I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

All Over

Joined on 5/15/17

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AdventVoice's News

Posted by AdventVoice - November 30th, 2020

This Is the first time I have ever seen my work through the view port of a Tablet. I now understand why so many wanted me to buy one and it is hard to imagine how I have gone so long without one. Once I get a new S-pen I'll be able to actually produce art beyond the novice attempts of finger painter. I might even be able to participate in an art exhibit here in Houston if I can manage to produce enough pieces by Dec 5 2020. It is kind of a lot of pressure considering I don't know anything about the venue, besides that it's connected to the bank and they are rather open-minded about most presentations. I don't know, but every 5th of the month I can expect an opening, if not Dec I'll be ready by January. Then I can earn some money, get my name out there and celebrate at Molly's Pub.


Posted by AdventVoice - November 28th, 2020

I have a very extensive process when it comes to creating art and writting. For those of you that have visited my discord server, it maybe clear just how reliant I have become, on technology, and just how much Ive studied, different operating systems, which ones I like, and just how addicted I am to the digital process.

This being said: I feel, and I could be premature in such a declaration, but I may not post more work until I have a nee tablet or laptop, I cant carry a desktop around while traveling, and a smartphone, as wonderful as it is would render me blind trying to illustrate my stories with it, thus, until I manage to buy a new tablet or laptop, maybe a touch screen one, I may not publish new works.

I could use the excuse that since I am homeless and living here and there, train stops, roof tops, and anywhere out of the rain; rain that has not ended for two weeks now in Houston-bum-fuck-Texas, I should not produce until I have a place to call home.

I wont. I am addicted to art and like a Covid patient, cant breathe if I dont put lined on the blank fucking pages. Cyber Monday will be my reintroduction to the Dream Weaving Universe, if all goes well and this monsoon season does hamper my style.

Please stay tuned for updates in the creative process.


Posted by AdventVoice - November 24th, 2020

I really did not know what to entitle this as. I just want to leave messages that allow new and old fans of my work to understand that i lost everything. Sketches, old panel sets, computer, and the overall security found in a home. Having a hard time adjusting to sleeping at tram and rail stops. I have journals completed for two more books id like publish soon, but with so many people seeking my confinement in some form, be it a mental hospital, prison, or merely made to remain in a city like Houston that refuses to open the market up for trade and commerce, any product i create outside of internet platforms will remain on the shelf. When your homeless you dont even havea shelf to store your products.

So, my new quest is to work like a dog to save for a car, studio, and new buisness cards.

Ill not want to make Houston a permenant residence but im still not sure where id want to live, North Carolina is no longer welcoming. I have that DWI i never did get resolved and i wont make it to my court date. FTAs cause people to go to prison, so ill be running from that for years or until i can bribe a judge to leave it be. If you my twitter posts you will see that ive dawned the covid mask full-time, and while i walk the empty streets with my long hair and beard most confuse me for ISIS, which means a lot of people want to shoot me here in Texas to prove to their country that they have the heart of the brave and dont fear arabs.

I try to tell em im not a terrorist im an artist. Things get lost in translation.. So i need to start practicing my second amendant right soon. Damn i hate Texas with a passion, whoes idea was this?

Oh yeah my insane mother who only asked me to come here so she could trap in a mental hospital in the hopes of recieving 800 a month from what i call a Crazy-Check but the locals call a CMCs. Very Andy Warholish of my mother.

Needless to say i haveno family, im on my own and all i have is a sketch pad, journals, pens and ambition.

And hell no im not going to Atlanta to work for AdultSwim.

Fuck i need commissions and a job pronto.

Love you guysand gals and thems.


Posted by AdventVoice - November 22nd, 2020

No group homes in houston texas. No one hiring. Covid has everyone afriad and art is the last thing people want when they are economically insecure.

Im homeless but not alone. Love the friends ive met and want my family. The global one and immdeate to know im well and will be back in communication soon. When i find some high ground from my massive homeless jobless situation.

I should leave a phone number so those caring enough can call my father for me so i can buy a car. A large one like a station wagon to carry all of my personal effects.


Posted by AdventVoice - November 5th, 2020

I have been rendered homeless for the time being and won't be able to publish more works until my living conditions change and or I find news paper publishers willing to feature my articles and art for a minimum wage salary. Then I can at least pay a rent bill. So in the mean time you catch up on the news with my bout with women and their need to try to lock me up cause I mentioned their tits look nice. Some would say they don't know when I'm joking. Well I'm not joking. I'm broke, homeless, in the cold and smoking more cigs than I drink cups of coffee, hoping for a way out of this situatution without being seen as the bad guy. Good material for a second mid season issue of the bad guy series. Well I'll be seeing you all sooner than you think if I can beat back this cold weather.


Posted by AdventVoice - October 20th, 2020

My past continues to float before me in the mornings.

I've not had a real cigarette in a few days and my mind is pretty clear. I don't like it, I guess. Definitive conclusions are made in an instant and because I'm tired of alienation I've learned to relax in the compromise.

In a state of reconciliation Oct 19th 2020 a day before my court case: DWI: I was given a continuance.

I can only surmise my self-righteous lawyer is seeking to make an example of the cops who arrested me and the legal system as a whole, to give me the best deal.

It's all I can conclude given I know nothing besides what she tells me and can only perceive a threat to an officers badge will get him to change his/her story about an unsub and let him/her off with little to no punishment for something they may unquestioningly deserve.

(Only after I am given a favorable review, will I divulge just how unworthy I feel for any show of favor on my behalf.)

With this time, it would make sense to make more art, finish my stories and continue to reflect on a past, I can not change but can no longer abide. The slander and lack of justification: on account of who I am, an anthologist, living an ungratuitous life.

I don't call him a friend~ he is my overseer, employer, certainly no mentor, by the name of Anthony Boone. When I first arrived to Beulah, 4 years ago, he asked me to invest in Bitcoin and a lot of his investments or ideas became considerably unaffordable, neither can he fill me in on his gain or rate of interest, he never cashed out and is investing in another coin; some digital currency that is rather cheaper than the now 1,000 dollar demand placed on Bitcoin. Digital filth set to milk more dupes, who can't receive a return on their investments because no bank will validate a digital wallet or script. (CDs) or credits they can materialize out of thin air.

He even divulged a secret about how some trading firms where audited into oblivion by the FEDs for misappropriation or the inference of; 20,000 USDs set to trade that magically never made it to the trading floor.

The highest crime of this century and it continues to be under reported.

As I have said before: I refuse to invest my time and money and energy into losing teams. I've been like that since PeeWee basketball.

The losing team: I have perceived many of them over the years; yet I have yet to find a winning one. I would certainly invest in it if I could. I'd make one if it involved art, comics, political discussions, lawyers, and reaping the benefits that comes from capitalizing on the losing team.

I always feel I have the formula, but making money--real money takes more than one man, one mouth, one sales pitch.

In my immediate circle their are few I could get to invest in my NSFW Universe, yet I know there is someone out there that will.

Here is to holding out hope.

Hoping for no jail time to continue my work.

No jail time for being accused of money laundering. No jail time for being an outspoken porn artist. LOL aint that a joke, I was called a porn artist, instead of a porn star.

Shouldn't we NSFW artists receive awards for "BEST IN SHOW!"


Posted by AdventVoice - October 19th, 2020

I finally was able to showcase most of my work with the Dream Weaver on PIXIV: with the issued support of one or two followers: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/85114936 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/37570430 I happen to follow 15 or more people and of course who would come to mind most of the time?

Lewdua: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/22188921 I am curious about the direction of their work and it feels good to know they do the same for me. That they are interested in artists like: FANBOX https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/83431509 A NAME I CAN NOT PERNOUNCE: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/76442737 O WAIT HERE IS ANOTHER ONE: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/66005055

Anyway I was realizing that our friendship is something I should cherish and I am happy to have been able to publish what I have before I go to court.


The link above is a way to see how I would have liked "Bad Guy," to be read by my followers and new recruits.

I wrote an article recently on Wordpress.com: https://avproductionsblog.wordpress.com/2020/10/17/foreign-languages/ and there are several pieces of art that did not get passed Wordpress's (Porn Identification hijacking system) iu_182656_6384799.jpgPosting this and several others I had tried to remind you all that progress with "French Connection's," is coming and it is something I can certainly focus more on after my DWI Issue.

I go to court tomorrow and have to have a Zoom Call with the legal system in my area. I don't have to be in the actual court room due to their fear of Covid. (Confidentially I would like them to rule that due to Covid-19 it does not seem conducive for you to do have to do time in the jail house and risk exposure to a killer disease for a crime that does not warrent death...you are hear by, given time served, with a flag on your licenses.)

Doesn't that sound nicer, that 6 months confinement and revocation of your ability to travel?

Anyway Cross your fingers that production and prpgressive throught can be filtered through the airwaves, after I am free from civic obligations.


Posted by AdventVoice - October 12th, 2020

It's been months since I've spoken of Sarah the Switch-Hitter and Lucille Succlemuch. It was back on the tenth of September when I mentioned working on something like this to Lewdua.


Two very charming Futa's, who whenever I take time to interact with, I'm put at ease about most of life's challenges. A complex statement and much to place on the shoulders of my OC's.

The level of entertainment and their ability to engross my mind, distract me from daily responsibilities or my lack of a social life. My hermitizing position, lack of companions, all of it is eased with these two Futa's.

What I find most interesting about my OC's is how I can see much of my own personality in them. Not only do they tend to say what I am thinking but each have a piece of me and to view this reflection has been an idea worth investigating.

I begin to wonder if I am the only one who has done this and if I really look at the works of others, outside of Fan-art, will I be able to perceive a few elements of the creator? Seeing their heart as I have shown you all mine: In saying this you may be wondering who is Sarah and what of Lucille, could be had to relate with a heterosexual black male?


Sarah is one of a dominate spirit: has been since I made her. She is one that looks to take charge of a sexual situation and is assured that she can give pleasure with her cock that surpasses the pleasure of others.

She is insatiable; will take two dicks in the ass and when they have finished, desires to fuck both men to even the score. She won't stop till they cum all over the floor in a quivering pool of capitulation. A dirty blond Minerva, hunting her own gratification.


Lucille however is measured and seeks to receive and give love. Kisses and needs the affirmation of ones affection in order to get hard enough to be sexually available. She is soft, pliable, yielding, controlled, kissable, lovable, desirable, and with the sweetness of Aphrodite, will ease her cock down your throat, with the sense of caring and earnestly wanting the recipient to climax genuinely because she chose to touch them.

It's been so long since I have had a lover that I nearly forgot that I had ever expressed these abilities and could inspire such fulfillment in the lovers I possessed. Only their memory and their reactions to me confirm thoughts of being a coinsurer of sex worth indulging in. A weaver of dreams.

Always has been a turn on for me to imagine what I'd do if Sarah or Lucille was real and lived in my home. Traveled with me, ate breakfast at my table, watched movies, and where the best of buds to me. Would Sarah's lips be as delicious as they look when connected to mine?

Lucille, would she be fun to hold as she looks? Of course she would and as I look at my vision of the perfect Futa, I only hope in the future someone like these two will appear at my doorstep and give me comfort in a time when we are asked to keep 12 feet from one another, due to Covid-19.

The surprise derived from Sarah and Lucille is always gratifying. They never get old for me. Time can go by and the news can be riddled with stories of racial oppression, cops killing little black boys and people afraid to go outside lest a person two feet away sneezes and a cold is caught. Yes, we can continue to depress ourselves with things out of our control. I might have mentioned this before in older articles but you know, since my youth I have collected the perverted works of others and never did I consider in that time that I would presenting my own works for others to collect and admire or rub a few out to. All of you who interact with me really make this process a lot of fun and I do apologize for not being around much.

My recent brushes with the law, has not fixed itself yet and there is no telling if I have to go to jail because the money to stave off the courts is just not coming in. Though I am accustomed to such scrapes; it's still a pain to have to be reminded I have a few days left before I lay my neck upon the mercy of the court. If I survive I'll be sure to finish 'Bad Guy,' 'French Connections,' and make it a habit of hanging out with you all when I want a drink. That will at least keep me sober and out of the reach of dirty cops.


Posted by AdventVoice - October 8th, 2020

I am really interested to know the value people have placed on virginity. I have read so much on the subject, from blogs, personal accounts, the occult, a few passing articles and journals of leading Sex Magick practitioners and none can really qualify, why virginity or virgins and the need for lesbians to abscond from the mode of penetration that makes sex fun.

As a kid growing up merely one's religious values were reason enough to keep the dreaded occurrence of sex from contaminating and warping our minds. Of course I was not of the mind that there was any said damage of my mind because I allowed my virginity to be held in the hands of a little goth witch by the name of Carlene Williams. (I will have to illustrate her one day and give her a leading role in a comical rendition of what happens when a goth sucks down the virginity of someone younger than her.)

It is just one of those things that is sure to set me off for a while and disturb me that I can't find the answer.

I am sure I read somewhere once that virgins are revered in the world of magic for their level of purity and it is this purity that makes them stronger than most magical beings.

If this is true and considering the Head-Hunter's desire to be better than the Dream Weaver and anyone else she meets, Ta-Ta Gaitherpound cumming down her throat would have put her 'gold-star,' status and level of magic at risk.

iu_177973_6384799.jpg Since I can not verify this information I think it is ok that I suggest nothing happens because she was not penetrated and her hymen is still secure for the Dream Weaver to tap or attempt to and there is still a level of power in the Head-Hunter to make her strong enough to fight the Dream Weaver without tipping the scales in his favor, because Ta-Ta could not keep her hands off of her.

It would be nice to be able to satisfy the lore of virgin-power and slide that into the comic, but until I can find the correct letters, journals, and articles to reference, this notion will be hanging in the air.

Some have suggested that the securing of virginity and the overreach some societies place on keeping it, is an affront to Feminism and sexual freedom. It is a woman's right to choose what she does with her own virginity and if she desires to give it away she can.

Then the lesbian community came up with a 'gold-star,' expectation of young girls and make me wonder if there is not some truth to be found in the power of virginly that makes this community so keen on holding on to it and ousting men from their lives in order to do so.

iu_177972_6384799.jpg If anyone has anything to add to my research, please feel free to leave comments about it that can aid me in finding out the answer. In the mean time I will be continuing to read on this topic.

So who is the college student that is peeping in on Ta-Ta Gaitherpound and licking their window? I will do more to talk about this little perv in the future. I was happy to put her in this story and a taunt to the Head Hunter who was sure that as long as no one saw she was safe to indulge in a male organ without being presumed to be a hypocrite and not true to her desire to avoid and castrate all dicks that sought to slide inside of her.

Makes me wonder if most lesbians feel this way and would they ever admit it.

iu_177971_6384799.jpg I know Ta-Ta Gaitherpound is not afraid to admit when she is having fun and loves to cum all over her office floor. No matter who is looking in on her.


Posted by AdventVoice - October 2nd, 2020

It is a rare fetish of mine. Mixing Action and Sex effectively to fuse fans of explosions, guns, swords, and crime thrillers and that of the NSFW community.

It is an idea that has given birth to "Bad Guy," and allowed to me to create fun loving characters like Ta-Ta Gaitherpound and The Head Hunter.


These two have filled my week with loads of ideas I will take a lot of time to develop to get the transition just right. Devising a colorful way for these two to take on the Dream Weaver and prove themselves to be worthy adversaries for our favorite pervert, will be a major focus for the next few months. There are times when I consider making a Cat-fight with Nadia at the center of attention viable, but it is the Dream Weaver they desire to torture and do away with in the name of Amnesty International and though Nadia has a bone to pick with the group, since their mission is to do away with the need of men and her major source of clientele, her angst against them is rather obvious.

Hmm , where would the world be without a voice like the Dream Weaver's to provide reason and clarity in the mixed up jumble that is the amoral world of crime, prostitution, sex-trafficking's, vigilante castration, male poaching, compounded by inner city poverty?

I dread to imagine. As I find myself contemplating the real world and the direction some of the actions of a few have gone into making laws, or infrastructures that separate the sexes or the relations of people into dichotomies of Pimp and Pimped, User and the Used, Crook and the Mark, I foresee nothing good can come of some of the choices being made for the people. It will be fun to illustrate some of the things that come to mind and I will have to read up a lot more on our present Sex-Laws to determine, just how far people are willing to go to tax a dollar.

I just heard on NPR how Universities in America have a responsibility to change the world: Just how they plan to do that is yet to be seen. In 2018, in regards to Human Trafficking: it was suggested that the Universities need to develop educational centers on the risks that pose students and facility: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327778339_Sex_Trafficking_and_the_Role_of_Institutions_of_Higher_Education_Recommendations_for_Response_and_Preparedness

During my own attendance in a University, I found this to be impossible to ask of an institution, when we consider it is a world-wide issue. it is not based on the drama produced by Hollywood but on choices, affluence, survival, and at times merely lust. Of course my base characterization of the Sex-Trade does not aid in the cause of regulating it, yet I am of the mind that Universities and the governments that run them put too much upon themselves.

They are asking themselves, "How do we regulate the sex of sexually healthy people?" Why is that their issue? Oh wait, cause they are being controlled by an evil Lust demon that I dubbed as Ta-Ta Gaitherpound. Lol jk. I really don't know why the Universities have put themselves in this position but it will be interesting to read up on and devise a good storyline out of all the technical mumbo jumbo.

The Regulation of sex is not isolated to Universities or private property as well. The war against the Sex-Trade has been invading my own home for the past few years now. Sigh. I am always arguing with my mother about my chosen "Artistic Studies." We have come to a point where we agree to disagree. She agrees that all who practice sex, be it homosexual marriage, engage in a Futa fetish, draw a woman period: I mean the figure of a woman, sigh, then they should be denied the constitutional right to publish their stories. That means every Marvel Comic or DC Comic I ever read as a kid, was in violation of this asinine standard and she should resend her Star Trek badge for a 'Prude of the Year,' trophy.

I am of the mind that constitution's aside, cause not every country has a constitution like America's in which they live by, but none should be told how and where and they should doe when it comes to sex. Not when universally, we have deemed ourselves to be enlightened and liberated peoples. I am boldly willing to generalize this topic because of the restrictions on sex material found in Japan: Can't draw a penis, have to draw a tentacle, for further discussions on regulations in Japan I think you all should read this book:

Colonizing Sex: Sexology and Social Control in Modern Japan, I could quote all day ideas from Michel Foucault and his views of Power and Mass Regulation exhibited during his time in Japan. I only mention Japan and it's interactions with the Sex-Culture because of all the hentai I've read in my life-time and how difficult it must be to produce those works in Japan and sell them to a world-wide market.

In light of this information, I thank my lucky stars that I am an American and have certain protections to produce the works that I do. Yet because of the conversations I have had with my mother and because the desire to corral my publications, reign in the language and curb the sex from my field of study, is hitting so close to home, I am made to wonder how much of a sex-regulated society are we about to walk into and can we as American's suggest we hold the gauntlet on literary freedom?