While I was working on my little Anarchist Tribute https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/legend
I got to thinking about this idea of passivity, peace, love, and turning the other cheek, being the only monikers of Christianity people are willing to accept and the notion that to be an Anarchist is to be pooled into the same cesspool of evil doers as those of Anti-Christs and false teachers. Which I don't believe to be true at all. I am Christian, and I love Anarchists. I feel I am one deep down and hold no love for those that would seek to disarm me in the name of holding me to a false standard of piety.
Are Anarchist, Anti-Christ, or Christian?
From a superficial glance at the context and thoughts of an anarchist, one would presume that they are against the teachings of Christ and aligned with the false-teachers of the bible or to be categorized as false prophets. I really have to protest against such thoughts and hope in writing this little aside from my other projects you will come to see as I have that anarchist are not he ghouls and goblins we have been taught to believe they are.
:a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power
:a person who believes in, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchy especially : one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order
This is what the Merriam-Webster gives us as a definition of an anarchist and by this definition we would infer that any ruling system is subject to the scrutiny of an anarchist and this would make them anti-Christ. We have been taught this line of thinking would make it, so they would not bow the knee to anyone save for themselves.
This is true, the anarchist is self-serving, but that is to be human. There would be a lot of contention if an anarchist is made to subject themselves to a ruling party. They would no longer be considered an anarchist but an ally. Yet Jesus never said worship him. He said follow. He never said he came to establish an order, rules or guidelines that create a ruling system.
People have interpreted, if rather falsely, his words and created several orders or sects of religion based on his teachings and that is why we have so many denominations, because no one could settle on one particular order to control a people group and there was the anarchist, set about on liberation. The very same liberation Jesus spoke of.
Anyway all of these semantics aside, because Jesus said, “Follow,” I am assured that to be an anarchist one is not an anti-Christ. The anarchist in search of truth, relevant to their particular time frame, if he is benevolent, automatically is a follower of Christ, who was the very first anarchist. “Render Unto Caesar, what is Caesar’s, Render Unto God, what is God’s.” (God being in him and he considering himself a god, we can interpret that last phrase to mean, render unto me, what is mine.) That is very much inline with the teachings of the anarchist, who never seeks aid of the government and merely desires what is apt to them by their merit or what is internally due to them.
To be Anti-Christ, one must be against everything he taught. Evil, a slave to violence and dedicated to an order or system of government that renders all involved slaves to the law, the law of man, the law of Jews that no man, not even the Jew could keep, and the law of the beast. That great Mark of the Beast System, spoken of in Revelations. Jesus, I can assure you is against it, and desires all of us to follow his teachings to have the wear-with-all to withstand the onslaught of one’s liberties that will be present at that time. There has been a lot of foreshadowing over the years of such events and when one begins to feel the pull of prophesy that suggests, “one can neither buy nor sell, save they have the Mark of the Beast, on their right hand or forehead,” that only those sealed with the righteous of GOD on their forehead will be able to withstand the pull of the Anti-Christ, one begins to see just how radical being a Christian really is.
Jesus told us to pick up our crosses and to follow him, not to sit idly and worship at his cross, or lean on the holiness of his mother to save our souls and fall into heavenly bliss on his coat tales. Those that wrote the book of Acts and all the teachings that came after Jesus died and merely passed on his adventitious spirit on to his followers, each had there own burden to bare in the development and promotion of a thought that freed the human from tyrannical systems of government. It is the teachings of Christ alone that took down man’s dependency on Rome and ultimately the entire empire. It was replaced by many other forms of government but all of them had the shade of the ultimate government that have always fought against the will of an anarchical-christian leader, who considered it not evil to be count himself equal to GOD.
The anti-christ, nihilistic, satanic-thinker, believes power is to be used to control.
The anarchist believes power is to be used to ensure the control and power of this world, remains with the individual, not a Monarch.
Jesus and Christian believe power is bestowed upon man by an ultimately good source, our father in heaven, who seeks not to control anyone, gave us free-will and enjoys to watch how we use it in order to better the lives of our brother and sisters. Jesus never called himself or any man King. Those that did not understand life beyond a servant, and master, order, did that and he was not going to argue with how they saw the world.
He was going to wait until he came back with a sword a vengeance, righteousness, and strength, dividing evil from good, and establishing the perfect order, to do that.
He said, in heaven there are no hierarchies, Matthew 20:25-28, this is a particular passage many seek to ignore about Jesus as they seek to propose there form of righteous to entitle them to another’s gain. “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles (Heathen, Rome, Pagan) lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; (Followers of Christ) but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave- Just as the Son of Man (Himself, Jesus) did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.”
This teaching was is purposeful revolt against everything we know about power, gain, achievement and to be kings, rulers, or legendary. He was determined to teach of an anarchy against Anti-Christian behaviors that implied absolute power is to have control over another human-beings life. This is in perfect alignment with the teachings of the anarchist and one of my favorite reasonings as to why it is not anti-christian to be an anarchist.
It is suggested that Anarchist are proponents of violence and chaos as if Christians are not. As if Revelations Chapter 19 does not apply to them or are not to be adhered to or recognized. Those, mind you that speak against a Christian’s right to uphold his or her banner, which declares they serve a “King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.” Have yet to read the 22nd Chapter of Revelations and the 16th verse. For if they had, they would see how radical being a Christian really is and stand ready to face the battles against tyranny as any good anarchist would.
~Forward, Christian Solider, As Marching Off To War!
With The Cross Of Jesus, Going On Before!~