I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

All Over

Joined on 5/15/17

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AdventVoice's News

Posted by AdventVoice - November 26th, 2017

So I have been busy at work and fast approaching a new year. I have a lot more articles developing and a lot more stories to share.

Recently an interesting conversation came up in passing that stirred something in me and I want to share:


I was also emboldened to share insights on a corporation that to this day when I hear the name or read articles in the Houstan Chronicles and across the nation about it I just want to spit.


These two issues of the world work hand in hand, when we consider who is deemed expendable by the world.

My biggest project to date is yet to be revealed and is taking a lot of courage to share in the mean time I hope you enjoy these latest posts and leave comments on how it made you feel or what insights you have to share on the subject matter.

Follow my constituents on twitter @Scope2Mars. All of my friends and I love to showcase art and the stories that motivate the pieces.

Before I go, I also wanted to say that recently I posted an article on an issue that I really thought people would have a comment for or could share insights on and none really could tell me anything or express anything. I found it strange considering we have been proven to be a nation of well spoken people, it seems all we do is talk and defend the right to speak. Yet I post this dialouge and it is so silent you can hear a pin drop...or crickets...actually it was a quite as the PGA tour clap for Tiger Woods.



Well we love to hear from you and can't wait to see what you have to share.

Bye for now

With love from Paris.

Posted by AdventVoice - November 22nd, 2017

Sometimes I place a piece on twitter just to see what people think.

The moment I put my art on the web it is like an explosion of people crowd through the room. 95 people potentially could be viewing my work all at one time. That is amazing to me considering I am a one man show. LOL

A lot of people are mad because they have not figured out how to turn those impressions into real collotaeral. They don't know that you have to take what you have developed on paper, out into the world....Could I handle 95 people at a time is the real question?

I like to dream that I can. I have the perfect venue, but to russle all of those impressions into one place at one time would take a major bull horn.

I am just glad that in one tweet so many people get interested.

I wrote an article that as soon as I posted it received 14 viewers, The invisible world. was the name of the article, I was trying to highlight the achievements of the Occupy Movement and how much I miss that group.

I remember when we would play music in the street and our art would be seen, heard, appreciated and it was always more than 95 people at a time. you know, I never saw one celebrity along my trip, I never cared to see one either, I never thought there money was any better than what I earned, I never thought they could do more or less for me. I had always thought that if I did meet one, who was impressed with my work, maybe I would sell them a piece of work for $50 and tell them it was going to a good cause.


Posted by AdventVoice - November 21st, 2017

What is it women are looking for when they ask there lovers to explore them in every hole. I recentlt added "Futa Angels," by DocProxy onto my list of favorites, only because I really think it helps depict how that conversation rolls over for the anal virgin. It is such a messy conversation at first and I have still to this day found that very few women like it, except I have seen a lot of art surrounding the theme, featuring women? Woman being defind by her breasts, not the piece needed to experiacne anal ejaculation. That again is a mystery for many, I have only known of very few that can say they have achieved what those Futa Angels achieved and so then you are asking if you not getting anything out of it, why do it?

  I knew one woman that asked for it and boy was she a problem child. It never did work out as well as we hoped. I wonder if she need a smaller piece. Never will know. I know I have had some interesting experiacnes and none can really match what Doc tried to show you. Would I recomend the experiace based on what he drew, sure, but that just means the doc sold the idea well.

I would love to raise a poll vote of how many women really enjoyed the art of anal though. 

Posted by AdventVoice - November 21st, 2017

I have some of the strangest people following my associates on twitter. I really can not explain what it means or why the entities that are following me are following. There are two followers and one is a Soccer promoter the other is a Promoter of beautiful women. I really can't say I have spoken of any thing in that nature and certainly can not be taken out of context to those degrees. I look at them and I wonder, what does soccer and beautiful women have to do with Art?

Can I make somthing out of this? Is that supposed to be my newest direction for an art campaigne, Finding relevence in the lives of beautiful soccer playing women? Or am I asked to find the beauty in soccer? Hard line says the monkey as he scratches his head trying to figure it all out.

On linkedin I have people following me from Airline departments, I wonder to myself what would Korean Airlines want with my art? If I go plane watching and see my art on someones rudder I am going to have ask for my cut!

Posted by AdventVoice - November 20th, 2017

In my quest for originality I find that I come up with wonderful ways to illustrate dialouges.

Some things I really don't like talking about. Witches for instance. I really don't know why I deceided to talk about my experiances with them. Controlling women should not be looked at as such. The truth is some men need to be controled; though I believe in a healthy balance. My last two pieces Love found in the mile high club and She put a spell on me. have much of the same theme. The woman is looking for love and she believes she finds it when she finds a man that will do anything she says and anything for her. The man becomes a caged bird, devoted to his lover and as the image of the witch with the crystal ball looks into his eyes and wonders how far can she get; is when problems arise.

The finger raising to the lip and the coy expression, the questioning behind the eyes, is when the problems arise. I have seen this look in a woman and I am always surprised that it leads to, "Don't you owe me something?"

I am made to sigh with heavy release, I am made to look at the woman I was commited to and ask her, "Don't I give you everything?"

Are all women witches?

No, that is the thing. I don't veiw all women in this lense. None really have this potential, Everything in moderation I suppose. The question is always in the back of ones mind when you have decided to commit to someone, "What have you done for me lately?" In a marraige or a casual relationship when two people decide to take on the world together there is always this endless struggle of control becuase each have dreams that are important. That is the greatest part of the quest, Finding the woman that will uplft your dreams and you can uplift hers. It is then the mans jobs to keep her dreams alive, not as a caged bird though. As the leading horse in the charge. Not as a messenger, but as the author of both destinies.

I suppose it is our lexicon that gets us in trouble. I have seen many a marriages ruined because the two just could not figure out who was in charge of the reigns. I have been called selfish because I did not want to let go of my dreams and they would not coincide with her own. I remember allowing the woman I loved to have a lot of control of where we spent our time and this was not a problem. The problem was the fact that she wanted to keep her boy-toys and swore I better not ever have another woman besides her. There was nothing I could do to change the double standard and so I let her disapate into memeory.

I can not admit to most that I fell in love with a witch. I can not admit to most that I was raised by a group of women that lived by a Matriach standard. My mother was a black magic woman and it really hurts to know she was only satisdied when she could control a man, instead of just enjoying the company and fruits of eachothers labors. It is hard to see forward progression in life unless someone has control. My mother raised me on her own for a while and so when she married, she still never allowed her husband to be "The MAN." To there own faliure. Watching it all transpire one can not help but wonder; how do you turn that cold heart of witch into the warm heart of a trusted lover and friend?

My whole life I have been surrounded by women that cursed me and tried to control me; everytime we parted ways I wondered what coudl I have said to get them to bless me and keep them from entrapping me? I could go down the list of the witches I know in this world but it is of no use, they would not read this post or change there ways. Men will always be the tools of heavy labor and bringing home the stage. Anything less and it is off with there heads, or the crushing of their hearts.

What do I get out of these confessions?

In my quest for originality I get to view the full potential of my artistic skill, none of this is my full potential, just as I have never told you my full story. I have been walking through mysteries and riddles and have led you all along the dark catacomes of my memory, hoping that along the way, we learn from past mistakes to live better days. I have tagged many walls in my journey of life and as stated in previous posts, desire to be remembered as an artist that wanted to change his world for the better, not go back on the same roads as before and along the way encourage people to create more.

I love creators. I don't think we have enough of them.

Thank you to my fans for taking the time to look at my work and finding something to appericate.

Posted by AdventVoice - November 19th, 2017


This months articles:


I posted the newest piece of art and really liked how it came out. All the different ways to get the lights to shine just right and not loose detail as I worked on it.

Then telling the story that goes with the motivations behond the piece took some doing as well.

Finding the right moments in the story to really get you to understand why it was drawn in the first place.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed making it.

Posted by AdventVoice - November 16th, 2017

New article publised online

check it out and tell me what you think


I appologize in advance for any spelling mistakes

my fingers are not as fast as my mind and so I find I stumble upon things.

Oh yeah I am a goober

Posted by AdventVoice - November 15th, 2017

My art and style is going to make head way for some awesome conversation down the road.

I can not wait, for the fireworks to begin!!!

Posted by AdventVoice - November 14th, 2017

Dead men tell no tales, would be my first debue redention of art placed into NG competions this year.

I like entering my art when I can meet a dead line. It is tough sometimes with so much going on in our personal lives to meet the demands of fans and people around us.

It is nice though when we can accomplish small goals though. I really wished I had entered something for #Inktober but I am sure #Underthesurface will be just as much of a turn out.

I added a little bio to help the caption along, It really was not needed, the art tells the whole story. Honestly when I think of under the surface of anything I am led to the ocean and pirates and just the language that is developed from mercenary work. That is all a pirate really was. They were the mercenaries of the ocean. We have bounty hunters on land now-a-days too. Every time a salesman comes to your home to sell you insurance, think of a pirate and what he/she is selling #Underthesurface. I feel the same way about telemarketers. I hold no grudes though, we all have to get paid.

 We all search for the gold and have to dig real deep to find it. Sometimes when we find it, we get zapped by the troubles that occur after we have secured the riches of our hearts. Betrayel of family that feel you owe them for the years of feeding you, and giving you a home. We get zapped by the bill collecters. I think of the lottery winners that get zapped with the Lottery Tax.

 No gold or bounty is worth more than the journey it took to get there. That is the one consetelation I hold onto in my quest for what is #Underthesurface.


Posted by AdventVoice - November 12th, 2017

Interaction between people is very important for numerous reasons.

What is the main reason?

Why do we go through all of the trouble to get to know people when we know what the end result will be. We have these long winded conversations in hopes of learning something about people and then when we learn what where we looking for?

Where we looking for money? For friendship? For Sex?

Do all of these things roll into one?

I ask all of these things because I have always wondered can there be any real lasting friendships between the opposite sex? I devised the piece Fanny Hills in order to begin to illustrate what I have had to deal with between the relations of male and female most of my adult life. The sense of control that occures between the sexes in the workplace and in everyday life. "Everday life," discribing life outside of the workplace.

 When I don't have enough money, I stay home because I can not afford to take, "That gir," Out to dinner and certainly I would never want to pay. This being said, when you are married, how many men take a woman from the office out to dinner or set up interviews with the opposite sex, without tampering with there marriage.

It is a real conversation that most try to avoid because they would never admit to the tempations of the opposite sex.

Where do you rate this conversation in your own life and how do you handle it?