I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

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Joined on 5/15/17

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AdventVoice's News

Posted by AdventVoice - September 6th, 2019

This is really off topic and has nothing to do with what we were talking about previously, but I thought I should share this...well I really want to share it cause it is so cool.

So a lot of people have been bashing social media. Mainly conservative right wing voices that feel they are being characterized as evil people by their opponents and there is a lot of talk about how Twitter, and Facebook and Tumblr are unfair. Or the Main Stream Media sucks. I say a lot of talk, but really it is coming from the Conservatives and at this point in my life I am really tired of hearing about it. I mean I have grown up in an age where I can not envision a world without the access and response time the internet provides.

I have a prime example of the awesomeness of twitter, and social media as a whole. For a little background information. I went on vacation and in the midst of my time down at the beach, my party and most of SC coastline was asked to leave. So we did. No point in arguing with government mandates. We don't control the weather and the party was over before it began.

Anyway. The staff of the Crown Reef left. They left signs and some phone calls but there was no way for us to receive a refund or complain about it until today and there were a lot of people there, all of the rooms where full none the less. So we are all thinking how fast can we be repaid and how long will it take, and the staff did not even stay to receive their keys. They all wanted away from a storm that never showed up.

Well I get home after traveling and post this: https://twitter.com/Scope2Mars/status/1169966659504955392?s=20 and https://twitter.com/Scope2Mars/status/1169966662956830725?s=20

I really did not expect to hear from anyone and I was so happy when I did. I was doing the Jason Dance: https://media.tenor.com/images/22006db8f402a7415aa40b41c4b3a88e/tenor.gif when Crown Reef messaged me back and took my concern seriously. Considering no one was answering the phones for a week, and I had not heard from anyone and they could have easily said F-YOU, all worked out well, and I have Twitter to thank for that.

Twitter and the internet. https://twitter.com/CrownReefResort/status/1170004206335533056?s=20

I have shared all of this to suggest, that if anyone tells you, "No one cares about what you think."

That they don't listen to little people with no money. That it takes someone with a celebrity caliber of appeal to receive fairness and what is there's in the world, clearly has not exercised every avenue known to man through the power of words. Dig a little deeper my friends and you will find there is a group out there that is paying attention and waiting to respond to you and give you money for your ideas. Even if they are small ideas, or just refunding you for the time you should have spent with them, enjoying the last of your summer.

Keep smiling folks.

Now back to your regularly broadcasting program. This service announcement is over. I promise.


Posted by AdventVoice - September 5th, 2019

I am so excited about the current appreciation The Dream Weaver and Nadia’s story Bad Guy is receiving from the numerous artists and creatives I have come to call friends. https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/dw-nadia-cover-page-bad-guy It is much to early in the story to discuss much about this project but as Mutual: https://mutual.newgrounds.com/news/post/1066499 would suggest I am a supporter of a lot of the ideals presented in the Anarchist manifesto’s and I would like this story to aid in guiding others to understanding why having an open mind is the real avenue to applying intelligence and achieving the aims of most dreamers like myself.

It felt so good to have him acknowledge me is such an eclectic group of thinkers. Considering there are so many others out there I would gladly list in the ranks of anarchist and better artists and creators than myself. https://ceeedeee.newgrounds.com/ and https://abysmalzero.newgrounds.com/ Though they have never claimed to be as openly as some of the others that support me emotionally and or those that just love putting their allegiances to the cause of individualized freedom out there, I am sure they are and would not mind being tagged as such..I should ask them though.

I have been really busy this past month. What with my little brother coming to see me and sending gifts to my estranged grandmother, finding money to support other artists I like and a few Cam-girls (( https://twitter.com/myliemoore, https://twitter.com/thejuicyjolene, https://twitter.com/Studio413_DNA)) so work on my newest story “Bad Guy,” has not come along as quickly as I would like it to. The truth is previous stories where rushed https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/apt-1012-cover-page and I have to stop doing that. So to show I have learned from past mistakes I plan for this one to really allow me to share experiences, thoughts and ideas on how “Rise OF THE ARTIST’S,” https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/rise-of-the-artist-s can best be applied for illustrators, musicians, and starving artists like myself.

I love https://abysmalzero.newgrounds.com/ so much. I am three pages into my new story and she has already given me a thumbs up and just gives me the fire to continue sharing this tale of the Dream Weaver.

My Scout: https://bmesias063.newgrounds.com/ asked me a question about this story that I don’t I really answered before and feel for the sake of all of you I should answer it now.

Can't sure what to say, if this is true event or just for storymaking. i'm just a humble artists but no good storymaker. But this is sure more like a serious, drama-acrion thing for me, with emphasis to some serious, real-life event.

To quote https://twitter.com/RaunchyNinja “Better Drawn From Life Than Draw What’s Missing.”

That really struck a cord with me before I began this project and I have always desired to share my own experiences and give the world a taste of real American life. I don’t think any of that can be really achieved through fiction or fantasy without losing something in the process. So yes this is story making but the stories come from pieces of a life that was built on anarchy and living by rules made to aid the stronger and fittest animal.

Which contrary to most contemporary writers and thinkers, I have asserted since a boy of eleven, that strength is predicated upon a person’s will to live. To have life more abundantly and certainly by any means necessary. As the story progresses I do hope to be able to illustrate how as a Christian, I can claim to be an anarchist, a dreamer, a believer in freedom of expression, prostitution, violence, the right to bare arms, the right to justification and love who ever we choose to love without fear of retaliation from those comforted by lives measured in simplicities. Lives not influenced by the numerous spectrum’s of colors it takes to paint a picture?


Posted by AdventVoice - August 26th, 2019

So my little brother paid me a visit last night. That last time I spoke to him or of him was:



I am a little afraid of what his reaction to my work might be.

He is not much for conversation these days. ( I should mention this now before I forget, I have meant to do it in times past but other things come to mind. So I knew when the last time I saw him, he was about 16-17, that he would have to find his way without me. It would be tough, but I was determined to live without Government support. No government support translates into not serving the military as well as not settling for the allotted food stamps that are given by the government and asked of able bodied men to accept at the sacrifice of livable wages. I have always wondered if Republicans and conservative Christians, that say they love the men and women that sacrifice for their country, know that is what they are really saying to people when they tell them to get off of welfare, denounce their commitment to ACA and all of the other talking points that they use to earn votes of the people they say they are governing? I wonder if Democrats are aware of the damage they commit to people they preach to when suggesting a complete government take over of their food distributions services and University campuses and avenues of employment at the exclusion of start-up and non-profits or heavy tax-regulations? Whatever. When I dumped University studies, whom barred me because I sought to implement avenues of the law,that aided men and women to find justification and clemency for their criminal actions opposed to settling for adverse prosecutorial misconduct and abuse, when I left home and traveled with the Occupy Movements and set out to march against Wall Street, or homelessness, and the increased "Food Insecurities," set upon the people of this country, I was determined to do so without government support. I still do a lot of the time and though the work is slow and aid limited, I still hold out hope in finding those willing to aid in raising awareness to some of this massive issues.) <<I mentioned all of that because of what he said to me lastnight: He joined as an avenue to leave a home in which during the time he joined, food was hard to come by and work was even harder. The Great Recession of 2008 which I mention briefly in a lot of my segments and articles and blogs hit people hard in a lot of ways. My aim after returning from the dead or what should have killed me, is just to shed light on the adventures that were had during that time and why people do what they do in the name of freedom.

It has been years since we have seen each other face to face and there is a lot to discuss but work or what we want to do with our lives after years of limited contact and the struggle to keep food on the table and support our loved ones, well we were happy to see one another after it was all said and done.

I gave him access to my work..at least I gave him a business card. iu_50810_6384799.jpg Which I am hopping he won't make me regret in the future by any negative feedback of the work or doubts of the marketability of the franchise. I told him I would produce a piece of art for him. I am not sure if I have mentioned this before, but as kids, he loved dinosaurs so I might produce a piece of board art with his favorite dinosaur and send it to him. Kind of like a memento to the good old days of art.

When he met me last night, he asked me what have I been getting into. It is hard to describe to someone, anyone, let alone your little brother, who is your best pal, what it is you want to do with your life after the burning crucible's that occur in life. https://avproductionsblog.wordpress.com/2018/05/01/they-have-called-me-a-degenerate/

I can write and write and tell my stories, https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/dream-weaver-s-contempt but I don't think I could ever really convey what it is I want from all of it. Just to say I did it I guess. LOL. I mean without making any real change or opening the eyes of those around me to the hurt that is caused by the decisions of the selfish and expecting them to want and desire better. I don't know what to expect of people.

I have not yet heard from my brother about my art, or my stories. I know he does not agree with For-Profit-Prison's which is nice. Yet I believe he does not believe in the process for my sake and I want him to realize it is damaging to a lot more people than myself. https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/dream-wavers-aim I want him to realize that I am not asking for charity and never have. That in supporting the work and giving to https://www.patreon.com/AdventVoice he is not just helping his big brother stem off starvation and reduce the chances of him having to resort to cannibalism: or by helping me find sponsors and publishers or investors in the art he would be helping beat off the social head hunters that would like to end the creative process that we all grew up loving and entertaining ourselves with: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/thief-of-void-the-dream-weaver-page-2. By supporting his big brother, he could give a little of his time and energy in encouraging artists like myself and the friends I have made: ((There are a lot of you)) and in doing so aid fueling the fires of creation that wakes us up every morning. I am hoping after I complete this project for him and finish telling the story of the Dream Weaver when he was in a University town and before his trips abroad: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/dw-nadia-cover-page-bad-guy That he will find the effort to be a worthy investment and desire to give into the cause or raising awareness to the ambitions that pile on my desk, as I sit high in my loft tower.

Be sure to keep your fingers crossed!!


Posted by AdventVoice - August 16th, 2019

Is It Naughty?

Was the question asked of me, from those that I don't allow to view my writings or art work. Ever really. Unless the content is not and even then they'd have little to no interest in the field of my study otherwise. Such a frustrating position to be in. To live among Christians and to have off color stories to share.

Christians will ridicule you for elaborating on the figure of a woman: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/princess-demi-d or man https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/scarlet-champion Accuse you of perversion of the mind for revealing you own a Rembrandt or condone the practice of German artists who were able to reflect humanity quite accurately. They will see the illustration of the clothed Dream Weaver, holding a clothed Nadia and find a way to criticize or denounce my skill and seek to lower my self esteem because of what I have chosen to place on an empty canvas. I would take the time to share with them my ideas on how to fix our present pedophilic and sex offender culture that allows those as Epstein to find reconciliation of the mind and choose a path other than death by suicide or being killed by prison guards who allow inmates indoctrinated by a heavy does of slander, to steal into the night and kill a man. In the case of Epstein, because he never faced trail, we will never know if the allegations of sexual abuse are true. God rest his soul.

I would present a sequential account of my life with Nadia and what I had to go through, what led to the life of a vagabond and what I believe would aid others from falling into the same traps and I am asked if the pictures are naughty. As if, it were not, then it is of no consequence and a waste of time for me to do so. Sigh.

Would I have a better time of things, if I was solely around illustrators, painters, sculptures, pottery makers, creators, who knows, the constant pressure of needing patreons and sponsors and money to fund and idea makes for it's own brand of friction.

As long as there are people in the world, there will be moments of conflict and the desire to justify preconceived judgments or unfounded ones.

It is because of the Christian's apparent fear of literature, art, contemporary entertainment and the passing fancies people devise to make the days productive, I hold my hobby to myself and seek aid in publication outside of that group. Even if the written content, should interest them.

Because the show of violence, my snide remarks, barbs of truth, my disinterest for the pleas of justified scorned women of the #Metoo Movement; Because I am willing to give a face to cannibalism: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/thief-of-void-the-dream-weaver-page-2

Poverty: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/armageddon

Depression: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/fallen-dreams

Pain: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/dream-wavers-aim

Lust: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/dream-weaver-the-hall-of-valor

And the Passions of Man: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/dream-weaver-s-loft

I am Naughty?

At this point, I must say so be it, if it means I can get this story off my chest and share why I used to be friends with prostitutes. Why the book of Hosea should be contributed to them in our deeds, then I will stand alone in my efforts in making the degenerate feel loved and accepted.



Posted by AdventVoice - August 5th, 2019

Is not the solution to national or world peace.

During WWII, Hitler sought to eliminate knowledge and books that spoke against his plans of world domination and broached talks of peace. I can't stand a pacifists but we can all agree, seeking arrangements that aid all of us to co-exist is the foundation of nation building.

How do you disrupt a Nation and crack it's foundation?

By allowing your known enemy to control the flow of creative expression.

My entire youth has a wide field of innovations derived from the creative mind. From which has come our accepted ideas of Science, Math, History, and Social behavior. Video games, Movies, the Internet, Comic books, Literature, Music, Athletics, Telecommunication, even Industrialized reform has been fortified by the creative minds who were lucky enough to dodge the Vietnam War. (Richard Russo is a prime example.)

Those who seek to cull the creative mind and blame innovators into the new American pass time, which unifies today's youth globally, Video games, and blame the American entertainment engine for the deaths of those in mass shootings, or daily headliners of terrorist attacks are again looking in the wrong direction for the beast of the closet that produces evil.

I really was not going to waste time on this subject. (Notice no art was conducted to illustrate how I might feel about it or poke fun at the issue. I did have some ideas of some good posters to create but I don't want to. It bores me.)

Feeling as an artist and supporter of Alternative Music, today's Pop Culture, yesterday's Heavy Metal, every video game known to man, porn, fast-food, red meat, new space missions, all things tech, and anything that brings people into an online chatroom or discord server to talk shop about our dreams and aspirations. That the many of you who read my blogs, already, are aware and support in yourselves the constructive and positive power of the creative mind and would encourage your children to fill their journals and sketch pads, phone databases, and CPU hard drives with blue prints of the next phase for creative and innovative opportunities.

The world has reached a point where Rappers, who were seen as escalators for sexual misconduct, R-Kelly appeal cases, and hate speech against the white congressional majority in Washington D.C., are winning and eligible for the Pulitzer Prize. One day I hope the same can be said for the writers and visionaries that put in the long hours to create virtual worlds built from man's fantasies for our children to walk through, from the comfort of their homes.

Safe from the violence that permeates the headlines of every newspaper, willing to take away the very safety net that keeps those young minds fused to the television set. (A device Conservative Christians still feel houses the Devil mind you.)

Guns, Video games, and R-rated movies. Oh dare I forget to mention porn and MTV, all of that has made a degenerate society and if we go back to the days of Betty White as Elizabeth or when there was not a single ethnic person to influence the mind of today's youth. That would include Anime, Comics, the Harlem Renaissance, Manga, Ghibli Studio's, Pokemon, Skate boarding, and American Football, pretty much anything fun and accumulates nearly a billion dollars a year in proceeds from the global youth. Then the world will be a better place...according to some politicians.

Sorry folks, no matter how rough things get, I just can't agree, culling the creative mind, to be the answer to world peace. Long live America's love for video games, comics, sex, and rock and roll!


Posted by AdventVoice - August 5th, 2019

Today marks the completion of 300 pieces of art in 3 years!

That is a hundred pieces of illustration a year and a hundred stories a year to aid in the visual expression of my over active imagination. To celebrate I would like to issue a challenge to my fellow artists.

Those aspiring and those that consider themselves professional. Come one, Come all!! Before the debut of Maleficent 2 I would love to know how you'd add to my little excursion of though or interpret your own definition of love for the misunderstood harpy of fairyland, as suggested in my article, "Maleficent Fantasies & Dreams," https://avproductionsblog.wordpress.com/2019/08/04/maleficent-fantasies-dreams/

I will pay the first 10/250 submissions a prize fee and the top 5 will be given a promotional feature in October's article in which I will be discussing INKTOBER, and what I thought of Maleficent 2 the movie.

I remember in my youth, it was suggested that I should go to work for Disney. I knew at a young age, I would never be accepted their as an artist. My idea of art, illustration and being able to craft stories was more inclined with Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., and any organization edgy enough to sharpen the curves on their pictures and seek to grab the attention of an older crowd. The first time I ever heard of the Sun eater Ifrit: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/badoine/ifrit-final-fantasy-x was in 2003, such a long time ago. That was when I bought my first PlayStation. It was the Demo version of PS2 and it weighed a ton. The first few games I owned were Gran Turismo and Final Fantasy X. I really did not care for anything else at the time. By that time I was 14. Good years to be a teenager. There are many fantasies that etch the mind of a 14 year old and certainly lots of fun smut that comes from Rikku, LuLu, and wondering if oustide the main characters, would Tidus ever choose one of the girls to take his virginity before marrying that chick who can dance on water. Sixteen years, that is a long time to have grown up with Ifrit.

I ride around my town and I am disheartened by the lack of appreciation their seems to be for comics. There is only one comic book store in the whole city of Chapel Hill NC, only one store in Raleigh, and that is it. Drives me crazy that I can't find the one in Chapel Hill and if I ever did, I'd have to pay for parking cause it is hidden in some obscure part of the city and you can't access it on the main road. Sigh. Anyway, when asking people for directions they don't know where it is or what I am talking about. Pretty sad. Because I create my own works and enjoy expressing my own ideas, there is no one need for me to go to one, but I am spoiled and like to see what others have made. I don't need to commission artists to draw my fantasies for me, but I am lazy and spoiled and like to know what others think about my topics from time to time.

In completing my renditions of Maleficent and finding her a lover: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/maleficent-fantasies-dreams-dirty-version

I'd ask others to do the same to see what they'd come up with. You now know who I would choose to love and seduce Maleficent and why, feel free to share your art, ideas and the desires that spring in your mind when thinking of a lover for the beautiful harpy.

There are only two months left before INKTOBER begins and because I am so slow in developing content I will be spending the time now preparing for it while I hold out to hear from you all about your ideas on Maleficent, I thank those that have supported me: and wish you all the best in your own art adventures. I hope your love for illustrative works only grows with the years.

( https://bmesias063.newgrounds.com/ https://mettatonthesexyboss.newgrounds.com/ )


Posted by AdventVoice - July 29th, 2019

My birthday was July 25 of this year and my grandmother Peaches called me. I was gone out of the house so I did not get to call her until the 27th and she was busy, so we were playing phone tag for a few days. When I did get in contact with her, she was hysterical.

"What have you been doing?"

"Why can't I reach you?"

"When are you going to send me a letter, so I will have address and we can keep in contact?"

Things like that.

She is a southern-bell. For those of you that may not be abreast as to what that really means. Think of Maureen O'hara, in John Wayne movies, and a mix of Scarlett O'hara as a general characteristic but with mulatto skin and you have my fire breathing grandmother who only a few years ago, while I baked away inside of the internment camps of G.E.O. https://avproductionsblog.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/unless-you-are-willing-dig-you-wont-know/ told me not to come to her funeral if she was ever to die before we saw each other again.

I am the only one of her grandchildren that she can talk to or is willing to speak to with her. Which I know she appreciates because she calls me a lot and demands that I write to her.

I am just at a loss as to what to say to her. She wants to know how I will be getting along in the future and though she was always in support of my love for art, comics, Superman, Marvel and was oh so proud to know my art could actually take me somewhere beyond the life she knew in her youth...I could never tell or share with her my present occupation. Not yet anyway.

I plan on sending her a letter. Not much art I can really share with her. I think I have a few pieces on my list..I might draw her soon. Just for my own entertainment.

It is nice to know she desires a friendship after all these years. She was so hurt to know what happened to me and could be of no assistance. She is going on 60+ and you know, this is the first time she has been able to experience the independence she craved from all of the botched financial ideas of the 60's 70's that she delved into to make ends meet. I won't embarrass her to let you know what she did for a living, lets just say whatever it is I was willing to share with you, she would deny for the sake of her Southern-bell reputation.

Oh the love of a Grandmother.

Posted by AdventVoice - July 23rd, 2019

Just a few more days until my birthday and still I don't know what I should do. A few of you have offered wonderful ideas. Especially @Hellobaphomet https://hellobaphomet.newgrounds.com and @NyanaCreation https://nyanacreation.newgrounds.com/ who I can always count on for ideas and just a fun time. Well while I am trying to figure out if I am to go back to the beach or just sit around and try to reach 300 pieces of art before my next birthday I am more than excited to put the finishing touches to the pile of work that keeps coming across my message boards.

https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/defiance-amanda-berlin-a-bar-kissing Really made a big impression on art communities outside of Newgrounds.com. https://www.deviantart.com/loveseesnogender requested to feature the work and I wrote to https://www.deviantart.com/savvyred to thank her for the support and show of interest. I have been apart of her ComicUnderground group for a while now, sending pieces that I felt really complemented what they were looking for in the way of literature and good story telling. While others claimed not to understand or to relate to the work: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/apt-1012-cover-page established a good footing in the group. In the midst of working on "Defiance," and

https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/lesbian-love I have been looking for a good Yuri-Art group to join to feature pieces that fit the genre. https://www.deviantart.com/garrettjn/favourites/60906991/yuri There are a few fans of mine that collect art like this and though I am apart of https://www.deviantart.com/yaoi-addiction which was accidental really...I have yet to produce a piece for this group that I can say I like or would like to do. I don't receive a lot of requests for it and they certainly would not take works like: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/love-on-the-threshing-floor they are looking for more male action and I have just not gotten around to doing it. Anyone that has ideas to share on this please feel free: In the mean time let me know if you happen to find a group of Yuri lovers that would not mind featuring and discussing https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/eretria-shannara-chronicles-fan-art the curves of women and how other women find joy in them as much as a man does.

Tribute to Adult Anonymous: https://www.deviantart.com/adultanonymous

They have really been giving me a lot of support. They have donated points to the cause of my art. Rarely do they turn down a submission and they had a lot of fun with "Gracie Giggles." Where as Hentai-Foundry.com was not feeling her, this group really enjoyed what her openness brought to the table in the world of NSFW artists: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/ms-gracie-giggles Doing works like this is what I really wanted to do in my local area. Just go from the exorbitantly wealthy and bored homes of self-employed women, open to the idea and present them to my canvas and give them a place in the world of online galleries, in the hopes of transferring this information to the real world one day. Ever since https://www.deviantart.com/adult-artists and others got a taste of what I could with the faces and bodies of real people with a digital format, my twitter account has been full of requests for all kinds of art from some wonderful people.

I can't give too much away, but some of my up coming pieces are of people that agree with me that Sex workers should support sex artists, if not financially, at least with endorsements and the advertisement space for their art and the encouraging of others to be more body-positive.

Will I be working on my birthday?? Hard to say really. As I said before I would like to take more time for myself, just relax and enjoy the few fans I have and talk to them about what got them into the business. Not so much to share this information with you, but to see where they want to go and if my work can help them along. That's me, always looking out for others before myself. The famous hero complex. It is going to wear me out one day.

Posted by AdventVoice - July 11th, 2019

My last few pieces and comics or fan-art pieces have been my attempt to branch away from my usual topics. I've wanted to stay away from politics, religion, talks of ethnic barriers and the tribal functions of our present culture. I stay away from it because I am so sure to be the odd man out on any position. When this is taken off the table, what is left? 

What ever it is that is what I want. 

For some time now I've wanted to illustrate a rather sexy tape worm in my own style in celebration of a community that though many have tried to categorize and humanize, continues to enthrall a crowd seeking to escape, as I, the drudgery of real life and have found a way to fuse Fantasy art with Furry fantasies that is quite amazing. 

 This next piece will be my own attempt to add my name to such an ambitious community. Also to make amends with CringeAndLetCringe who has been waiting for me to draw her character in my style for a while now. In the midst of my distractions and personal projects, I had been contemplating the best way to present her and I decided I would turn her into a  Waifu. That is a trend that has been going well and their is not much to it. Of course I don't say that to belittle the trend. What I mean is, from what I've seen of others presentation, it is merely a reference sheet of a character with no backgrounds, words, or a desire for anything more than presenting an attractive original character in the best light to bid for auction among those that desire to adopt a character. As of yet, I have not done one and I thought, this should be the one that help me get my feet wet. 

 To transfer these skills into making a good cover art piece for a new original character I want to introduce real soon, will be wonderful. Though I don't think she'll come any where near being as desirable as Holly the Tapeworm.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6UazdAlqhs  


Posted by AdventVoice - July 8th, 2019

~@Lewdua Fan-Art~

It really should be no surprise to anyone as to why I did it. In hopes of keeping memories alive and the people I’ve come across in my heart forever, I’ve sought to keep spaces in my journals free for certain people. Lewdua is certainly one of them.

iu_38316_6384799.jpg In our talks on discord, she told me once that in real life, she connects with Nessie. https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/lewdua/nessie-missed-the-class-again

That was very helpful because her Crossover series is filled with tons of personalities and situations that real or imagined, aid in understanding Lewdua.

All I want is to understand her. I suppose all fans are that way, but it’s been so long since I can say I’ve ever had this much fun with a comic series and I am so happy to have found her nearly when she got started. I might have missed the introduction by a few months but ever since then I’ve been on her heels, wanting to catch all of the excessive cum in my mouth, not wanting to miss a drop. It is great to just find an illustrator that thinks like you in some regards about life.

Someone I can write to when I am not motivated to illustrate and no matter the topic will be there to push me to create and to give it my best effort every time.

Oh, if she only knew how her encouragement makes the day begin, for a guy like me. I chuckle to myself when I consider what she said when I asked if it was ok if I made a fan-art piece of Nessie and Alison. “Do what you like,” she said and it made me want to do her credit, with my style. Not only that, I hope others come to find her work as wonderful as I do. I hope they find her needed and innovative, a head of her time and a genius, as I do.

I could never take Lewdua out for coffee in real life. She lives too far away, but I would if I could. Just to talk about art, take a class with her and fine tune my calligraphy skills under her tutelage. I am just a fan of really good dreamers. I’ve always wanted to feel I was apart of that number and before anything crazy happens, like the death of international communication or the internet, I would like her to know how much she is loved and respected.

As an artist and illustrator, I too understand the struggle that comes with devising content that will build a crowd and result in a little money in one’s pocket, for the effort. The struggle of convincing loved ones that the time spent online is not merely to make friends, shoot the breeze and masturbate to the next Pornhub camgirl that decides to out do her girlfriends in raising funds for sorority application donations. Though all of these activities are commendable in there ability to provide entertainment, it rarely pays the bills.

It warms my heart to see Lewdua become successful. She may not see it that way. She is modest and more comfortable speaking French than English, but by my standards and I’ve set the bar pretty high, she is a knock out creator and I hope to find her honored one day and selling books of her works through Edward R. Hamilton Bookseller Company of Falls Village, Connecticut. It is a little magazine I order books like Spectrum Art, some of the classic illustrative books by Al Feldstein, J.Simon and J. Kirby, Bill Mauldin, of Willie and Joe:Back Home, Jack Davis: Drawing American Pop Culture.

“Erotic Comics: A Graphic History from Tijuana Bibles to Underground Comix: by Tim Pitcher with G. Kannenberg, Jr. Charts.

“How to make money like a porn star,” by N. Strauss and B. Chang.

All of which were good for the time period in which they were published but none of which can touch @Lewdua.

Or my level of skill for that matter.

A fact that to my pleasure gives me hope that if classics like the before mentioned can still inspire new artists @Lewdua will be of the legends with her name in lights and I’ll have many telling me they were inspired by her presentation.