I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

All Over

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AdventVoice's News

Posted by AdventVoice - December 5th, 2017

I have been chatting it up with some great supporters and users of the NG industry and have found some wonderful information that I think will help all new creators and there motivations.

A while back the idea was to close off certain pratictioners of the site from using material from other sources.

You know name copyrights and just all the things that legal protect people from Creative Identiy theft.

Well we all have legal battles sometimes in the war of creative relevancy. Someone will always chime in and say they had an idea first or that they can do yours better and dub a new name and win all the proceeds. Etc etc.

I say etc because in the battle of creative relevancy it is a battle royal and the one at the top of the heep will win.

I give many cheers for those that have had to fight legal disbutes over who had an Idea first. Win or lose those that have these debates have done one of two things.

They made someone notice there talent: That is why someone is complaining.

Two: They remain infamous because they were able to upset a corporation who is making millions off of an idea and they have shown themselves to be just as talented if not better.

When a corporation begins asking you to cease and disist in making content with something to do with there work and are not willing to pay you for your ideas, there is  a little monkey on my shoulder that begins asking the question, "Why do they care that I have Nitindo characters doing things they never dreamed of and have not made a proceed from the idea yet? Why have they not offered to pay me for my idea, shouldn't I be broaching them for a contract?"

In the words of Jay-Z: when those with money come knocking on your door and asking for a cut from your work or for you to stop working>>>

****K You, PAY ME!

Promo work can be just as challanging. Can you imagine the creator of Grim tales and or Aesop fables or any literal mogul coming to you and asking you to stop using the ideas for your posters that come from my writings, please stop being creative?

Why can this not be interpreted for game developers like Nintindo, Capcom, and Sega, or an other E3 developers, who begin to become upset with the merchindise creating potential of those that have the talent. How can the creators of Zone of Enders become upset when jet fighters and giant robots are all the rave and people get the idea to create prints based on the ideas?

Instead of getting mad, they should just write a check and sign me up to create for them.

Don't sue me. Pay me!

Of course I say infamy is grand, but I don't want to deal with crazy lawyers banging on my door about copy rights so I like to create original work and surf the net for potential buyers of an idea.

Now can I go around suing people that look at my work, capatilze on something I missed out on, and not give me credit? I could but why would I, I would just ask to be paid my little compensation fee and have a nice day.

Well in a world of civilized people that is....

Posted by AdventVoice - December 4th, 2017

 I was a huge Well of Souls fan as kid growing up.

If you have never read his books I suggest you do and watch some of the Youtube Clip art of his work.

He was a good artist too.

There are some stories that fit our world no matter what time frame and his where one of those.

I can't really say his art inspired my own, but his writing style and just the way he saw things made me laugh and just enjoy life.

I wonder how many of you are old enough to appreciate his work?


Posted by AdventVoice - December 4th, 2017

To those that have given me positive views on my art work. Those that find some pleasure and are made to laugh or just think...Thank you so much for the stars.

Some times I wake up in the morning and count my stars like I count the tonkens at the Arcade and I am ready to scap the previous persons high score.

"Media Spin rooms." is a wonderful piece. It tells so many truths about how it is not easy but when we do it, it is so freeing. It fits into the same dialouge as "Unplugged." For those that missed the point all together, what I was illustrating was the idea that we find ourselves with writters block, blank canvases, no musical inspiration because of what we find we are hearing on a day to day basis.

 For instance, If I had never watched T.V. or listened to the radio, I never would have developed this idea that somewhere in the world there is a school of women being raised and groomed to affect our political manunvers in this country and if they don't like you or think the things you say *UCK, are willing to send you to prison for 3-5 years behind false allegations and if you happen to die or have your head cut off or suffer some horrible disaster behind the things said about you, that is perfectly fine, as long as you are not in a position of power.


These same women are willing to place ahead of them another man, someone they chose to say the things they desire and sometimes it just so happens the man is more depraved then the one they desired to get rid of.


That has boggled my mind for quite some time.

If I never listened to the radio, I would not have this idea about music; It all sounds the same to me and at times I can't tell who from who and the message fits a set motif. So that being said I pick one song I like, I follow that band for a while, until someone else comes up witha motif that fits more of my mood for that day, I follow them for a year or two. Does not change the fact that after I check out my play list, I find that all of it reminds me of the theme song from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Which most of you are either too young to know about or too old to care, So I find myself in the middle trying to figure out why every band I enjoy reminds me of THE OFFSPRINGS.

I like them don't get me wrong.

I have just noticed that when I turn off all the lights my mind swtiches to something else and no longer do I feel controlled by the metronomes of the Offsprings

What I really desire are the elcletic sounds of Hozier:

I don't know why he reminds me of Hoobastank.

Posted by AdventVoice - December 3rd, 2017

I do not make art to be approved.

I do not seek to be agreeable. I do not beleive art is formulated or will ever fit someone's rules. I have seen so many productions that have been determined as ugly or useless mediums and they will have a message so unique I feel only pity for those that missed it.

I do not write books that fit some mode of expression that we are already used to. Books that regurgitate the same endless romantic agenda and idea of love that every child dream of to the point when they are adults they are still dreaming of what they wanted when they were children. Stale mediums make for stale presentation. The one thing you can take away from what I distrubute is the fact that you have never seen it before.

  I had the idea first, gaudy or not, when you take the time to say something about someone's Art be sure to let it reflect a respect and a healthy balance of truth.  

Honstely the saying will continue, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Can you honstely sit here and tell me that you alone have a voice of reason as to what is beautiful. Nope. Half the time you are so controled by the, "Media spin room," your ideas of beauty and truth are conditioned by what you are used to.

  Point is, after you allow the works to grow on you. Something wonderful happens. A story unfolds and potentials for something new become monumental.

I have never had a televioson chase me in my dreams, Have you?

I find it almost comical. What I don't find funny is how easy we can be programed to say something, form a belief, not speak to someone, or not eat meat because of what we saw or heard on T.V.


Posted by AdventVoice - December 2nd, 2017

In previous posts I gave history of where my art and style began. The thought process and what I had hoped to achieve. What I really wanted and still desire from my art.

Many have said I am a lot better than I think. (This is news well recieved and pivtol to making everything come together)

I had definitions for my style and approach to art. I still at times wonder what others can tell me about and what they would call it. Many have said it is comic book style and that is what I went with. I never argued. I am an anthologist, anyone that can take one word and develope the stories through images as I can is so much more than an illustrator. I was viewing some gallaries today and liked a lot of what I saw. $500.00 art pieces from minds that showed an ingenuity many would envy. There was one piece that I like called "Blue Resistance." (You would never guess how the artist decided to illustrate that idea and when you see it, you will understand why it is worth $500.00)

I could never recreat it and I never would want to. They did a mighty job though.

Back to the discussion at hand.

I am producing all this work and I love every piece. They are my children as much as my books are my children. Every piece or work is worth so much more than any asking price. So I don't ask. I just bask in the memory of that day when I had my table, I had my solitude and my ideas and brought them to life on the canvas, showcased them online and shared with the world my most hidden expressions of thought.

I was 16 when I really began to delve into the world of art. I was 16 when I realized that I could do it all and could make a go of it and have a gallarie and a showcase and a moment to enlighten people of what love and loss is.

That is what I had hoped to do with "RED LOVE.," and "Howl for your love."

There is something so warming in the thought that Red Ridding Hood could really have loved the Wolf and never wanted to see him killed. Maybe she really loved the beast and how he made her feel. To feel anything is better than not feeling at all. His gaze would ravish her and the blush of red that flashed her cheeks as he looked at her from across the field that seperated them. Any field, the fields of success, the fields of family ties, the fields of expectations;

Expecting a wolf to ever become civilized and roam the city streets with her, without making the town people throw pitch forks and flamed torches, constantly harranging her to stick with her own kind.

Kind, Kind: the very word implies that she or any man are something more than beasts: When she is alone with the wolf the truth is realized and it is only through acceptence of her role in the order of life could she ever come to terms with having loved the pelt that kept her warm at night.

Why was the seperation so hard?

Why did it take an Axe to grind things back into it's proper place?

Because love cuts deep, especially when it is unrequitted.

I could relate to the Wolf as a child growing up. Not  only because all the older women suggested I had the eyes of a wolf, or would joke and call me a wolf. That was only ironic. No, I related to the Wolf because deep down that beast desired love. So when the love was denied and rejection became a constant spoon full of medicine to keep my aritisic mind sedated and my family would not seek to cultivate this skill;

I had decied to Howl like a wolf for all the other artists, waving the red banner of love for expression, cheering the crowds that surrounded me and never denying those I find with this gift, the encouragement that is needed to be remember for more than the beasts that we are. 

Posted by AdventVoice - December 1st, 2017

So I have in mind a lot of fun pieces that I have hidden away in my collection.

Red Riding Hood has come to mind a few times and I am letting you all know now that is going to be fun to give her a go.

I did a piece that kind of sets the stage for it.

Do you remember, "Howl for your love?"


Little curly blond woman howling to the night and carrying a tarrot card of the wolf that she has in her sight. Rose around the collar bone how beautiful she is in Black and White. Oh my darling ridding hood forget not the wolf's bite, transform only to avoid the storm. What storm prey tell? The storm that is seen in his eyes as our lips doth meld.  I do believe that is how puppies are born.


Well after the rose peddling tropplip of a wolf loving woman decides to steal a kiss, we come to find that there is more to this story and it does not end so well for Mr. Wolf.  In a few days you will see if a bullet can end the spell or if she is just too love struck to let him go.


I think it will be better than that scene from the titanic when Jack had to decide between the fish or Kate and he chose the fish.

Posted by AdventVoice - November 30th, 2017

There is this artist in Seattle that has her own flavor and is pretty hot stuff over there.

She is opeing up a new gallery with all new art. I subscribe to her website and check out her stuff from time to time and I always enjoy the sites.

I have dreams of taking a flight and having coffee with her and asking her about her style and what she likes about it and what she does not.


I called her one time and asked her what did she think of my work. She was really positive and told me to keep producing work, never stop.

I never really knew what to do with that information. I thought at first that it was just something you tell people to keep them quite and to appease them. She was really telling me that my stuff is "whatever and she was too busy." That is how I felt at first but then I thought wait, she is an artist and she looked at my stuff and was giving me a compliement. That was a good thing. I was happy and thought I would share her with all of my friends, tell them to send her some work. She is cool and won't mind sharing her thoughts with you on the phone.

Posted by AdventVoice - November 30th, 2017

I really share a lot with you all.

I love the fact that there are a few of you that listen and retain being voices of reason. You look at my art work and give me thumbs up, thumbs down, you listen to me talk and basically keep me out of trouble when you tell me not to say that or it is ok to say this.

You laugh at my jokes and you really just make me feel some sort of way when you are willing to engage in what I am sharing.

So why do I feel the need to write to a Fox News anchor and anyone else for that matter. Because while I am driving home from work, I am pissed off that he is allowed to get away with some of the things he says. I don't like two faced people. To me he is two faced and he needs people like me to call him on it and keep him honest. Just like you guys keep me honest.

If we don't have someone around that just says he dude lay off the mike about some things then they will keep on as if they are smart or doing someone a favor.

That mans has been after the Clintons since before it was cool to hate on a politican. Now if one goes after a politician he is favor of, he will call you a dooche bag on his show and tell you to go home, you don't deserve to talk and you won't get any air time. (That is pretty two faced and seems prettty biased,) He covers himself by telling you this on his show everyday as if people care about what he says and have decided to vote for someone because he endorsed them. Oh but wait he would never tell you he endorsed anyone and we are all entitled to our own opionions and there is freedom of press and accountability on his side. While everyone else is a looser of loon.

His downs pop culture while at no time giving them anyother recourse of entertainment and neither the job towards those avenues.

He certainly never accepted my job application, or the applications of anyone why cause he is not in the buisness of accpeting or hiring anyone.

He is as bad as Glenn Beck and all of them are on Television bashing television programs that they don't watch and feel anyone that does watch them are liberal socialist....what is that? He actually had a thing against CartoonNetwork  and I know of some great shows that came from there and have met some talented people that got paid.

What has happened to America?

Posted by AdventVoice - November 29th, 2017

I have noticed something very odd from numerous creative sources. I have written blogs on the issue and I have set up open forums and still I receive very little feedback on this issue. Blogs that you may not even read because there is a block on the broadcast from somewhere. www.avproductionsblog.wordpress.com www.adventgradepress.com


The moment I wave this flag I am called an incitor or that I am imagining things and need to calm down. There is just something wrong on my end and all the money you spent was just in your head too. You never paid all that money for a broadcast because if you did, something would have come back to you.

These are the words of bozzos in killer clown outfits that make me want to tag there cars and licenses plates and ask them how, "REAL IS THAT ART IN YOUR LIFE?" "IS THAT PAINT JOB A FIGMENT OF YOUR IMAGINATION?" "IS THIS CONVERSATION AS REAL AS THOSE AIR BRUSHED IMAGES OF THE FLYING BIRD STAINING YOUR WINDOW?"

Any small business has a right to how they desire to be perceived and what mediums they desire to implement in the use of marketing and self-promotion. None of us really have to spend the money needed to hire a PR agent. Especially with the avenues generated by our internet resources. I mention all of this to affirm the idea that Free Speech is much bigger than the right to a picket sign and what is shared on Twitter. With the development of online business and Wealthy Affiliates and the money that is spent in order to begin a website, Free speech should be cherished and encouraged.

Why then have so many sites gone out of there way to block to the broadcasts of those that choose to use there platforms?

Outside of Wealthy Affiliate there is Word Press and similar servers developed in the idea of assisting people in marketing themselves and selling there products. People put there money into a program and showcase an outline that is never seen by the public, They pass out cards and ask prospects to look into there work, encourage others to invest in these programs and not a word is read or feedback given.

The web has become a dead space and everyone seems to be ok with it. Why?

I suppose unless you are marketing something that is already on the mainstream it is fine, it was not your web browser to begin with, it is owned by someone else and when it is shut down, you just look for another server. Very well for you, I do not find this easy on the start ups and I have been made to wonder is this in development in order to keep people out of the mainstream markets.

I will continue to ask those that are apart of WA to keep pushing forward and when they ask for $299 for a year of advertisement for your business understand how great of an investment it is compared to all the other servers out there that are denying people the right to be heard.

For more information look into https://adventvoice.newgrounds...

I would say, "feel free to look in to my blogs and web work, If you can find it!" Leave comments and feed back and keep smiling folks

Posted by AdventVoice - November 28th, 2017

[Life is my Strife]


    Posted on November 27, 2017November 28, 2017 Our Stand Edit

Life is my strife!

Lock me away for crimes that pay is what I always say.  White collar crimes in which the people I love never worry a day for the time that elapses in my passing. This is not from delusions of grandeur. It stems from the futileness of having to rot for three years because of things that could have been explained, forgotten, forgiven.

Does this mean, white collar crimes bring wealth?

No, it means the scheme that takes years of investigation to solve and still leave room for doubt have always allowed families to remain intact and the fathers or sons that are caught and made to do time in the feds; still have enough to make sure their families are fed.

Those doing time, 25 to life behind a robbery charge, a gun never used, typically needed a job or to learn to be content with what they had.  Those doing time behind the sale of  a substance that is now legalized, I know are pondering what life would have been like if they just waited a few more years for the mind of man to change.

I remember the employee of my university when she was blamed for the embezzlement of thousands of dollars from students and the institution. I always thought it ironic how she still has nothing and the University thrives, as best as an institution like the one I attended  can. The entire time I was there I felt the money of the student body was being misappropriated in some way, but never by, “one person.” The school found a scape goat. How do I know? Because when you are put up to commit a white collar crime, when you are caught you will be silent and made to settle for nothing and never made to sit in a jail cell. If you are smart.

I reflect upon all the times a gun was pointed in my face behind petty crimes or petty accusations. Petty because they were arguments behind two or three hundred dollars. They were behind a robbery from the deranged broke man that believed my little paycheck would get him ahead. They were arguments behind the police believing I would rob a bank or a store or some other blue collar crime.

Did I ever shoot a police officer or a confused man who was hungry?

No, I had places to go and people to see. I had jobs from night to day, roof tops where my home, dark alleys where were taxies picked me up before they got paid to help me deliver food to hungry people. To look at me you would think I was the type to carry a Maltese Falcon every where I went. I was a professional, always looking for the big pay-day. Never settling for a job that would entail I needed a gun.

At the moment  I can’t think of a bigger crime than that of Identity theft~Our identity is strung together from a string of numbers that an entity can claim ownership of and have you committing shopping sprees in another country. A person can take your creative ideas and scrub your name, taking your place and ride the chariot of fame as if they are you.

Equifax, Uber and Banks have been umbrella supporters of tech thefts since before 2000; we’ve read stories and have been made to support those that lost it all because the wrong person got a hold of those nine numbers that work better in identifying a person than their own fingerprint.

I really shy away from telling my friends what I know about our world and the hidden parallels I’ve seen from the anti-Semitism  of the 30’s and 40’s and that of today. I  don’t try to make the issues of today about religion~ honestly see what is coming to be a human affaire. I see and hear drones every night>knowing the difference between the lights of God, the lights of man, and not believing in aliens helps. So when people speak about impending apocalypse the only reference that can be had are the highlights of what occurred to the Jews.

I follow Isreal  and have learned what the Jews feared is to be repeated because what happened to me was no different that the lists of Schindler, who inspired Kissinger, who is reported to have whispered into the Presidents ear. In light of this history lesson it is not a farfetched headline to read, “Massive Us Military social media spying archive left wide open in AWS S3 buckets.”

In light of what happened  to Snowden I am surprised Ian Thomson of San Francisco was not called a traitor for sharing these insights. Clearly according to the report, Amazon has been privatized by government contracts, which poses the question, “How far can private citizens trust an organization willing to be supported by the government finically for trade of information collected on private citizens?”

This same question is posed to Equifax, Uber, and all the number of Banks who’ve fired employees on the account of information leaks of private citizens, monetary leaks as well. Very few have held these companies accountable more so to do with the fear of being labeled a traitor or instigator.  Case in point Snowden vs. Verizon; who is known to have passed off information on private citizens to the government.

Steve Blank of the Howard  Review pulls for the start up to remain private; why? It could be because in the 1980’s and 90’s tech companies and their investors made money through intial public offerings (IPOS) V.C.’s set these rules and where able to buy out founders like Steve Jobs in four and a half years; ripping his nest egg and everything he owned and created and sold it whole share to the government. It could be because Centcom. (US Central Command is in the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, PACom ( US Pacific Command  is in Southern Asia, China and Australia) and are running programs hosted by Amazon designed to monitor comments made by Americans and citizens abroad and inspect these dialogues, “if deemed terroristic in nature,” keeping them away from youths in these designated areas and here in this country.

According to Vickery the most disturbing thing is if America’s enemies get a hold of these abilities and use them on Americans. What I find disturbing is the fact that the government feels the need to moniter the internet use at all. They claim to safe guard against terrorism except in this country we debate over what we deem to be terrorism and have used it as a grey cloak to condemn any form of rhetoric concerning what is occurring in this country. In safe guards we’ve allowed the likes of Amazon and Apple to deliver entertainments from foreign entities rather than news and the war of propaganda is smothered through these Centcom safe guards.

Safe guards that have only proven to stifle creativity and hinder free speech.

If it was free speech someone other than a bot from a Coral Reef data mining firm would respond to the thoughts of the people.

I’ve been in prison twice and none of those that were there were there for speaking against Abortion: sure murders, rapists, drug users, those prone to violence, petty thieves; all who would have made church, Christ a priority might not ever have seen those grey walls.

Yet I hear of Jada Picket Smith giving thanks to God for the wealth she acquired before her name became famous, the drugs she used to  sell. I am made to think of all the millions that are sitting behind bars for the very same thing.

Then the real crimes of America are ignored

Real Crimes like what?

UN Agenda 21 is a real crime. Imagined or fictionalized means in which it is implemented, be it Russians or our own Government making mandatory decisions for our own personal safety and seeking to play GOD. Then silencing people in the guise of cyber security against terrorism because I insist with a pool of like minded people that Eugenics, Fluoride, Vaccines, GMO, WAR, DRUGS and the sale of Military Arms used against American is evil.

Hospitals firing doctors because they refuse to take vaccines that they know they don’t need is wrong. The Use of medicade and medicare as a stipend for congressional work is wrong. Not asking what happened to all of those doctors that were barred from the hospital because they refused vaccines is wrong.

The fact that there is daily static interference and not a single word can be debated and the best I can hope for is to share with those I know and that maybe something breaks through is what makes for such a Strife!

I decided to share this here because it would seem that no one was able to read it anywhere else:

Feel free to post comments and tell me what you think.