I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

All Over

Joined on 5/15/17

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AdventVoice's News

Posted by AdventVoice - November 8th, 2019

I am sure I have discussed this many times in the past and have been sure to explain to my readers why art is so important.

"Armageddon," https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/armageddon was a way to illustrate what the world would feel like to me if there was no avenue to present some of the interesting things I keep locked away in my mind.

Now, I broach the subject because I am still unsure of how to verbalize to my family, how there will always be a market for the illustrator and creative writer, coupled together, there will always be a desire in my heart to sell and make comics.

I hear the ghost stories of censored regimes making footholds in other countries and I remain thankful I live in a country that allows me the freedom to write and draw what I want public. But how do I explain to my mother, who for fifteen years and counting has not had a steady stream of income and has always demanded that I find the funds to keep her fed, that things are tough right now for the artist? How do I explain that outside of art, comics, writing and the hope of procuring money to stay afloat at the next financial downturn, where there is no avenue of employment for a dreamer like myself?

I have yet to really explain my anger against federal regulations held against me, that prevents access to a normal 9-5 at a retail outlet mall, corporate setting, government work of any kind, a bank, a doctors office, minimal labor, entry level positions, the global market, period.

I do aim to do so.

For the sake of the thousands in the same position, who like me, would love to care for their families with something more than empty promises and excuses about not being able to manipulate enough hearts to buy into a crowd-funding scheme. (Interesting how the crowd-funding plan is little different from the pyramid schemes of the 70's-90's. Both occurred, after a financial screw-up.)

Illustrating/writing is the most honest form of work a man like myself can hope to have in the midst of so much National insecurities. It is my therapy.

You know my financial handicap has nothing to do with being an ex-con, black, or not knowing who my father was or is. Even if any of that occurred in my life, I would never have had allowed that to stop me from achieving the dream.

I've worked some of the worst jobs with a smile and all of my employers knew I'd been to other darker places before hiring me. There are many that have been to prison, have tattoos, are considered the scum of society and have access to work. My mother has no record and fled America to live in South America because of the GFC of 2008 hit so hard. There was nothing to go around. I can't work and for the next 30 years have no hope for an occupation of worth because of the black mark that has marred many a man and nearly captured a very affluent President.

I can't even discuss that moment in time with you all with any candidness, lest I lose the opportunity to produce more writings, more art and speak to you all in general.

So you can see, Art is my therapy.

Of course I wish I've not had a marred past. Then I could publish works without fear and produce lewd material with an endless ease of a man with nothing to lose. Then again, we all have something to lose or can erupt the ire of someone and fall pray to slander, liable, or falsehoods. I just happened to have the experience sooner than most.

Art is my therapy.


Posted by AdventVoice - November 1st, 2019

No Nut November Awards!!

Stop the presses! Hold Everything!

I won’t be doing anything until I tell you this story of a Russian princess by the name of Valerie.

It is true, I have a thing for Russian breasts. 80H is such an impossible number to imagine for the American that sees more boobs from California and New York. I don’t get to travel much anymore and living in the backwoods of North Carolina, well, you get lonely. I decided to participate on an online platform for strippers, wanting to expand my NSFW material outreach: https://superchat.live/user/Scope2Mars that is where I met her. https://superchat.live/model/Valeri_wow_Boobs

In real life men know not to pay all of their money on one woman. No matter how she begs. So when I first began the site I chose to practice a bit with https://superchat.live/BrookeRides she clearly was not into my philosophy and was sure that no woman would tolerate my behavior. The site gives you 2 minutes to view the women of your choice and it is clear that 2 minutes is not enough time for anything. So when BrookeRides could not convince me to pay for more one on one sessions she got mad and proceeded to call me cheap and a whore. Then the challenge was typed across my screen, she said, “You’ll never find a woman on this site that will cum for you in 2 minutes, go be cheap somewhere else.”

Oh was she wrong!

I met Valerie and learning from my previous mistakes I left the small talk for later and asked if she wanted to see my dick. That was the first thing I typed to her. I set up the Cam2Cam meeting and before she could argue, let her see my cock. She was not impressed at first. I could see it on her face. She wanted to laugh and looked bored. Then I started squeezing, pulling and shaking my dick on front of the camera. Her eyes got big and she pulled out her dildo and started making herself cum. We did not say a word, for the first 30 seconds, we just looked at each other and busted as quick as we could.

She was amazing and I told her so. She did not know English well, but it seems the universal language of sexual arousal is as simple as abc. We chatted privately and she complimented me on my dick size. Yes, that matters boys. It surprised her and she was happy she could arouse me. Made me the king of her room and befriended me.

Now I can guess what you are thinking. Those sites are fake or at best, it is nothing like real life and you have to pay for something you can do for free, on Pornhub.com, when no one is looking. That is the thing though. She is looking, she enjoys looking and nutted in 2 minutes when another person, working the same gig, wanted me to pay every five seconds to do what we did in 2 minutes.

I am so in love with this big breasted sexy beast and impressed with her professionalism. She was professional without making it some mechanical or complicated exercise of getting to know me by my wallet size. Honestly I am not that lonely where I have to spend $500.00 on a woman to feel validated as a man. I could ignore the temptations of the flesh and mind my own business, letting others enjoy cam-girls and spend all of that money. I need cash myself! But she is gorgeous! Makes me want to move to Russia. Take a flight, sink deep into her vagina and fall asleep inside of her asshole and marry that gorgeous creature. For now I will settle with art. I am a dreamer remember and this is where being an artist is the best occupation in the world. When hot ass smut happens, be it online, real or imagined, I can bring it to life on the page and talk to you all about it. I wish you where there when her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she sucked on her big fat nipples. Those pretty little things turn me on so much. I dream about my hands holding her breasts and each nipple in my mouth and I get as hard as a rock. Having a big dick and a nice face helps a lot. She could said, “You ugly,” “Your dick is too small, go play some where else.” Instead she pulled out a black dildo as big as my dick and slid it in and out of her pussy. I was so distracted I forgot to Monosnap her while she was doing it, to draw for later. Instead all you get are her gorgeous tits.  


Posted by AdventVoice - October 15th, 2019

While I was working on my little Anarchist Tribute https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/legend

I got to thinking about this idea of passivity, peace, love, and turning the other cheek, being the only monikers of Christianity people are willing to accept and the notion that to be an Anarchist is to be pooled into the same cesspool of evil doers as those of Anti-Christs and false teachers. Which I don't believe to be true at all. I am Christian, and I love Anarchists. I feel I am one deep down and hold no love for those that would seek to disarm me in the name of holding me to a false standard of piety.

Are Anarchist, Anti-Christ, or Christian?

From a superficial glance at the context and thoughts of an anarchist, one would presume that they are against the teachings of Christ and aligned with the false-teachers of the bible or to be categorized as false prophets. I really have to protest against such thoughts and hope in writing this little aside from my other projects you will come to see as I have that anarchist are not he ghouls and goblins we have been taught to believe they are.

:a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power

:a person who believes in, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchy especially one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order

This is what the Merriam-Webster gives us as a definition of an anarchist and by this definition we would infer that any ruling system is subject to the scrutiny of an anarchist and this would make them anti-Christ. We have been taught this line of thinking would make it, so they would not bow the knee to anyone save for themselves.

This is true, the anarchist is self-serving, but that is to be human. There would be a lot of contention if an anarchist is made to subject themselves to a ruling party. They would no longer be considered an anarchist but an ally. Yet Jesus never said worship him. He said follow. He never said he came to establish an order, rules or guidelines that create a ruling system.

People have interpreted, if rather falsely, his words and created several orders or sects of religion based on his teachings and that is why we have so many denominations, because no one could settle on one particular order to control a people group and there was the anarchist, set about on liberation. The very same liberation Jesus spoke of.

Anyway all of these semantics aside, because Jesus said, “Follow,” I am assured that to be an anarchist one is not an anti-Christ. The anarchist in search of truth, relevant to their particular time frame, if he is benevolent, automatically is a follower of Christ, who was the very first anarchist. “Render Unto Caesar, what is Caesar’s, Render Unto God, what is God’s.” (God being in him and he considering himself a god, we can interpret that last phrase to mean, render unto me, what is mine.) That is very much inline with the teachings of the anarchist, who never seeks aid of the government and merely desires what is apt to them by their merit or what is internally due to them.

To be Anti-Christ, one must be against everything he taught. Evil, a slave to violence and dedicated to an order or system of government that renders all involved slaves to the law, the law of man, the law of Jews that no man, not even the Jew could keep, and the law of the beast. That great Mark of the Beast System, spoken of in Revelations. Jesus, I can assure you is against it, and desires all of us to follow his teachings to have the wear-with-all to withstand the onslaught of one’s liberties that will be present at that time. There has been a lot of foreshadowing over the years of such events and when one begins to feel the pull of prophesy that suggests, “one can neither buy nor sell, save they have the Mark of the Beast, on their right hand or forehead,” that only those sealed with the righteous of GOD on their forehead will be able to withstand the pull of the Anti-Christ, one begins to see just how radical being a Christian really is.

Jesus told us to pick up our crosses and to follow him, not to sit idly and worship at his cross, or lean on the holiness of his mother to save our souls and fall into heavenly bliss on his coat tales. Those that wrote the book of Acts and all the teachings that came after Jesus died and merely passed on his adventitious spirit on to his followers, each had there own burden to bare in the development and promotion of a thought that freed the human from tyrannical systems of government. It is the teachings of Christ alone that took down man’s dependency on Rome and ultimately the entire empire. It was replaced by many other forms of government but all of them had the shade of the ultimate government that have always fought against the will of an anarchical-christian leader, who considered it not evil to be count himself equal to GOD.

The anti-christ, nihilistic, satanic-thinker, believes power is to be used to control.

The anarchist believes power is to be used to ensure the control and power of this world, remains with the individual, not a Monarch.

Jesus and Christian believe power is bestowed upon man by an ultimately good source, our father in heaven, who seeks not to control anyone, gave us free-will and enjoys to watch how we use it in order to better the lives of our brother and sisters. Jesus never called himself or any man King. Those that did not understand life beyond a servant, and master, order, did that and he was not going to argue with how they saw the world.

He was going to wait until he came back with a sword a vengeance, righteousness, and strength, dividing evil from good, and establishing the perfect order, to do that.

He said, in heaven there are no hierarchies, Matthew 20:25-28, this is a particular passage many seek to ignore about Jesus as they seek to propose there form of righteous to entitle them to another’s gain. “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles (Heathen, Rome, Pagan) lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; (Followers of Christ) but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave- Just as the Son of Man (Himself, Jesus) did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.”

This teaching was is purposeful revolt against everything we know about power, gain, achievement and to be kings, rulers, or legendary. He was determined to teach of an anarchy against Anti-Christian behaviors that implied absolute power is to have control over another human-beings life. This is in perfect alignment with the teachings of the anarchist and one of my favorite reasonings as to why it is not anti-christian to be an anarchist.

It is suggested that Anarchist are proponents of violence and chaos as if Christians are not. As if Revelations Chapter 19 does not apply to them or are not to be adhered to or recognized. Those, mind you that speak against a Christian’s right to uphold his or her banner, which declares they serve a “King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.” Have yet to read the 22nd Chapter of Revelations and the 16th verse. For if they had, they would see how radical being a Christian really is and stand ready to face the battles against tyranny as any good anarchist would.

~Forward, Christian Solider, As Marching Off To War!

With The Cross Of Jesus, Going On Before!~ 


Posted by AdventVoice - September 30th, 2019

Inktober Starts tomorrow or today..depending on how you look at it, or what side of the world you are on.

I have not seen the list of text prompts that are to be changed into art forms...does anyone know what this years prompts will bring?

I will have to find a way to make time for a daily influx of art prompts and that of my own original storyline..I had thought I was prepared for Inktober this year but I am already beginning to feel the stress of devising time to draw, ink and download material while continuing to tell the story of the Dream Weaver and Nadia, in "Bad Guy".

I am really contemplating holding off on the rest of the story Pages 6-10 until after this month of Inktober is over, but that is not fair to the majority of you that have found this story interesting https://www.patreon.com/AdventVoice It has really been a blast to share a side of the Dream Weaver that is rarely seen with all of you and I would hate to have to stop devising content in order to find to time to ink prints for Inktober.

Decisions, decisions.

I think I can muster the strength to shell out inked works along side panelings and inkings of "Bad Guy." At least I hope so.

If any of you have found the prompt list for this year of Inktober, please share it with me so I can join the fun.



Posted by AdventVoice - September 26th, 2019

~Art Gallery Update~

The 24th of September it was brought to my attention by an interested gallery owner that I should supply him with more art. In truth it is a wonderful prospect, but at the moment he is really unaware of the kind of art I truly enjoy producing. He has been aware of my SFW (safe for work) products like


( https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/happy-birthday-set )

But to ask him to wrap his head around my NSFW (Not-safe-for-work) productions is too much and no matter how tasteful the product is, it will still cause much undue stress for the more puritan consumer. I would love for a piece like Princess Demi_D to do more than gather dust in my virtual online gallery and closet database but until the world is a little more accommodating for the mature artist or at-least until I happen to find a consumer that is a connoisseur of delicious curves and provocative angles, I am resigned to hold off. D


( https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/princess-demi-d )

This of course does not deter my efforts in finding a place for digital artists to present some of their finest pieces in a setting that would welcome them and I am even more encouraged at the prospect when talented people such as VicariousE https://vicariouse.newgrounds.com are willing to give such sound advice.


iu_57725_6384799.jpg ( This is a piece of art that has been displayed in the Pittsboro Youth Theater’s art gallery section for a few months. https://www.chathamartscouncil.org/artist/pittsboro-youth-theater-2/ I have enjoyed coffee there for at lest three years now.)

The past four years has been something special in regards to illustrative art. I’ve bounced around ideas, some good, some bad but along the way I’ve met some wonderful people who I don’t think consider their acquaintance with me to count for much. It does, for an insulated artist as myself, who does not consider the lime light achieved by others, to have favored the industry of art much, but is always desiring to add his two cents to it.

As art is my therapy, so do I desire to make it an instrumental occupation of all genres, being through this language, I have chosen to speak.


(Bob Wade http://bobwadestudios.com/whimsical-art/ passed and a Celebration of life was given to him and hosted by the local art gallery: http://chathamchatlist.com/highlights/2019/04/30/celebration-of-life-for-bob-wade-on-may-4-at-sweet-bee-theatre/ a lot of his works are what you see here. https://www.fergusonfsl.com/notices/Robert-Wade A memorial to a great artist and thought provoking person.)

I think of those that speak against our current digital age and pine away for the hard-copied publications and tire of e-commerce https://twitter.com/naughtymediauk/status/1174794374984687617?s=20 wanting to return to the demand of paid publication and magazine subscriptions and I wonder to myself,

Why is it so hard to imagine an interconnected world in which the internet is merely a door that shows a person what they can own once they’ve paid a supplier and the innovative creator for his or her work?”


( This space will have to be cleared of old pieces that will be sold for bargain prices and make room for more material. This space could hold your work, if you act fast!! Remember the gallery will ask for 30% of the gross and you keep the rest. )

Why is the notion of an online database, displaying options of purchasable products, secured in a physical location, still hanging in the air of science fiction and the cooperative support of numerous artists vending through one gallery so far fetched?

How do creators as myself move forward in the world of dreams into a productive reality as large as the New York Post or Artists Network Magazine and everyone gets a paid salary?

While I am at it, with all of these questions, “How do I increase my own fan base to compete with that of such publications, How do I revers the idea of the Arts and such a culture filled occupation as not being lucrative or worth the effort?”

I am sure I don’t have to sacrifice my content and begin painting or illustrating food and if I do, what has happened to the creative world in the past eleven years?

iu_57728_6384799.jpg iu_57729_6384799.jpg

( More pieces displayed along the walls of my local gallery: https://chathamcountyevents.com/venue/pittsboro-center-for-the-arts-and-sweet-bee-theater/ Presentations presented to illustrate the need for fresh ideas.)

I have fought hard to prove to the detractors of man’s achievement that the value of contemporary art can not be diminished by our societies refusal to acknowledge it. Nor can the sequestering of thought be used to silence the aptitude and relevance of our guild.

iu_57730_6384799.jpg “Armageddon,” is an image that continues to haunt me in its accuracy https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/armageddon https://www.tumblr.com/blog/fadinginfluencerblaze to illustrate a world without the spoken, written, or drawn word.

An immense silence around the nihilistic resistance to the drum beat defeatism. The drunkenness of pitched quite and the roar for the need of ART!

iu_57731_6384799.jpg I am sure many of you are in need of a space to express your hidden talent. That is what galleries are for. To have a supplier willing to distribute your hard hand made work is not something to shy away from and should be encouraged if you are able to find someone willing to invest in you.

Why not step into an atmosphere where the proprietor is willing to work with you, cares about your craft and will remember your name after third week of stocking his inventory.

iu_57732_6384799.jpg This is perfect niche for the up and coming artist or the seasoned veteran of the business. Instead of dragging feet and devising content to fulfill the whims of a fickle audience, why not set up a showcase where people want you?! 

Posted by AdventVoice - September 24th, 2019

 A very interesting request has been laid at my feet by an art gallery in my local area. In times past I have presented work there before:



Well the drive to host digital art and all varieties of art in an actual art gallery has not faded and so when the owner of “SweetBee Theater,” https://www.chathamartscouncil.org/venue/cfta-pittsboro-2/ https://www.facebook.com/CFTAsweetbee/ https://www.chathamartscouncil.org/artist/pittsboro-youth-theater-2/


asked me to host a website for them to show there gallery and encourage other artists to sell there works through their program I was very excited at the opportunity and wanted to run the idea by those that read my blogs and find my work entertaining and have supported me for the past few years now.

Promoting and selling art is a wonderful passion for me and as an entrepreneur, it is hard for me to imagine doing anything else. I have been driving this engine for a few years now and have learned a few of the ups and downs of the business and though I have not mastered everything there is to know about presenting art in the best of lights, I have learned that none of us can make it in this enterprise all on our own.

It takes a lot of money, exposure, encouragement from supportive friends and family and the community in which live, understanding and respect of the idea that what we do as artists is an occupation worth spending money on.

The pitch that was offered to me, was an inclusion of my more ‘family-friendly,’ pieces at the standard rate of 30% of sales of each piece being garnered by the gallery and the rest of the proceeds going to support the artist. Prior to this offer of online advertisement the gallery was strictly catering to local artists. I am sure after fine tuning some much needed demands of the vendor, the owner of the physical gallery, will come to understand the power of the online market and the need to include and support artists of the global market. To enhance the inclusion of the online market with the solidarity of a physical landscape to house the work of individual creators and ship pieces of work across the nation and abroad, I am sure it will turn this section of the art world into a dispensary of some magnificent pieces that are merely gathering dust in the homes of artists that have been dreaming of getting there works out there.

At the moment I don’t believe there will be a market for NSFW (not safe for work) material but there is always a market for SFW (safe for work) and in this gallery there is room for a wide variety of eclectic ideas.

In a few days I will upload images of what has previously been accepted and hanging on the walls, at the moment because they don’t have an online gallery you won’t know..I will have to take those pictures and show you the space and what is available to you. There will be a devised rotation, but an endless demand for pieces to be uploaded and promoted via the online website. Because the owner is interested in this new development I suggest all of you to cast your work, while the iron is hot. Don’t allow doubts or short sighted ideas hinder you from presenting your work and getting your face out there to those that might decide your piece should be in there home.

I will post updates on this event as time goes by. In the mean time continue to produce pieces of art and allow the creative juices to flow.

If you are interested in this event contact me @ Cag3lefant@aol.com or https://twitter.com/Scope2Mars and you are always welcome to visit me and ask for commissioned pieces of art here: https://adventvoice.newgrounds.com/

Monthly bulletins of the world of art are hosted at my own personal website: https://avproductionsblog.wordpress.com If you would like more information on this development as it is in session join my Discord Server through the link found on https://adventvoice.newgrounds.com/

Posted by AdventVoice - September 17th, 2019

I have a new banner on Patreon at the moment.

The mask will stand in until I devise a better theme. I recieved a nasty little email yesterday: the Trust and Safety team of Patreon, may apply a temporary suspension to my page if they don't hear from me.

Why? Good Question: I think I might have something to do with https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/maleficent-fantasies-dreams-dirty-version which used to be my banner, before the new upgrade for the sake of safety and the ability to continue publishing.

I was really fond of my Maleficent piece being the banner and now I have to change some things around. All good things must come to an end.

I don't mind sharing the email cause I think it is good information to warn other NSFW artists with: Don't make my mistake:

You can view the entire article on my discord account:

Please update any public posts with adult content to patron only, as well as review your banner, avatar, and reward tier images and remove any adult content. You can review your public posts by navigating to "Posts" and clicking "Public" on the left under your tags. <<< (This part of the letter I am having trouble with because The Trust and Safety Team think my posts are public and people can view my work without having to pay to view it....That is news to me. I posted my work on Patreon for the privacy factor and idea that I could write or draw what I wanted without the Tumblr Effect bothering, without the Twitter censoring team going crazy, or the constant denials of Hentai Foundry about the level of detail put into my work. Now I beginning to feel the availability of charging people to view NSFW material has been diminished by this idea that even if you are not a Paying Patreon or a consuming customer asking for commissioned work, you can just go around viewing and critiquing and infringing upon my copy rights. What a joke if that has been going on and this is there way of saving face by suggesting I am in the wrong because I posted a picture of a giant ejaculating dick or lactating tits.

That is a small issue compared to people not paying me to view my content. I am really hoping this is not another excuse to pull a Tumblr Purge and suggest I am violating public laws when the entire system of Patreon is built on the notion that you have to pay to view my content, if you don't pay, there should be some kind of blurring, God awful barrier put on the image so not to offend anyone. I am hoping it was just the banner that was the issue, which I am sure Mask-Face makes for an easy fix. Sigh...the job of a NSFW producer is needlessly filled with irritating emails threatening to violate my rights to the first Amendment of the American f-ing constitution which at this point in our lives should be mandatory acceptance of all platform providers.

It is a wonderful clause and should be adopted everywhere. It should just be understood and excepted.

We all have the right to say what we want, to write what we like, and to express ourselves as we see fit. I open those rights to the Confederate flag waving weirdo's as well, with the wonderful hope of ever seeing it being made mandatory for a person to pledge allegiance to that thing, just so I can burn it down.

That is how free-thinking institutions are supposed to work. That is how the real world operates and to seek to suppress anyone's right to free speech, freedom of press, freedom of assembly and the right to due process or expression, will only backfire on those seeking to scrub out what they believe should not be. Especially if they find themselves on the wrong side of the questioning panel.

I don't just food for thought.

Felt like adding this in there after thinking about it for a while. I am really glad I have kept all of my journals. I probably should do a better job of saving files digitally, just so when one platform deletes my content, there is another to take it's place in a moments notice. I would hate to have to type everything up all over again. Thank God for wordpress.com. I am not ready to publish "Bad Guy," there yet, but I will have to put what I have there now, just to hold onto what I have written and filed away, since Patreon is not really a safe space for NSFW material anymore.

Posted by AdventVoice - September 6th, 2019

This is really off topic and has nothing to do with what we were talking about previously, but I thought I should share this...well I really want to share it cause it is so cool.

So a lot of people have been bashing social media. Mainly conservative right wing voices that feel they are being characterized as evil people by their opponents and there is a lot of talk about how Twitter, and Facebook and Tumblr are unfair. Or the Main Stream Media sucks. I say a lot of talk, but really it is coming from the Conservatives and at this point in my life I am really tired of hearing about it. I mean I have grown up in an age where I can not envision a world without the access and response time the internet provides.

I have a prime example of the awesomeness of twitter, and social media as a whole. For a little background information. I went on vacation and in the midst of my time down at the beach, my party and most of SC coastline was asked to leave. So we did. No point in arguing with government mandates. We don't control the weather and the party was over before it began.

Anyway. The staff of the Crown Reef left. They left signs and some phone calls but there was no way for us to receive a refund or complain about it until today and there were a lot of people there, all of the rooms where full none the less. So we are all thinking how fast can we be repaid and how long will it take, and the staff did not even stay to receive their keys. They all wanted away from a storm that never showed up.

Well I get home after traveling and post this: https://twitter.com/Scope2Mars/status/1169966659504955392?s=20 and https://twitter.com/Scope2Mars/status/1169966662956830725?s=20

I really did not expect to hear from anyone and I was so happy when I did. I was doing the Jason Dance: https://media.tenor.com/images/22006db8f402a7415aa40b41c4b3a88e/tenor.gif when Crown Reef messaged me back and took my concern seriously. Considering no one was answering the phones for a week, and I had not heard from anyone and they could have easily said F-YOU, all worked out well, and I have Twitter to thank for that.

Twitter and the internet. https://twitter.com/CrownReefResort/status/1170004206335533056?s=20

I have shared all of this to suggest, that if anyone tells you, "No one cares about what you think."

That they don't listen to little people with no money. That it takes someone with a celebrity caliber of appeal to receive fairness and what is there's in the world, clearly has not exercised every avenue known to man through the power of words. Dig a little deeper my friends and you will find there is a group out there that is paying attention and waiting to respond to you and give you money for your ideas. Even if they are small ideas, or just refunding you for the time you should have spent with them, enjoying the last of your summer.

Keep smiling folks.

Now back to your regularly broadcasting program. This service announcement is over. I promise.


Posted by AdventVoice - September 5th, 2019

I am so excited about the current appreciation The Dream Weaver and Nadia’s story Bad Guy is receiving from the numerous artists and creatives I have come to call friends. https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/dw-nadia-cover-page-bad-guy It is much to early in the story to discuss much about this project but as Mutual: https://mutual.newgrounds.com/news/post/1066499 would suggest I am a supporter of a lot of the ideals presented in the Anarchist manifesto’s and I would like this story to aid in guiding others to understanding why having an open mind is the real avenue to applying intelligence and achieving the aims of most dreamers like myself.

It felt so good to have him acknowledge me is such an eclectic group of thinkers. Considering there are so many others out there I would gladly list in the ranks of anarchist and better artists and creators than myself. https://ceeedeee.newgrounds.com/ and https://abysmalzero.newgrounds.com/ Though they have never claimed to be as openly as some of the others that support me emotionally and or those that just love putting their allegiances to the cause of individualized freedom out there, I am sure they are and would not mind being tagged as such..I should ask them though.

I have been really busy this past month. What with my little brother coming to see me and sending gifts to my estranged grandmother, finding money to support other artists I like and a few Cam-girls (( https://twitter.com/myliemoore, https://twitter.com/thejuicyjolene, https://twitter.com/Studio413_DNA)) so work on my newest story “Bad Guy,” has not come along as quickly as I would like it to. The truth is previous stories where rushed https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/apt-1012-cover-page and I have to stop doing that. So to show I have learned from past mistakes I plan for this one to really allow me to share experiences, thoughts and ideas on how “Rise OF THE ARTIST’S,” https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/rise-of-the-artist-s can best be applied for illustrators, musicians, and starving artists like myself.

I love https://abysmalzero.newgrounds.com/ so much. I am three pages into my new story and she has already given me a thumbs up and just gives me the fire to continue sharing this tale of the Dream Weaver.

My Scout: https://bmesias063.newgrounds.com/ asked me a question about this story that I don’t I really answered before and feel for the sake of all of you I should answer it now.

Can't sure what to say, if this is true event or just for storymaking. i'm just a humble artists but no good storymaker. But this is sure more like a serious, drama-acrion thing for me, with emphasis to some serious, real-life event.

To quote https://twitter.com/RaunchyNinja “Better Drawn From Life Than Draw What’s Missing.”

That really struck a cord with me before I began this project and I have always desired to share my own experiences and give the world a taste of real American life. I don’t think any of that can be really achieved through fiction or fantasy without losing something in the process. So yes this is story making but the stories come from pieces of a life that was built on anarchy and living by rules made to aid the stronger and fittest animal.

Which contrary to most contemporary writers and thinkers, I have asserted since a boy of eleven, that strength is predicated upon a person’s will to live. To have life more abundantly and certainly by any means necessary. As the story progresses I do hope to be able to illustrate how as a Christian, I can claim to be an anarchist, a dreamer, a believer in freedom of expression, prostitution, violence, the right to bare arms, the right to justification and love who ever we choose to love without fear of retaliation from those comforted by lives measured in simplicities. Lives not influenced by the numerous spectrum’s of colors it takes to paint a picture?


Posted by AdventVoice - August 26th, 2019

So my little brother paid me a visit last night. That last time I spoke to him or of him was:



I am a little afraid of what his reaction to my work might be.

He is not much for conversation these days. ( I should mention this now before I forget, I have meant to do it in times past but other things come to mind. So I knew when the last time I saw him, he was about 16-17, that he would have to find his way without me. It would be tough, but I was determined to live without Government support. No government support translates into not serving the military as well as not settling for the allotted food stamps that are given by the government and asked of able bodied men to accept at the sacrifice of livable wages. I have always wondered if Republicans and conservative Christians, that say they love the men and women that sacrifice for their country, know that is what they are really saying to people when they tell them to get off of welfare, denounce their commitment to ACA and all of the other talking points that they use to earn votes of the people they say they are governing? I wonder if Democrats are aware of the damage they commit to people they preach to when suggesting a complete government take over of their food distributions services and University campuses and avenues of employment at the exclusion of start-up and non-profits or heavy tax-regulations? Whatever. When I dumped University studies, whom barred me because I sought to implement avenues of the law,that aided men and women to find justification and clemency for their criminal actions opposed to settling for adverse prosecutorial misconduct and abuse, when I left home and traveled with the Occupy Movements and set out to march against Wall Street, or homelessness, and the increased "Food Insecurities," set upon the people of this country, I was determined to do so without government support. I still do a lot of the time and though the work is slow and aid limited, I still hold out hope in finding those willing to aid in raising awareness to some of this massive issues.) <<I mentioned all of that because of what he said to me lastnight: He joined as an avenue to leave a home in which during the time he joined, food was hard to come by and work was even harder. The Great Recession of 2008 which I mention briefly in a lot of my segments and articles and blogs hit people hard in a lot of ways. My aim after returning from the dead or what should have killed me, is just to shed light on the adventures that were had during that time and why people do what they do in the name of freedom.

It has been years since we have seen each other face to face and there is a lot to discuss but work or what we want to do with our lives after years of limited contact and the struggle to keep food on the table and support our loved ones, well we were happy to see one another after it was all said and done.

I gave him access to my work..at least I gave him a business card. iu_50810_6384799.jpg Which I am hopping he won't make me regret in the future by any negative feedback of the work or doubts of the marketability of the franchise. I told him I would produce a piece of art for him. I am not sure if I have mentioned this before, but as kids, he loved dinosaurs so I might produce a piece of board art with his favorite dinosaur and send it to him. Kind of like a memento to the good old days of art.

When he met me last night, he asked me what have I been getting into. It is hard to describe to someone, anyone, let alone your little brother, who is your best pal, what it is you want to do with your life after the burning crucible's that occur in life. https://avproductionsblog.wordpress.com/2018/05/01/they-have-called-me-a-degenerate/

I can write and write and tell my stories, https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/dream-weaver-s-contempt but I don't think I could ever really convey what it is I want from all of it. Just to say I did it I guess. LOL. I mean without making any real change or opening the eyes of those around me to the hurt that is caused by the decisions of the selfish and expecting them to want and desire better. I don't know what to expect of people.

I have not yet heard from my brother about my art, or my stories. I know he does not agree with For-Profit-Prison's which is nice. Yet I believe he does not believe in the process for my sake and I want him to realize it is damaging to a lot more people than myself. https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/dream-wavers-aim I want him to realize that I am not asking for charity and never have. That in supporting the work and giving to https://www.patreon.com/AdventVoice he is not just helping his big brother stem off starvation and reduce the chances of him having to resort to cannibalism: or by helping me find sponsors and publishers or investors in the art he would be helping beat off the social head hunters that would like to end the creative process that we all grew up loving and entertaining ourselves with: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/thief-of-void-the-dream-weaver-page-2. By supporting his big brother, he could give a little of his time and energy in encouraging artists like myself and the friends I have made: ((There are a lot of you)) and in doing so aid fueling the fires of creation that wakes us up every morning. I am hoping after I complete this project for him and finish telling the story of the Dream Weaver when he was in a University town and before his trips abroad: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/dw-nadia-cover-page-bad-guy That he will find the effort to be a worthy investment and desire to give into the cause or raising awareness to the ambitions that pile on my desk, as I sit high in my loft tower.

Be sure to keep your fingers crossed!!