I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

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AdventVoice's News

Posted by AdventVoice - June 20th, 2018

So I started my investigations on the lore of Anansi and Arachne and I have found many interesting tidbits of information.

  anyway as I published my information and have been recieving interesting reviews. A Male Chasity program has been sending me information.

Things like:

Mistress Lucy‏ @Mistress__Lucy Feb 22

Beyonce joins male chastity campaignpic.twitter.com/kIBtjdEaQz

12:36 AM - 22 Feb 2018

I was just wondering if anyone could shed light on the idea of how the "spider," can be confused for a Preying Mantis?

Dominant Princess. 25 years old, from Oxford, ENGLAND..I am not offering a service, males serve me. Owner of http://www.chastitymansion.com

Posted by AdventVoice - June 14th, 2018

  There is a certain amount of disdain that is placed upon the spider. In a lot of Folk Lore and enchanted stories the spider is considered useless, evil, poisonious, predetorial, selfish. It has been depicted as the Queen of the Underworld in many video games. She is often the first battle boss of RPG games and keeps her children in horrible looking egg sacks that if you burst them, expolde into hundreds of babies looking to feed and live.

  The spider is seen as a lone, rouge, entity that can not be controlled by kings or queens whims, yet full of a wisdom that produces a tapistry as fine as silk. The spider is often depicted carrying the moon between her legs and entrapping all those that come near. The spider, the spider. Even Indianna Jones fear the spider.

What is wrong with a spider? They are the craftiest of creatures you know. They only known to enter a Kings home and receive a welcome for their talents. There are a lot of interesting ideas that have surfaced about the spider: http://www.beliefnet.com/love-family/parenting/2000/09/teaching-tales-king-david-and-the-spider.aspx
The spider might be small, but by taking hold of the work that was nearest, it found its self in "kings palaces". If we take up and accomplish the work that is nearest to us; if we are faithful to do the little and humblest tasks; it is then that we can trust ourselves with greater responsibilities, and greater tasks.
Of Course those ideas have been made in search of finding the good in what is perceived evil. Some of those ideas are rather flat, and fine for children.
I being the Dream Weaver and a weaver of tales find the idea of the Anansi to be more accurate than seeking for justification for the spiders finer points.

 I speak kindly of the spider because I understand the idea of misconeption which breeds mistrust and missplaced accusation before justification can be weaved, displayed, and presented in the finest of arrays. I have listened to many claim how I think too much of myself. Much as the spider is considered small and should remain humble, lest it is squished under the heel of those above it. The spider my friend is such a wonderful creature that as it weaves becomes Lord of the Flies, feasting to it's heart content, living by the laws beyond nature, which imply that only the strong survive. There is a wisdom to be trasured of the spider who's laws are set much higher than it's station.

Imagine that a new palace has just been built. As of yet, no spider has taken her abode in those lofty courts. Now outside, on ground level, a spider down stands surveying the high towering walls above, and considers the wonderful living quarters that must surely exist over those turrets. If you were to scale yourself down the the size of the spider, looking up at the towering walls, how hopeful would you be of getting inside the palace?

It seems like an almost impossible feat! However does the spider despair? Does it stop to try and work out some complex difficult method of catapulting itself over the walls and shortly landing right in the kinds palace? No, without taking shortcuts, the spider simply takes hold with her hands and does the work that lies nearest. Day by day she patiently toils spinning her web and inch by inch the goal comes closer.

Eventually after much toil she reaches the top of the wall and drops over into the courts below. A great task accomplished that previously, could almost have been seen as impossible!

  Such can be achieved by all whom show the same courage of the spider. A master Dream Weaver.

Posted by AdventVoice - June 14th, 2018

After a short discussion with peoplel about the role of "Shooting-My-Lazer-Face," in my latest rendition of Zombie Warfare and it's relevancy with today's politics and growing demand of entertainment, I was curious to look up some interesting facts about the MEME.


As others  suggested, showing off my lazer face was not the inital desire but once I noticed I did it, well, there was no going back. I found it interesting that even though I was not aware of the meme, it had found a way into my artistic expression. (Nothing new under the sun right?)

  Looking at it I was made to ask what other signiture themes can be sighted in the piece that might have been influenced from the land of  St. Elsewhere and could I find it like when I was young and spent hours looking for Waldo?

  The days of Comic genius seem to be so far from me now, as I get older.

  ( I mean think about it: I lost a scout because he believes:  I think you should work on cleaning up your work before looking to get published

I mean this as lightly as possible, but I had scouted you because I had thought you were ironic art shitposting. But I think you take yourself more seriously than that.)

  As if taking pride in ones work, comical or serious is a bad thing.

 Where is the appreciation for laughter anymore?


Posted by AdventVoice - June 12th, 2018

Everyday my art is achieving and touching someone's life to make a difference.

I don't always get it right but when I do get it right man or man do I get it right.

Gregg Housh of the: https://www.patreon.com/gregghoushshow/overview  an activitst of eclectic tastes and interestes viewed one of my old pieces and fell in love 4 times. It has been so long since I even took interest in that story and art or the motivations behind it that I published in the subtext. "Some Stories Should Never Be Forgotten."

Considering Housh supporters Novermber 5th celebrations and considers that day important to the world. He really appreciated the hidden messages found in the content.

The point is he is one of those individuals I hope to continue fueling with ideas and encouraging with kind words that what he is seeking to do is worth the effort. Especially if he is willing to show me some love as well.





Just to have someone as cool as these guys into my work is an amazing achievment.

Posted by AdventVoice - June 8th, 2018


I am not that guy.

I have grown very secure in my art style and feel others should as well. I encourage conversation about art, I don't encourage cheating or disloyatly to one's identity or the development of ones brand for favor of someone elses presentation. This defeats the purpose of creation, and sets a horrible presedent.

Plagurism is more than just taking the words of someone else and calling it your own. Copyright infringment is more than just taking the Youtube post and suggesting you are the one that produced the music and idea and had nothing to do with the production.

No when we learn to love ourselves then we won't have these minor poblems and suffer less from the blockage of creation. We expand and develop great ideas.

There are youtube video's that support the idea that are biased and according to GDC standards:  Shaddy Saffadi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYbYvImd7Bw (Concept Art is Dead). Yet none of this is achieveable if we are asked to be like "Everyone Else."

I spoke to a freind who I think is a great artist, this is what he had to say about art.

~I believe you simply have to let go a bit of that anticipation for what *should* be, and embrace what *is*. There is an audience for you today, and even if most people are couch potatoes, there is a way to reach them. You just have to not stop creating, and educate yourself in how to publish your own works and reach out to people in this digital day and age.

Books and art and music is by FAR not dead - it's bigger than ever, since it's more accessible than ever. More people want to learn about art and music, and books are being read and listened to every day by people from all walks of life. The future will be ruled not by the engineers, programmers and left-brainers, but much more of the right-brainers because we need creativity and soul when the computers have replaced humans for most of this left-brain work.

Don't get discouraged - see it as a challenge to fight through it and do what you feel is right. Search within yourself, and you will find what calls you.

 (I am keeping this artist anonymos because he does not know I am talking about him. He might read this and be interested, who knows.)

 I would love to work Shaddy because he believes in, "The Progression of The Design," which is fundamentally what we as artists, all believe. We would just like to be able to keep a little of ourselves as we journey.



Posted by AdventVoice - June 7th, 2018

Aint no rest for the wicked is still an awesome song. I listen to it from time to time hoping that the group, Cage the Elephant do not suffer the same demise as Chemical Romance. Gerard Way's The Umbrella Academy I am really rooting for. The world will forever introduce him is the front man of a rock band who failed at animation and took forever to get someone to look into his visual production. I really hope Netflix runs the program. Giving Gerard what he always wanted. Artistic Publication.

  I have always felt a certain tie to the aspirations of Gerard Way, his vision was massive and explosive and his illustrating skills unmatched to date. His songs have a verve all there own and I was happy to say I was a fan.

 Then Cage The Elephant came and I suppose my love for Punk Rock will never die.


If I could get the world to embrace what they began. If I could get the world to see the need. Then a little piece inside of me would have felt the world a better place. Cause there anit no rest for the wicked, so the good should grow on trees.

 Looking at the drone view's of the inequality found around the globe and how The WORLD BANK suggests South Africa to be the starkest of examples. Johannesburg comapred to Bloubusrand reminds me of Orange County California after the fires, compared to Los Angeles. Yet pictures can do very little for those whom do not live in it in aiding one to conceptualize how devasting such occurances can be. Hawaii is still suffering due to the lava that surges. All that can be hoped for is that those whom are suffering feel that urge to rebuild from past cause their ain't no rest for the wicked, they have mouths to feed, bills to pay, and aint nothing in the world for free.

Posted by AdventVoice - June 3rd, 2018

So I was in a hot discussion lately with some new co-hourts in making trouble and I was given this:


I think is a great site that makes fun of the times in which we all have to work that part time job.

I love how there is so much talk about the increase in the job market in the great country of America and then as a side note they talk about all of the burger joints they are building and the customer service positions open to the public.

Yeah that is what I went to college for, to earn a degree in Customer Service.

Now this is not a put down on Customer Service, I worked those jobs in high-school and really appreciated the experiance. It taught me how to say what I mean and mean what I say.

  What I don't like is the idea that after the hours of grueling and studying and classes and dealing with teachers that really did not  care about my effort or grade point average and just want their check at the end of the day, that all I could look forward to after graduation was another retail job- Which I did not need a degree in Bio-engeneraring  to earn Manager of the Year awards. So when the tabloids and the news papers cheer about the job market and the approval rating of another fast-food chain I am made to laugh with the Customer Service Wolf.

  Thank you to my many friends that guided me to this site: You all are wonderful.


Posted by AdventVoice - May 26th, 2018

 Today was a pretty sad day for building upon the topic of ART. I am hoping things change in time and the people I interact with begin to see their own potentials differently. Who knows? Especially after a conversation I had today with two very talented Tattoo artists.

  I frequent this parlor from time to time. Every time I need a hair cut, which is every 6 months, I will dip into the parlor right next to my barbershop and ask them little questions about their medium and choices of design. They really don't like the idea that I never come if for a Tattoo and are always turned off by the idea of speaking to me because they personally feel out of place in their worlds. The eclectic nature of the Tattoo has always been considered Tabboo in a lot of cultures. Tabboo or just for the Deviant and so when a person as clean cut as I walk in and say, "Lets talk about Art." They immediately get this look of not understanding the relevance.

  I ask, after noticing this response," Is it really so hard to understand how Tattoo's have a place in the world of Art, even when every piece of Art is built upon the intial, "Line?" Be it a cell-shaded line, reverse-negative images, dynamic script and character design, to the 3D image rendering, it all begins with the line. 

Line upon Line, here a little, there a little.

 So because we know it begins with a line, how can we not reveolutionize art without adding the Tattoo artist to the group of thinkers that can assit in this venture. Mind you, most of them don't want to talk. At least the few I ran into today. They did not think they were the best ones to talk to about ART. Which made me scratch my head. Illustrationists have a lot to thank the Tattoo Artist for. WIthout that fundamental understanding of Line work, the story board would never unfold and many of us would still be looking at white canvases. Now would I want to get Barry Allen (The Flash) kissing his Girlfriend Tattoo'd to my back, no, but I know I could if I had the right Tattoo artist willing to try. He or she would make a killing off of me too, because that is a lot of detailed work and takes a very fine hand to re-produce.  

 Now on Esty I can find a lot of Tattoo designs being placed on Canvas, they are being sold cheap too. 30.00 a piece. What a dragg. Great idea though for making some extra cash. One day that piece of art is going to raise in some big bucks as vintiage art from some kid that dropped out of college and I am going to be so happy for them. They began a reveolution in art in a big way. If it doesn't it is not because no one went to the parlors and told them they need to think about expanding their idea.

 I did that today and I hope they pay heed, at least call and say, "You know, you might be right."

Posted by AdventVoice - May 24th, 2018

I have an artistice love affaire that I can not share with my family.

Friends like @Qira @NyanaCreation @HeadMistressSeven  @Cyberdevil @ThiefOfVoid @Dahila-K @bmesias063 @Spedmallet @CohensKleineMotte

@XwaynecoltX  @Linda-mota and my numerous fans make my avenue of expression here on NewGrounds that much more enjoyable and sacred because it is something I don't talk to with anyone else to or that, I can. It is nice to know they are around to lend an ear.  Oh, my family know that I am artist and have had this raw talent since I was young. What they don't know is...well maybe they do~ I don't know what they know~ All I know is I am so tired of being haunted by the idea of them never knowing of  the wonderful things I can do with my hands.

   To be in a home where everyone asks you, "What do you think about this? How do you feel about that?" Knowing they would never understand because they have never been where you have been or desire to listen.

This idea that movies, books, prose, art and liturature is just not popluar anymore and our generation does not have the patience to ingest all of the information that is infront of them or wants to has never hindered me from producing a few thousand pages of works that I hid under my bed or in volumes, none will see until....

That is an open-ended possibility and dealing with unimagintive people in my daily life makes me all the more greatful for Newgrounds and all it has to offer for us creative writers and illustrators. An inactive imagination is so disturbing to think about. You mean to tell me, there is nothing but what is in front of you that matters. Half the reason why hanging out with "Dead-Head's" did not last too long. The same chords for a musical number with not desire to cut a chord or breakthrough a monotinous routine would set me off. My artistic expression has been set on an idea of breaking limits. erradicating our comfort zones, Insisting that none of us   die with our music still inside of us.

When I was 17 I had a dream that spurs me to this day. I was roused from my slumber and could not drown the pain of it. Even a blazing hot shower. When I was done I was so red, the steam took an hour to fade from my face. Blood wailing, I swore to myself I'd do everything in my power to never be a 35 year old, made to hide from the world because I suffered from a lack of purpose. In my dream I slept in my mothers basement on her couch because of all the excuses that have filled the world with defeatisim to the brim.

  I never wanted to be made to stand in someone's soup kitchen as Olvier Twist, asking for a, "L'ill More?" Never!

I did not like the idea that "to be humble," meant no ambition and I would be demonized for it.

I have befriended an artist by the name of Emma Visca. She is a Scottish artist dubbed "The Naked Painter," who loves to quote Allen Ginsberg, who said, "Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness." She has epilespy, but you would never know it. With this condition: (and I really don't like using the phrase but due to my lack of a better expression I am forced to suggest her extra brain activity is such) she can devise methods of creation that allow for a:

Countdown to her exhibition at Gracefield Art Centre for Spring Fling 26th-28th May 2018. Come along to Bonnie Scotland and spend some time with artists from Dumfries and Galloway. If you happen to be in her neck of the woods I would suggest supporting her.

Then there is Ed Piskor: Author of the New York Times best-selling series Hip Hop Family Tree.  who I really want to get to know or at least send a letter to  one day and just let him know how much his art is appreciated by artists like me that believe in the Freedom Of Expression.

This list goes on and on of the number of men and women that have the gift and I suppose one day I would love to put all of them together in one folio volume and find myself through my artistic expression in the back, tucked away nicely in the number or artists that refused to "Die with their music still inside of them." I want so much to share this ambition with my family because no matter how secure we are in our lives we should always seek to push the envelope and reach for the stars.

Natasa Ilincic is from Edinburgh Scotland and she is a wonderful artist with a real smooth style. I always imagine Elfin Lied Opening theme song Lilium to fill her home as she draws. She has just that fine-tuned a hand.

This is certainly what fills my own home as I contemplate on the next discourse I can express through the white canvas. I was 5 years old when my father asked me, "Son, what do you want to do with your life?" I was 5 years old when I told him, "I want to give the world art and keep them dreaming of a better tomorrow, remind them of why we hunt for prosperity, I want to give the world hero's." I stayed in Comic-shops for a long time in my youth. Studied every mode of expression I could find. Then I heard there were those seeking to stomp out the need for liturature, prose, poems, art. So my love for art became intertwined. Believing if she is not fulfilled then I must satisfy her.




Posted by AdventVoice - May 22nd, 2018

I wanted to go into further depth of Thief of Void & her adventures with the Dream Weaver by sharing with you all a minor explination behind the motivation for this project.


So much more can be added and discussed and I suppose that is risk we take when begining discussions that prove to be relevant to family and friends. I really felt I could not say enough of some of the issues I bring up. Nor could I say enough about the number of years it took me to finally be able to say to someone, none of this information is given with callous intentions. Merely a desire to never be forgotten in the flow of time.

Thank you all so much for reading and showing your supprot for this project.