I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

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Catching Charlie Rocket Update.

Posted by AdventVoice - April 30th, 2018



For those of you that have not been keeping up with my latest posts. I have decided to give a fill-in  explanation behind the works. I hope in doing this I can delete the numerous mistakes and not mislead or misdirect your attention to the important facts of this story.

Thief of The Void created this track that I think really helps to set a theme for this overall topic: https://clyp.it/xlkk5krw

I wanted to create a piece that I could use to thank Thief of Void and Cyber-Devil for showing me love for a few of the posts I have issued into NG's.https://adventvoice.newgrounds.com/news/post/1010682
I have always wanted to create a game that had real world events and poked fun at the crazies in this world. I hope this graphic does the topic justice and I hope I can use it later as a bit pixal art for a game I would coin Catching Charlie Rocket.
I hope it brings you as much fun as it brought me to create it.

Yes, it is a dream.
To live in our dreams. To catch the witch that keeps your son for ransom.
A distant time. A distant place.
Yet no matter how far she gets, you chase.
No matter the work load. No matter you have friends that tell you, there is more to this world than the child you have not seen in 8 years. "who cares, right?"
No worries Charlie Rocket, you are safe for now. Do not fear of being sucked into a box, Do tell our child how he was born, though. Who his father is.
"To think a witch like you fell in love with a mortal man. A simple man, a vengeful man."
Now, YOU, did not put me in a box, but YOU certainly did not see to it that I did not go into a box. So I thought it would be interesting if you could see what it looked like to go into a box.
I find it interesting. You almost look adorable.
No sign of the Silver Wolves:  in sight, no nose of  a dog to help me find my little witch.
Sometimes I think about her and wonder what would I say if I ever bumped into her.
"Get into the box!"


What is a father to tell the son he is not allowed to see?

Sorry I was not around because of the witch of a mother. Who thougt it best to keep you from me?

Recently I tried to reach her and she evaded me all the more. The wild mare was always hard to tackle, but I feel I am getting close everyday to achieving my goal. One star catching at a time. One explosive artistic expression at a time.

This will go down in history as the wildest chase known to man. For a son who does not even know my name.

What can a father tell his son; Everytime he turns on the radio and liatens to his favorite staton, he is made to see the face of a child living in a  world he can not be apart of.

When I was a young man I was very much known for getting what I wanted and pulling a team to aid me in my dreams. So there are many of you that read my posts and my works and are  maybe asking, "Where is all of this going?" Well when we were kids and someone had a way of getting on our bad side. We would spam attack there computers untill they complied. (It is much harder now as the years go on and people do not find certain issues to be worth the time and the verve for the desired goal dies as time flies.) Like you find me telling my son, "You never retire from this Life! You never get tired! Well I will not tire until I have him in my arms. If there are any of you that would like to see a real picture of this event, All you have to do is Copy and past this link (The Art Work) and send it to Charlie Rocket where ever you happen to find her.

If she knows that there are people listening to The DREAM WEAVERS tales, she has two options:

(She can comply with the demands)

(Or she can suffer the world knowing she is a pain in the butt.)  Of course she could retaliate, in some underhanded way, but I have set the cards on the table; and because I am not afraid of any box man can devise to keep me from my goal; because I have the high ground and do not plan on giving an inch; she would have to respond.

At this point, any response is better than none. Meaning: if she told me to leave her alone; can you imagine how silly that would be on her part. If she read my book and gave it to our son, we could leave the past behind: hide it in the deepest part of the Sea and start a brand new day. Instead she chooses to ignore her own shame!

She has a fan base of so many people. That is supposed to keep me quite. If I really cared apparently I would let her just do her own thing. (What a joke!) Lets get one thing straight,

A man is allowed to have his PRIDE! 


This was my boy when he was three!

When she looks at him I know she see's ME, she had the nerve to spot on my works all over the internet and ask was she speaking to ME! (Like I was a mystery or lying about myself or I may have had some shame.) I asked her if she remembered, silence was all I was given!

After 8 years you can't even look me in the FACE! No I havn't changed! I am still the Commanding MAN OF GRIT THAT YOU REMEMBER!

No I won't be made to release my PAIN!

But yes, You are forgiven.... 




Goes from light-hearted to pretty intense with those final lines! Do hope the search bears fruit; all works out.

Also must point out a couple typos: past this link, keep me quite

It is fine that you tell me when I mess up on a line some where. My spell check is not as fast as my thoughts. Thank you for reading and enjoying. Yeah it does get pretty heavy. Those make some of the greatest stories though don't they. 'The heavy moments I mean..." Makes people ask questions, "like what did you mean by that," or can you give us more detail and finish the tale, you left us hanging and want more. LOL.

If I start getting phone calls from people that say, "I went to Charlie Rockets Comic-Con like you mentioned and went to her booth and mentioned your blog presentation and story, told her the Dream Weaver is looking for her and his son. His art is rad and wild, his stories make us laugh and dream. He has a hand grenade of inspirational art. You need to act right or he is not going to be silent." I would laugh myself to sleep every night. This is the end though, Can't say I can share more after this. I might do one more artistic rendition of you and put it on a T-shirt wear it around town and see if I get one to by the CyberDevil T-shirt and send you a check for being so cool to me.