he really does amuse me, he suggested that because I see the woman as not only beautiful, but equal to man, and worth illustrating, that I’ve set out to exploit the body of the woman for selfish enjoyment of men. He later asks me if I find the dead woman beautiful; How long do I plan to enjoy the woman? Will I love her as decomposition sets in?

  He is set in his belief that the material body is a combination of blood, muscle, tissue, kidneys, liver, bones, hairs, and other things- to find beauty in the material is no different than a male pig finding a female pig beautiful.

   He then asks me, “What is the standard of beauty?”

Without letting me answer, he pursues to close the book on the issue by inserting the notion that though I find beauty in the material world, in the woman, the demigods do not.

Clearly this a furious topic for my friend so in order to keep our conversations civil, I won’t let him see the illustration of the “Woman of Mystery.” His teacher Srila Prabhupada suggests women are like the Gopis, and to be treated as dolls whom dance to the desire of the ultimate source alone. Not to man or this material world. There is a strict separation between the sexes, especially in the temple.  Sometimes the text is misinterpreted, much as the Bible is, with the idea that the Gopis, dance for one man in a harem and are controlled by a single male force. Developing in the birth of polyonymies and other branches of religious dogma, concerning the woman and her role in the world.

 This is something I’ve always tried to avert encouraging. My mother is Hindu and part of the reason why I took up the conversation, fearing if she prescribes to the latter interpretation of the Vedas, she will find herself the slave of a harem in search of oneness with the demigods. If she prescribes to the first, she will remain believing, nothing in the material world is worth cultivating, especially not LOVE.

  That to me is the real crux of the matter, when we don’t understand love, how to express it, receive it or nurture it, the woman suffers the worst of us, for her own children betray her or deny her role in their existence at all. If this was not a universal occurrence in numerous dogmas I’d not have come this conclusion. Was it not the Catholics whom erred in there teachings of the relation of the priest and marriage?

 Monks of each dogma have misinterpreted religious text to insinuate there is some great death of holiness of man and his connection with GOD once a man and woman have sex. In so believing they ignore the miracle of birth and seek to stifle it, curb it, and eliminate her to sexual relations or the birth of children.

For if what they say is true, who wants to bring a child in a dying world? 

 The reference of the demoness Putana taking Krsna on her lap and Krsna sucking her breasts and killing her is to be taken literally as a physical fact: in accordance to Srila Prabhupada’s teachings. Again denying one’s self- if properly instructed, the need of contraceptives or pregnancy because Copulations that induce life are not encouraged.

 I can’t help but see a correlation of such ideology in the spread of the #MeToo Movement and any other group that would deny the importance of sex.

 There were three questions Chandra asked me that I feel I must answer before the end of this open-ended discussion.

 Would I love a dead woman? What is so beautiful about the human form? Lastly what is the standard of beauty?

 These are three very important questions because depending on how I answer, he will speak to me more on other subjects and not continue to disrespect me by calling me a pig or Candalla; he is not typically combative but we all have our limits and I mean no disrespect to anyone’s god, nor my own. Bearing this in mind of any dogmatic tradition a GOD created us. We did not form ourselves and must never attempt to live outside of our material bounds. This is a universally dogmatic truth. No one is to be trapped by the pull of death and there are simply some doors that should remain closed.

 Thus I can not say any of us find death beautiful. There is of course something after death and we all are promised a sense of renewal, man, woman, and child.

 Hebrews 2:6-8~ The human form is to any god to be envied, just beneath the angels or demigods and above the beasts of the field. The human form was fit enough to encase the soul, an innate power none can deny. Psalms 144: 3-15


The last question has been dismissed and satisfied by ancient standards of being based upon too cryptic a suggestion to really satisfy this conversation for I do not singularly behold beauty alone and deny no one the right to interpret beauty outside of my reasoning; in fact by inviting ideas of beauty I feel I only add to the standard.

 By holding the mystery of the faith in pure conscience I’d have to be honest and say, “The natural woman in all of her unabashed glory, curves, and fertility is indeed the true symbol of all that is beautiful in the world.~    



Posted by AdventVoice - July 10th, 2018

    Lady in the Black Dress,

This is a "Coming of Age Tale," of a young boy who when he was twelve was introduced to a woman who could dream a thousand dreams.

Being twelve in this present memory, and living in Fort Dix New Jersey, I was internally battling with the issue of how Art as a talent is useless when displaying on a stage.
 There was a talent show set for that year and I refused to lay down my art, for the piano, harmonica, oration, dancing or any of the skits I was offered to be in.  It was a serious issue for me.
I was able to organize a lot of my peers for lunch to join me at specific tables so we could practice line development, story boarding, character creation, and posters for our favorite Icons. Yet my problem remained.
  I could never get the school to agree to using the projectors to display our works and allow us to orate according to what we have designed on paper.

I asked a friend and she killed my dream as much as the teachers. "All you do is draw comics, cartoon characters and myths." Not wanting to argue with her, I allowed her to continue to berate my ideas and individual skill. This is the same girl that I took on a three-wheeling-date to see Planet of the Apes.
  A theatrical film based on myth and developed by story boards and 2D visuals before the producers bought the idea and sold it for millions.
As I sat on the curbside of my home, contemplating this issue of talent and the arts, she walked up.

The lady in the black dress.
She was a brunette, wearing a choker around her neck, viewing the landscape behind me. Seemingly stuck in the past. She did not see me at first; She looked to be about twenty.

"What are you looking for?" I asked her. She smiles and points at most of my stomping ground, "I used to live here, I came back just to see how things have changed."

Packing away my sketch pad and standing with her, seeing as she saw things, " You were a military brat?" I asked. She did not answer. She answered none of my questions yet I knew she was still seeking the reasons for her talent and the proper use for it. She was twenty or more, still soul searching and nearly losing her military dependency, deciding to visit the last place she ever felt secure. Assured of her purpose and safe. She was revisiting her childhood, 'literally,' and desiring to grasp the missing pieces that fed her dreams, in hopes of sailing safely into her future. Where ever it led.

The lady in the black dress looked like a fish out of water by the time she left and when I think of her I always told myself I did not want to be like her by the time I was twenty.

I wanted my talent to carry me.   


Posted by AdventVoice - July 9th, 2018

It really made me happy to begin a project that has been on my mind for a while.


https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/ezo-funk I really feel with the images highlighting certain aspects of the song a vynal EP cover could be made or a really flashy live action animation connected to "the-grimlords," vision.


His support of the art goes a long way for me. There is so much more I would like to bring to the table of creation, so many other directions this story can go but I really wanted to focus on the idea that the Samurai as a people might not be seen any more, the swords where burried in the past, but there is something that can not be erased in referance to the Samurai, it is transcendant and timeless. "The Drive to Survive."

As I was doing the project, I remembered a conversation that reminded me of 19th century Japan. The Hakkaido where too far from main land Japan to be of any use to the governemnt, they were annexed and told to disarm because of "modernization," an ideal of wanting to be more like the "British," in order to compete militarially against invaders. Those in supporting islands such as Hakkaido did not believe such modernization to be nesscary and an afront to the ideals of Bushido. They were angered by the Imperial ordiance that not only left them defenseless against invaders but made them equal to peasents, in there estimations. After the reformation, everyone in the royal army was equal, anyone could use a gun. Not everyone could use a bow, or katana, or sword and their was a ranking structure to the feudal system that made one with a sword, duel natured. He with the sword could aid or harm. Could defend or kill. Protect the ruling class or watch them fall. It paid well to be a Samurai and for the government of Japan to simply ignore this idea was rather costly.

 So much so that they tried to include this philosophy later in WW2 with the  kamikaze fighters, which proved to not be as effective as the days of bushido. It is hard to engage people to take up a mindset which was perviously considered "obsolete."

With the split that occured in Japan at that time I can't help but to remember my own time in America when I was made to carry a sword cane. It was an interesting time in which fire arms where considered removeable by all offical police officers. Anyone caught with a fire arm and not able ot produce papers of registration would lose it, hard to have registration papers, while back packing. So I carried a sword cane for self-defense. Living in the present, fast fowarding to 2011 when there is no threat of war in peaceful America, I found it interesting that I was seemingly living in a reforming time period. Stuck in a grey area of social reform when guns are nearly outlawed, self-defense is predicated on how well you can use your hands and the sword.

  I bumped into an officer that had a very keen eye and noticed my cane was not "normal" and wanted it.

"You would take away a man's only defense as he travels, while gangs, are shooting people and selling their family memebers into sex slavery, and the police kill without a second thought. You would leave me defensless, while I still aim to head west by foot, over mountains and snow, dessert and wild coyotes be it man or beast is waiting to eat the defensless?" I allowed him to carry away my cane. With this on his mind.

  A few days later he found me. I thought that was interesting. In the big city he found me while I was eatting breakfast in a main street diner and he returned my sword cane. He told me his wife made him do it.

 "I had that cane sitting in on my mantel, sure as I was born that I did the right thing. Sure as I was born that the world is safer because "You," don't have a weapon the defend yourself with. Then my wife asked me where I got  the cane from and I told her your story and how I met you and all, and she slapped me. She looked me square in the eye and said if I am not going to drive you where you need to go to find work, or food or shelter, to give you back your swrod.

I will never understand that woman. But I am doing it and I hope you stay safe...just do me a favor and weld the sword shut and never use it on a person, please."

  I never did use it on a person, but I did defend mysefl from time to time and I loved his wife ever more.

For though she was American she understood the battle that is waging in the land, the paradox between the right to carry a fire arm, verses the sword and the right of a man to defend himself at all.


Posted by AdventVoice - July 8th, 2018

   Albatross Prolouge:


by AdventVoice, Moments ago
Journals / Personal

This is a story of how I first began to fly! www.deviantart.com/adventvoice

  I remember when I heard the word, I looked around to hear and see who spoke it. "Isn't that the same as a burden around one's neck? Nothing good can come from being seen as a yoked animal."
The viewer smiled, looked me in the eyes and says, " Today you learn of the power of perspective." With a stick they drew the Albatross in the sand, pointed at the dust ad pointed at me. "What does it mean?" I asked.
 "To you when I mentioned the word, you gravitated to the idea that keeps you on the earth, when in truth you have never unlocked your potential as a person because of your refusal to interact with the very being that gives you the urge to touch the sky, the Albatross is the King of Liberty and you whom claim to be the Liberator or a seeker of liberation have yet to address the ruler of it."  He says.

That's an interesting notion, I thought. "Aside from my desire for freedom, what makes you think I carry a burden for it, to the point you'd call me an Albatross. That is a tall order to put on someone you know, to put on a man, besides you telling me, who is going to believe "I" am He?" I continue to prob.

The shaman smiles , "As long as you carry that look on your face, speak as you do, and move as he commands you to, you are "He," The Albatross, and many will seek your wisdom."

I clap my hands in satisfaction, that was the first and only time a shaman has ever been direct with me. As he casts the cards to continue the ceremony, I continue to practice a rule I felt eased the transfer of intuitive prophetic dialogues. "As long as I remain transparent and honest, the shaman will be honest and transparent with me. If at any time they sense fear, evasiveness, elusiveness, they reflect much of the same. A real bother when you want direct answers from a clairvoyant."
I had to ask out curiosity, "What kind of woman would love a man such as I, born July 25 1988, six foot tall, Leo by star, Ruby by stone and Albatross by the word of a shaman, that likes the sound of his own voice?"

The uncanny nature of the revelation was surprising mind you. 

Imagine a man who knew not the story of why I traveled, yet he knew I carried a burden for Freedom, something fierce. So much so he claims Albatross to be my guide. "And where pray tell will he lead me? I am certainly not following a bird if his definition of Liberty is as vague as all the others."

The cackle of the shaman is earth shattering, "My friend you need not worry about where Albatross will lead you, for the two of you are one, it is inescapable, good or bad, no matter where you end up, either in defeat or victory, in the end it would have been charted, all you have to do is enjoy the ride."

 Yeah I never did like shamans.      


Posted by AdventVoice - July 6th, 2018

What is the one connecting theme of stories wirtten by K.A. Applegate and James Patterson's Witch and Wizard and Maximum Ride series?


Kids with magical powers that are stuck in a Neon Genesis Evangelion world of governmental control and seeking freedom.


I was really curious as to why this theme was so ground breaking and connecting since it's induction in our pop-culture since the early 70's. With the development of Woodstock and social protests and civil rights, Simon & Garfunkel, and the mass hysteria attributed by publications from Barbra Streisand https://en.mediamass.net/people/barbra-streisand/deathhoax.html

   I have really been trying to figure out how to sumrise the issue or at least how nothing has really changed since then and dispite being called a conspiray theroists or delisuional because I am seeking to grasp reality from what is considered Fiction, I find I was very successful in relating Private Prision Corporations with what so many writters have eluded to.







I don't know I just found it interesting, that things can be publisized under the proection of Sci-Fiction and Fiction novelty why sharing some rather relevant truths that send Newspaper and Times Magazine into a frenzy. For example "Children being held in mock consentration camps because they are considered "criminals."


Posted by AdventVoice - July 3rd, 2018

  Those who have viewed my page may be wondering as to why I have decided to draw Eagles. I was partially wondering that myself.
The truth is I went to dinner this past Sunday and a friend, well she is "friendly," asked me if I could draw animals. That is how she started the conversation, at the table. I was a little put off, because I felt that if anyone has viewed my work and witnessed my talent are very well versed with the idea that I can draw whatever it is I think of. Then she asked me, "Can you draw me an Eagle?"

Did not tell me what for, did not tell me why, just said draw me a bird. I told her I would and I also told her I wanted to show her some new things I have been working on in the process. Why did I want to show her "Digital," Media and the power of it? Because her home is filled with art, a wide range of art and none of it is my own. It has always pissed me off. She is supposed to be a friend, but she went to some other market and spent nearly $1000.00 on print media and business cards.
I looked at the work and I wondered what was so unique and special about her logo, design, and idea that she could not trust me to present it as she desired and paid me that much money for a "stencil."

I honestly hope she never reads this report. Then there is a part of me that hopes she does. I hope it is very much understood that when people go to an "Artist," Graphic Designer, are friends with one, know very well he has talent but are not willing to spend money with him/her, some where deep inside they begin to feel "inadequate." I personally refuse to be made to feel such by any standard of digital media. I respect everyone equally and equally see everyone in the world of Art as a massive competitor, especially when commissions are on the table and $1000.00 USD is up for grabs.
  Half the reason why I was so put off by some web-developers that profess, "general-approval," does not matter. I have always felt those that are not paying attention to the approval ratings of their productions and the amount of attention one image gathers, have no real appreciation for what their talent is worth. They are willing to allow someone, who has the same gift to buy out their family members for a "stenciled, traced, re-washed, re-hashed," idea that they themselves could have re-created instead of approving of original art.

 The other day a viewer asked me, where did I reference Anansi. I was put off by this question as well.



They suggested that next time I "trace," my material, "it will look better,"  I wanted them to jump in a lake and cool off. It was a waste of time to speak to me of tracing or cutting corners or selling myself short. I have too much pride. Where did I get the idea of Anansi? "Read the Print that surrounds her." Was I aware of "Poll Dancing," being considered an Olympic Sport? No, I remember Poll dancing as being what my mother did to raise tips so I could eat as a child. They did not call it poll-dancing when I grew up, they called it "Stripping," Exotic Dancing. Now it is an Olympic Sport, go figure. Soon, so will Mechanical Bulling Riding. My world is changing so fast I can not come up with enough jokes to cover it all. I did not mean to go off on that side note. I was just illustrating how some things can be left unsaid. We don't all have to fly over the coo-coo's nest just because others are doing it. Anansi came from the idea of the "small, rising to the top." The Eagle is of the same representation when you think of America's humble beginnings and a lot of my work has the same "small, single man operated origins" and that is why I enjoy these ideas and hope to pass them on to others.
  Everyday looking to inspire those around me to always "Dream Big." Happy 4th of July everyone. Before the week is out, I might have some new prints.



