I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

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AdventVoice's News

Posted by AdventVoice - December 27th, 2017

All new wrtings to help kick off the new year.


I really hope you all enjoy and please feel free  to comment or ask questions.

What is a world that is afraid to communicate or share in constructive conversation.

The answer:


Posted by AdventVoice - December 24th, 2017

People ask to me respond to what they think.

I give them a straight answer and a truth as I see it. Then I hear chirping and I am made to ask is the conversation over. I am again the only left in the room talking. Why did you ask me my opinion, are you one of the kind that like to hear there own voice?

email has become a joke when it comes to finding work. I can line up my resume with all the flattering things about myself and still recieve a silence that makes me sick. Didn't you say you wanted some one with a BA in arts and a masters is lies, I presented that you whole sale in one try and the only thing you have to say is, "We will call you in a week if the postiton remains open." A laymens terms, "No need to reapply, the postion was filled by that last guy who comfirmed he would do every little thing we  said and not ask to be paid."

There are three lines that are presented in the virtual world that have always led to naught and not a single encouraged promotion, "ASL," Then it is wondered why cat-fishing became the new norm. You ask someone how old they are, where they are from, and there gender placement in life. All of this is really personal stuff and you think this person on the other line has good intentions for me because they are seeking to get to know me. Slam down the digits and let it slip where in the world they can find you and probabaly seek services you aught to get paid for. 'A,S,L"

Set up the meeting and when no one shows you are made to feel worse than the woman that could land a date from E-harmony because she was not what you picture was selling.

Now for someone like me to not land what I am looking for because the person bailed is just down right insulting.

I will share in next weeks post the rest of that story...I'll entitle it Liberated Woman vs Liberated Man and the interactions between two primadannas at Starbucks.

The introdcution is much the same, It will begin with the question ASL? and end with the man asking what was the point of me sharing all of that information if you are not even going to respond because you are too busy or never cared in the first place.

Why did I waste my time sharing my whole portfolio if you were just going to smile and pat me on the cheek and tempt me to come back next week?

Then when I come back I am seen as the one that is desprate for attention when all I was doing was answering your question. I was generally interested and thought something more would come of it. Instead now I am looking at all these crazy stories from the newspaper and made to ask if I was ever seen as a creep like Snowden because I was going around looking for a promotion.

Can you imagine they just named an APP program after him?

Posted by AdventVoice - December 21st, 2017

What I love most about showcasing my work online is all the wonderful feedback.

We as artists can't do without it. If no one is talking to you about your product, good or bad you are doing something wrong.

I personally don't mind the negative press about my work, I don't mind when someone says I don't like what you do, or couldn't you be more professional about your showcase.

At first I was a little upset. I mean who wouldn't be, We all want to be liked and appreciated but then an adage came to mind that messed me up for life. An entirely different way at looking at things. Well two adages that lead into each other.

1.) Any publicity is good publicity.

2.) Another man's trash is someone's treasure.

Without these two methods of viewing our work and the sell of any product we would not have a competitive market. The work would be meaningless and we would simply be people pleases instead of artistice inovators. The customer is not always right, he/she is a customer and unless they are buying, "whole" a custom product all that can be said is, "Thanks for the information and I am glad you stopped by for a viewing."

Can you see it. Even when someone did not like your work, they had to go out and tell someone about how much they did not like it and that opens a whole conversation for people to view what was so distested  and there is the off chance of someone saying the exact opposite of what the other did and if the person never came by, there never would have been publicity.

Recently I opened a conversation online with a company that is much like my own and they operate on a whole different level. A lot more employees and so on. Great. Why? Because the idea that I had now has a community of like minded people that can be pulled from and open the conversation even more. When I reached out this company and asked around and complemented there work I was surprised to see such a warm response from them. They said thank you for noticing.

I mean what else could they say. A whole lot. Like stop snooping at our brand and trying to steal ideas. Insecurity is not good for business. It happens though. We gloss over it with a smile and keep it ticking, but imagine there is room for my niche in the world and I might have thought I was the only one in the world that was kicking this bucket around by myself but I have found a whole group of innovators that really want to be seen and heard and I got to smile for the camera, for a company that might not even wanted my help but they like the publicity that my promotions gives them.

Will they be so kind as to tell people about me; we will wait an see. I know I would tell people about them as they gloss through my associated twitter feed, but I am more secure in the idea that even if they don't like my presentation because I would be a competitor, or they just don't like my art or any other negative press one can think of, it is press non-the-less. That is what we are looking for all the time.

Thanks to NG, creators can be seen and heard.

Posted by AdventVoice - December 20th, 2017


I don't think anyone thought the concept of Cosplay would have taken off as far as it has flown. Comic-con and there affiliate's have been around for years now and this subculture known as Cosplay tagged along for a wild ride of really fabulous events. Lights, Camera, Action.

It has been one wild show for the many  unemployed denizens of this nation. Each individual that contributes to this traveling circus all have one thing in common, each is an underpaid imitator. Not an innovator.

Innovation is what moves markets. The denizens of this creator community all suffer from a mild identity crisis, each seeking to relate to the uncanny masks they put on to hide from the world that continues to out pace them due to a lack of the imagination. An imagination that made Walt Disney, Marvel, DC, Dark Horse Comics and Pokémon what they are.

It really is a sad circus that I sought to  rise above in the quest of creative, economic, and innovative relevancy; by keeping to what originally drove me in the first place:

To illustrate, deliberate, and raise the expectation of the creative mind and insuring that never would one see a piece of art and think of it as a debased imitation of a theme or plot of another creator. The assurance of outpacing the competition is in my hands and the hands of all of those that follow this thought process.

If someone reads my work or is entertained by the art and have corroborating feelings and desire to pay complements of money into an innovative American process, than I've done my job well. The exception is to have someone come along and say, "Why don't you reproduce what you've already seen, people like paintings of themselves as a Pokémon riding a flaming dragon!?"

I quickly direct them to the next Comic-con/Cosplay resort where the guy that used to caricature for Disney but was laid off because he could not keep his hands off kids, sits, drooling for a moment of your time and when you grow up, after the painful realization that you're no more richer emotionally than you are finically, I will ask you how did you like the Lady Gaga show in Vegas?

That is what happens when you go around imitating artists. Instead of thinking for yourself, you suffer copy right infringements and suffer a feeling of internal molestation. No one was near but you're sure made to feel some pitiful despair. The world of creation is being sucked into the vortex that is considered innovative but after it is dissected is seen as a sad imitating process that sell the same drab productions of the past.

I've had people as of late challenging my 'professionalism,' when it comes to my ideas and art. The notion that they have a right to compare my expression with anyone else's and denounce my standard of professionalism, I have found to be outrageous. I will go to a gallery or see art that was polished, well done and a mode of expression no more advanced that the themes they are surrounded by and the words that erupt a rage and volcanic ash as black as the heart that uttered the words, "Why can't you present your work like that?"

I am mystified by the presumption that artists follow a mechanical code of lines and depth and just with a little study and education my art will be "professional!" I am made to swallow my own bile. If it was not for my bold lines and deep color etched perfection, theatrics and dramatics you would be left with what've believed to be the death of every painter, still life imitator and back to what gave birth to the illustrator in the first place. What spurred on the anthologist to present himself as an artist or worth?

I remake the face of a person, set it to paint and people are moved and I am bored with the monotony. I present them with a world created from my mind and from the feelings associated from a few words or the turn of phrase and they ask why can't I be more, "professional?" I am called a child because of what I enjoy and if I draw flowers the rest of my life, I'd be appreciated?

I gave the world vibrancy and laughter drifting line together to create a story and I'm asked to stop dreaming?

Give them the regurgitated ideas of dead men and I am applauded as a professional. I think of Namco, Square Inc., Nintendo, every American computer programmer and the worlds they created in the name of their art and the video games and how unprofessional a piece of work looked. Every NFL football character had the same plastic look but people were still flocking to buy that plastic expression of moving digits and I think of all the American homes flooded with non-polished art. Posters people have nerve to challenge my style or call me a child because I won't waste my time reproducing something no one will pay for.

I am a child because I won't present fine art. Do you realize what kind of work fine art is worth? $500.00 is the low expectation and that is not equating time and cost of materials. I am disgusted when people that have an appreciation for art and the work it requires speak to me. They are so surprised by how my mind works. How can you produce art so quickly? Then they ask me, why is it not as, "professional," as so and so....Short answer...because I am not so and so.

Because what I find to be beautiful , you find to be eclectic: you enjoy the sonic colors except you want the lines to stand still. I am  sad for you...how your world must be stoic and lifeless.

I am sad for the indivduals that have come to beleive the minds that created Burning Man are any less professional as the minds that created Pokemon; I just don't understand what we've come to deem is 'Professional," what is acceptable? All of it seems to be relative to where you come from and are raised around and my art certainly is not meant for every community and neither are my writings, niether is my poetry. Except none of it should be looked at as any less professional as the next man's. Until my dying day I will fall in love with my individuality. Just wish I could teach others to have this same desire and communicate a healthy respect toward people and how they interact with one aother.

It is crazy to me how people will not showcase their work because it does not follow the models of what has been deemed acceptable. it is not, "accetable table talk," so we would rather not discuss it. You are not professional when you delve into abstract art or speak through allusions.

Do any of you understand the history of Dante; he alone gave you views of heaven that have been called law since the edge of Midevil era and Reason. He gave you the pictorial image of the Rose of Sharon that before hand was consideered sacraliage to even depict with a pencil.

They laughed him to scorn and not a single image of his day was considered, "professional."

Then a lad comes along who sees the world through another lens and perscibes a method of art that is geared to surprise and reinstitue wonder in the field of art; you've laughed him to scorn but just as Dante you will recognize his truth and seek him out; sadly when he is gone: He saw it coming, his friends~talents all hidden away because they were not deemed professional.

This is what destroyed creativity in this country and this is why when I walk into a store in this country I don't see a single thing that relates the American story.

"Oh no he is a Nationalist." oh no he has pride, oh no we can't demand anything of him that he's not willing to give.

I will not give you pokemon; i will not give you pastels of your grandmother, i will not give you family protriats of dead patriachs, I will not give you epitaths of presidents alive or dead. I will not give you Gods or goddesses, mythical creatures to help you escape reality. I will not give you butterflies or blue jays, I won't even give you sex. I will give you the words you've given to the world and with my pen depict the refecltion of how your words look to me.

Oh but that won't sell...who cares?

It seems everyone else is making a buck selling you fantasies, why won't it work for me to sell you illustrated prose in a magazine?

The man that created Flight is an American comics anthology series edited by Kazu Kibuishi>>> Do you believe he cared about what sold, when he gave you his anthologies?

Do you think he cared that everyone around him thought since he was in school he'd never amount to anything?

Do you think he cared when they came to him to buy his work, that some pieces did not reflect professionalism?

So why should I?

People claim that I can be what ever it is I want to be, (They dare not say, "As long as I do what they say). It unnerves them when they can't understand this desire I have for silence~ They don't understand my need to create, to write, to dictate, to dream.

They don't see the worth, but billions are made from dictiation and influential creations.

Burning man grosses thousands and that is after a few advertisments and one stage production. I am not willing to settle for anything less than what I am worth; so that means if your not willing to market what i give you, "ill do it myself."

In the marketing of my art I hope I can inspire; you to sift out of this depressive marsh you've allowed your life to become. In telling people how they will only achieve success through following the methods of those before them. To be respected in this world you have to be like those with money like Trump, Mark Cuban, Oprah, Obama, Tiger Woods.

The bile will not fade as long as I am made to listen to the mouths of unimagintaitve people. The same individuals that blame circumstance, time, life, family, never themselves and ultimatley God for their lack of recognition in this world. If not God it becomes the Devil's falut for influnecing those around them to do the oppostie of what they desire.

I've heard every exuces in the book and never attribute any of this crab symdrone to my world of creation, Instead I just work on Exploding Rose Pestles!

Posted by AdventVoice - December 16th, 2017

 Tales of a Head Hunter (continued)

In light of all the sexual harassment allegations flying around, Conservative radio is suggesting that those using Social Media should only speak to those that they know personally and trust. Leaders in the conservative circles believe that business's and personal lives will fair better if people remain secure in there fields of influence and do not try to venture out in any other pools of communities lest one is to risk accusations because a lot of people are allegedly receiving payment in some form; for these stories.

 Can someone explain to me how this advice is good for advertising a love for the free market?

The internet was not developed so that people could pool themselves into clichés like we are all perpetually stuck in high school and only if you are promoting what is largely considered acceptable can you expect to be paid for your supply. Nor was the idea ever invented, until the conservatives desired to protect themselves from the potential of slander and feel the world is now threatened by the same political bias as those with the clout to pay for the silencing of slanders and has always paid slanders to keep quite on unprovable issues. (That was really not news conservative radio) What is news is the idea that you believe the internet and Social Media could at anytime help to influence people into making these decisions to slander and that there should be no more free market soliciting outside of our spheres of influence from fear of slander.

Conservative radio has been boycotting Social Media every chance they get, while using Social Media mind you. It is this hypocrisy I can not stand. I don't believe anyone can stand it. The allegations poised against anyone male or female have all proven to be questionable on both sides. In times past when something could not be proven and no formal charges could be given, the concession was the pay-out; now the pay-out was never to be interpreted as guilt and if the public viewed it that way, who cared what the public thought. If the shoe was on the other foot, and they were offered to pay money or go to prison, that very same poor public would sell there whole family down the river just to avoid the sting of slander.

I am in the line of thinking that everyone is so broke that insurance companies are no longer willing to pay out on all the scams the rich have been trying to get away with. I would hate to believe that the fires that ate up nearly all of California will be proven later to be an attempt to off set the price of housing out there and make room for many poor people that are going to being missing out the rich opportunities afforded the public through the avenues of the internet. I would only think that because it has been reported to have been started due to drought and that no one started this massive blaze. Hard for me to believe both sides. Conservatives lie about slander and Social media and major net works lie about the motivations behind all of this slanderous talk. Clearly it is money, it is always about the bottom dollar, and when there is no money to be found from even one of the richest men on earth what do you do?

Burn down the farm and your home like the many acres in California and  ask the insurance to take care of it. When they can't or won't because the job is too big, We can always count on the Government to bail us out like they did the banks in the past eight years. Of course the Republicans don't think this way and so no one would ever do that. They don't desire to be accused of slander, so without proof they just don't mention it and find ways to pay-out. 

I just don't understand how talk radio or any media source can get away with suggesting that everyone should hunker down in there homes and not speak to anyone via social media; There should be zero solicitation via the internet because people are not grown enough to understand how to conduct themselves and slander is too big in court right now.

They would deny why Bill Clinton was really impeached. Everyone knows he was impeached for sexual allegations, the first and only president to be impeached for lying to the federal government about what he did with that woman! Conservative radio would lie and suggest that he was impeached for lying under oath. They would really splice apples about this issue because they don't want it ever said a man can be sent to prison and serve Fed charges for the things that go in the privacy of our homes.

Did you hear that Anthony Wiener it will later be proven that you did not go to a Federal Prison and cried like a baby for the words spoken on your phone and the whore you never touched. It was simply because you lied about having the thought; As a man and a man with clout you should always have had the thought. The real joke is if he had pulled a Clinton and told the world, "I never touched that woman." it was proven that this like of speech was true. He really touched a man guised as a woman and we have a bunch of trannies running the Democratic party and that is why the Republicans and conservative members are running scared; If it came out, through slander that all these grown men in politics can't tell the difference between a tyranny and "Real Woman!" I am talking about a natural attraction and have been committing the biggest story yet to be uncovered. That story is almost as big as the one yet to be uncovered about Wendy Williams; How she pulled the shades over a lot of yawl for years.

Then if all of that could be proven, then yes, all of the grown men of the conservative party are about to loose it all to the woman's march committee's.

Why is this such a big deal. It is always about that bottom dollar.

Posted by AdventVoice - December 14th, 2017

I've been wanting to ask my fans and those that just pass my page; What do they think of the potential of Bitcoin as being a viable source of income? How many of you have cashed in this vertual stock?

I have many friends that are wanting me to get in on the deal and I have a lot of sites avaible to me, (at a heafty price) to cash in on. Half me says to go this alone and when I cash in on something, then talk to people about it and ask them to join the party. As I have said in my previous posts, Every Freelancer knows the job is not over until you get paid.

I really can not buy into something or advertise something that I am not sure will result to any money in my pocket let alone gauarentee money for anyone else.

Reading the sale ads and Bill Gates signitures of endorsement still has not convinced me but I am curious if it has convinced any of my friends or those I don't know, to buy in.

Conservative radio is all set against it because it is not a sure investment like Gold and Silver; Yet I fear conservative radio has missed the point entirely when they keep suggesting that because the banks can't verify this digital currency that it is all bad. Banks have a hard time with Pay-pal and Credit Cards but they have been pushing this form of currency since before I was born. Banks don't even know what to do with Silver when you give it to them. (I have never considered the Pawn Shop or Loan Firms to be banks), but that is what the Conservative radio is giving the masses as a secured finical institution and are running scared of Bit Coin.

This fear has not dampaned the adverising power of Bit Coin either. While Glenn Beck is talking about Russian scares and to invest in his Gold standard and food supplies, I have yet to see how his marketing strategy is any different than that of Bit coin marketers like Bill Gates. Each are selling on the primise that you can't trust the Banks.

The real difference is Conservative Radio is selling something you can touch, while Bit Coin can not be registured by the bank and after you do the research you realize they follow the primise of crowd funding and collective economics which we all know is instituionalized to only serve the entity at the top of the pyramid and leave the representives in a lurch when they can't pay out what they owe.

This draw back leads me back to my original question.

How many of you or those that have been interested in Crypto currencies have acutally cashed out?


Now you might be asking what does this have to do with Art?

Glad you asked.

Well with this money that is set on a teleporter and is supposed to be getting people out of the finincal dibocal of the Great Recession of 2007 to present; wouldn't most of you have secured an income to further art projects or magazine firms?

Money has a lot to do with Art and has a lot to do with the functionality of any buisness. Without a little corlateral NG or most of the moderators would not be able to continue fuctioning. Honestly I should not be presenting a business model like this online, information is to be sold not shared so freely. I have gone through great pains to share what I know because I believe in building trust amoung my fans and those that could be potenital supporters of my elcetic dream later.


Many of you that read this will say, "I never heard of Bit Coin unitl you mentioned it."

Which is nice: Now that you know and if you increase some paydirt in your pocket from this inquisitve post, remember me around Christmas time. Like I said before I have stashes everywhere. With all this talk about empending doom and Government Shutdowns that won't happen because they never happended before.

All this confusion as to why there were so many poor people in 2007 to present and no one wanting to take accountablilty for the theft of millions of livlihoods and Bank fraud with Welfargo and there sister companies, I am stocking my wood pile high and large everyday.


I work on my art as a way of releasing tention is these troubling times. My memory is filled with people that crowded the Frech quarter of New Orleans selling there artist dreams for pennies like they were extras from American in Paris. Only to go nowhere in there lives and having to eat meals at that beautiful Chapel that sits in the middle of the square and when you ask the crowds how long do you think this will last, they look at you with this blank stare of contempt because you had the nerve to ask.

"City of Nightingales" is a black and white ink peice I drew to remind myself of a time and place in my life I never want to be again; the lone man holding a scared woman in his arms while the street trolls roll by and the city spires and opportunity remain just too high. A child peeps around the shoulders of the couple asking for pennies and a man with his groceries huddles past hoping no one askes him for something he can not afford to give away.

If you notice in that peice there is not a church in sight asking to assist the couple and there is a sense of security given to the people that are allowed in the sky view walk ways that lead into the apartment spaces. They never have to touch the streets or be seen by those that are made to look up in this City of Nightingales.


Merry Christmas everyone. I hope I gave you something to think about

Keep Smiling Folks.

Posted by AdventVoice - December 9th, 2017

Freelancers know the job is not over until you get paid.

Clients don't always pay on time. With expanded buying power, you can buy the things you need anyway. Learn more: http://amex.co/ab1

No anual fees, Rates, Terms and Fees Apply.


I have always wondered if I could use this buisness model in referance to the sales of my art work? 

Posted by AdventVoice - December 8th, 2017

I really can't say enough about "Tag the Nation!" I really love how in a short time that piece of art work recieve such a wonderful ovation. I can tell people really enjoyed the production and that is what all this work is for.

It is a way to emphasize topics that are important and will remain important as long as we are willing to talk about them. I was looking at my tag the nation piece and I was trying to remember the word for when a person can not stop cursing....

I had just felt that the band on the stage may suffer from this illness and I wonder if I should even mention that...lol


Posted by AdventVoice - December 7th, 2017

Ain't no rest for wicked:

Will be the new theme for up coming piece.

Digging deep in the canvas of my mind and I am going to show you all what I can do!

So far what you've seen has been bogey for bogey, Under par,  nice attempts, fun experiance. Nothing professionally graded but I feel it from deep inside, something special to arise. No I will not be denied.

If I was a betting man, and I am, I would say what is creeping in my mind

Will change my life for the better.

Keeping my eyes on the prize!


The crowd looks at my pocker hand on the table.

I am sitting on tripple kings.

What could be better.

Go all in, is the cheering from the stands, but there is a check in my gut.


I know of something so much better.

Head bowed low, meditating in the solice of my red room, lights are casting shades and shadows.

Depths are wishpering inspiration from a place I've only been once. A mirror sits in the corner. The image asks me what do I see.

Mr. Muse I see a world that has been untouched, pure and free.

Are you willing to give it to me?


Aint no rest for wicked:

Posted by AdventVoice - December 6th, 2017

Dear Bruce Willis,                                                                                                                                             12/6/17

 I’ve been a fan of yours since, “Death Becomes Her,” and “Fifth Element.”

You were around much longer than that, but when those movies came out, my VHS was burned through by the time I was done with those. Naturally your role in Pulp Fiction only made me keep you on my movie radar even more. There are times when I find myself asking the numerous women of my life about their pot bellies and blue berry pancakes, just so I never forget that scene about how important the details of our lives can become.

  How important they should be to us; and how wonderfully sexy pot bellies can be.

Well while I was sitting here thinking about your numerous roles and your need to always save America from itself, I was wondering, “How did Fifth Element, make you feel as an actor?”

Where you satisfied with the movie? I only ask because I always felt there was a parallel between Fifth Element and Blade Runner. I never read the book for Fifth Element and after thinking about it I wish I had. But I did read the Blade Runner series and because I only have your role in Fifth Element to make this judgement call, all I can say is for a movie all about a bad ass guy saving the world, it could have out done Blade Runner right?

  It might have in viewings but what about plot line. I mean both are set in a future where there is gender confusion, political upheaval, the good guy seen as a bad guy because he will use a gun to defend himself and certain ideas brought to bare that can be seen as relatable with our present day conversation.

 i.e. gender confusion(bi curious) reporters/DJ hosts giving out free cruises to ex-cop taxie drivers.

That script line always disturbed me as a child. “How could Chris Tucker dance around on set like that, then turn around and ask to fight with Jackie Chan.”

That was a sad day for Black America~

I am not a reporter, I am not looking to advance my career, I have not told you what my profession is because I’ve set to go my own way~ you all have made it; we the entertained must applaud and watch the productions.

Only after watching you in Fifth Element I could not help but ask myself, “what more did Bruce want from that movie?”

You know before you, there were very few “Action Stars,” for us young men to immolate. I mean Black kids had Wesley Snipes but he was no Bruce Willis. Snipes could run a city but he could never stop aliens or Zed the way you did.

It was just one of those things at the time I guess~ There will never be an action star like you to come either. It is so sad for me, to watch the idea of, “MAN,” die. I sit in my high tower remembering the power babe’s falling for the strong man that solved all the problems and made sense of the world. Now men are being told to back off from the sets, keep their hands and mouths to themselves, unless they are willing to kiss the same sex on camera: Which was never an option for your movie “Fifth Element” even when they had a black bi curious (reprobate minded) character; they still made him act out his fantasies on a female flight attendant:

Why do things have to change? Why does “Man” have to die and why is he only seen as a hero when he is wearing some gay costume?  Another bother for me, you had all these beautiful women on stage with you, we all knew it was a movie, the love, the kissing, the blowing up of things. All an act. Of course in real life I would never test your metal. Yet not because I am afraid of you; but because I respect you. You’re an actor and I’ve come to feel when people can no longer distinguish between what is real and what is an act, then we have a problem. I’ve seen you half naked on screen with a few women in the same scene and they, “act like,” they are interested in you sexually, it helps the movie along. But you know I could never ask have you done anything with them off set.

It’s none of my business…you know.

Then the question arises why are the men the only to blame.

Doesn’t it take two to tango?

                                                                                                                                                                Your fan,
