I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

All Over

Joined on 5/15/17

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AdventVoice's News

Posted by AdventVoice - January 19th, 2019

I really don't tend to get emotional about things, but I am really disturbed, sad, forgetfull. I have put it off for so long that now I can't remember, neither can I find hide nor hair of her. 

Has anyone seen Smutty Knight? 

She was  a manga that came out mid-90's and I bumped into her 1998 around the same time I started reading Bondage Fairies. I should give you a brief summary so you don't confuse her for all the other Lusty, Slutty, Hot Sword wielding bitches that have come after her. 

For me she was the first and the original, making her the best. 

She had an amazing way to bump into a menator, a vampire, a double dicked girl and fucking her way out of a situation and securing the money needed to keep on living in her very violent and high sexed universe. 

As I describe it you, other sub-titles come to mind- but for now I am going to continue calling her Smutty Knight, because when I type anything else in my searching browser, I am taken all over the universe of the mind of man and can't find a single Fan-art of her to bring to the right artist that created her, and still no one fits the discription. 

If anyone else read this comic and remember how she chopped off the Menators dick in the first published addition of her series, please hit me up and tell me who the author and illustrators of that story was. 

Thank you! 

Posted by AdventVoice - January 16th, 2019

Jenna Bryan is a concept artist and illustrator https://jennbry.wordpress.com/ who at the moment works at Ultimate Comics. I passed by the shop from taking care of errands in Raleigh, on the way to Crosswoods Plaza (it could be CrossStreet Plaza) I’ll find the exact address later. Anyway I walked into the comic book store looking for works and publications that had a similar flavor to my own and I really could not find it.

 I ended up collecting the first few comics that struck my fancy or that I want to get into.

~Gillen Hans Cowles: D.I.E. #2 ~

~Mirka Andolfo’s: Unnatural #6 ~

~Fernando Ruiz & Dan Parent: DieKittyDie - Heaven and Hell #3 ~

I don’t normally do comic reviews of other’s works, thinking their work ought to speak for itself and does not have to be oversold by the likes of me; but I like the art and the uniqueness of the pieces.

While I am browsing at these works, I still can’t find the comic or illustrator that reminds me of myself, so I ask Jenna Bryan, who at the time I was not aware of her credentials or expertise. She has this shyness that would suggest, working in a comic book shop, was not always where she wanted to be and the fact that she has to sit in an archive of art material and look at characters or creators who get published for material that is beneath her talent, well I was  almost afraid to ask her anything, from fear of boring her. When I mustard up the courage I asked, “Which illustrator would you compare to my personal online illustrative showcase?”

She took my card and I thought she’d wait until she got home and was able to relax. Not having to think about work, or the boyfriend who lives ten hours away in New York and the distance that separates them. Instead, right there on the job, she pops up my website, www.avproductionsblog.wordpress.com and right off the top of her head she says, “Criminal.”

Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, who work for Image Comics, (where have I heard of that company before?) they created Criminal with the help of Jacob Philips with the coloring. I know exactly who she was referring to because Sean Phillips has been popping up all over my twitter feed. I could not understand why for the longest time. I told her as much, “ You know, for some reason as the years have gone by, no matter how many companies come and go, or stories produced by Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Tokyo Pop, and a lot of the heavy hitters, my hands tend to always gravitate to Image Comics.”

 I was flattered and pleased that she took the time and I was able to learn so much from her, that she was wanting to talk shop and when she saw my work, was not completely mortified.

She compared me to Sean Phillips of “Criminal,” and that was just from looking at a portrait of Stormy Daniels. Which if I am honest with myself is not bad at all and why he is all over my twitter feed.

I was not going to read “Criminal,” at first, believing it to be like every other story produced by Image Comics, but I wanted to know what she saw, so I bought it.

After the first ten pages, I was hooked and can’t wait to finish the rest but I understand her vision and I respect her input.

Thank you Jenna Bryan for introducing me to such an interesting story. I also hope as you continue on your path, we crossways again.


Posted by AdventVoice - January 15th, 2019

I can think of better emails to recieve that would have made this year grand. 

 "Hello Mr. Advent Voice, we are graciously delivering you 60,000.00 for your last comic submission." 

That would be nice, but this is even better.

CCCC Red Clay Review (rcr@cccc.edu)To:you Details
Dear Advent Voice,
Happy New Year! I hope this email finds you well. I am happy to tell you that your poems "The Gift," "Mountain Radio," and "Wind Instruments" have been selected for Red Clay Review's music issue. Please send a one-to-three sentence bio to include. If you need ideas, our writers typically include something about their connection to the Lee/Harnett/Chatham area and/or writing community. I would like to collect the bios by February 15.
We expect the publication to be completed in early spring; an update will be sent out in February. 
Thanks for being part of our publication! 
Summerlin Page Webb
CFC, Office 11, Lee Main Campus

As of March 15, 2018 I submitted poetry for a contest in the local North Carolina area: https://adventvoice.newgrounds.com/news/post/1009048 



https://adventvoice.newgrounds.com/news/post/1009392 Well the wait is over and by Febuary I will have devised a bio that helps to illustrate a little of who and what I am. 

To begin, I will claim, I Am An Artist!!

This is going to one smash-up of a  New Year!!


Posted by AdventVoice - December 31st, 2018

 It’s not hard to make history---Everyday we breathe, a step has been made to either hinder or advance history---The hard part is knowing what is worth what to whom. Knowing another man’s trash is another’s man’s treasure, when there is no money to go around, very little, does anything hold an importance.

 Recently I spent $150.00 on a piece of art and made history with the purchase. It is one of the first pieces of collectable self-portraits of the Mistress of Art, ever sold, and it is sitting on my wall. I like to believe when we all die a fiery death due to nuclear Russian invasion, when they look in my home, under a bunker of old food, books, writings and more dust, they will find the framed works of the Mistress of Art, on my wall. Displayed in all of her glory, to my pride and joy.

 Now you might say, ‘We are heading into a financial meltdown, there is a trade war with China, they are building a wall and their won’t be any more ‘south of the border,’ labor to buy and you waste $150.00 on a picture of a woman, when you could have bought food, gold, or’…anything else that would not make a bit of difference to me when my time on this earth is over.

You could say all of that and nothing would dampen my stride of excitement that occurs with being in a position to buy it and find the right spot on my wall to hang it up.

Such trepidation and anticipation of having nothing to the point, they spend nothing on the hard labor of those in my guild, makes me sick. Instead of talking about it, I decided to take the lead on this issue and by example purchase Mistress of Art’s work and love her tenderly, as I desire others to love me, my works, books, and blogs.

Having one of four pieces will satisfy me. It would be nice to know where the others end up. Speaking of which, I placed three portraits of my own,  ( https://adventvoice.newgrounds.com/news/post/1034107 ) for sale and who ever buys them will be really fortunate and wondering where they will end up has been on the forefront of my mind all day. Who will pick them? What will be their motivation? What would captivate them about the pieces of work, will they buy them as a set or separate?

What would you be meeting if we were face to face?

You would meet a man who prided himself on his intelligence, once upon a time. An intelligence that did not amount to much when he was in college. His intelligence showed him the evils of prosecutors and judges who would use their influence to silence the clemency of defending attorneys, due to ‘state regulations,’ finding themselves having to choose between advancement to partner and the inner councils of the department of justice. By sacrificing the lives of presumably innocent men and women or fighting to preserve the security of those that sought their advocacy and their lively hoods. All on the securities of the poor-destitute-and uneducated.

State regulations decreed a lawyer defending the innocent till proven guilty or the guilty till proven innocent, will only receive $800 monthly and in ‘selling,’ plea bargains and guaranteeing pocket books of the district attorneys, who are incentivized by our present government to fill prisons to secure a working class and their own financial securities ergo the term For-Profit-Prisons, a taint in the American legal system, that has hurt the heart of the man that writes you today. Due to this knowledge, made him turn from law to wanting to work in journalistic studies.

 Doing a lot of satirical work has gotten me in a few scrapes and many would like to see that I don’t write any more.

You will find a man that loves women, every inch of what they have to offer, but I desire to be with one woman. I want a woman who will love every inch of what I have to offer and won’t try to make me feel bad because I am willing to help the needy and disenfranchised.

It’s been asked of me, “Do you want to be known as a “Great Artist,” and have fame?”

The answer is a surprise to many, No. I am not seeking fame, or riches, truly believing that will come, has come and it is not predicated upon how anyone takes to my work. People look at me and are certain there is a level of unhappiness or anger hidden inside of me. No, I am healed of pain. That is why I draw.

No, I am seeking to tell the story so nothing is lost in the folds of time. I believe we all should do this and if millions come to glean some truth and pay into the effort that is all well and good but the true riches and achievement reside in the ability to carry everyone I meet into the forefront and visibility of this world and to be counted just as important as those with all the money in the world.

 I suppose this is because I have seen how people with billions are treated. Everyone wants to be your friend when you can pay for the glamor of a fleeting moment. When the lights have stopped flashing and your back to an average nine-five life style, they don’t even say hello during the holidays.

 Instead to hold the universe in a glass means, to me, to be loved unconditionally and to return that love to those I meet. You can, but should not buy friendships. You can but should not buy kindness.

The Great Recession of 2007 nearly destroyed my pride. A man with no pride is a welp. I said it. We know it is true. Where it is unnatural to look at a man with any respect who can not hold fast to a goal, it is especially unnatural to expect a man with no pride or self-respect to take the pain of this world and create beauty from it.

Now in this same forum discussion I refuse to understand those not willing to make a profit on art.

Oh, sure they will sell their own works if someone happens to want to purchase rights or the ability to use the image as a logo for some company, but to whole sale a product or be found assisting of sell of art, there are rare deficits that boggle my mind. I asked some constituents on their thoughts on the trade or sell of art and many suggest not selling to be prudent and kind.

I disregard this advice because it does not erase the fact, no matter how kind it is to be perceived, that art is meant to be sold, traded, adored, fawned over and out of my view before I am dead, if it is to hold any meaning in the world. As much as a book, a poem, an autobiography. It is not commercialism, consumerism, or Warholism, certainly not the latter. That method of trade offends and gets you shot. It is capitalism in the best form of application and the denial of the sale, the hinderance of the trade and the silencing of such an image that is screaming to be seen is akin to barbarism. Selfish practice of sequestering talent and stifles progression.

Nothing will change if we are not willing to change it. Nothing is gained from having an avenue to profit and better oneself and not taking it.

Presently the allure of making history as a male artist upon the wings of beautiful women should not be such a far-fetched idea. Considering how nouveau its become to be a woman in our global culture today. My three paneled showcase is an advanced experiment with the culture I find myself in. One in which I hope to understand the people that are gravitated to the art. To see what they see, and hopefully define my own evolution from the presentation as the years go by.

Here is the thing, so many artists of any real clout and have a show case, suffer- by their own admittance of some mental illness that makes them hard to deal with or socially awkward. My experiment is to persist that creators don’t have to be seen as freaks, just as looking at beautiful women and enjoying them does not have make you a pervert.

Because Congress amended Section 706 of the Communications Act of 1934 to allow a sitting president to shut down or take control of any facility or station of wire communication upon his proclamation that their exists a state or threat of war involving the United States, I have been desiring to establish hand written correspondences with all of my friends from over seas. I really want snail mail availability with those I meet since we live in such precarious times. Believing that the months and years I’ve put into my work might come to naught and the few friends I have made abroad and at home should never be without the understanding that there is a little man, sitting on the edge of the universe that cares about the well being of them all and wants only the best for them in the coming new year.


Posted by AdventVoice - December 29th, 2018


Little is known about the Kassandra Project. When we cite information from Wikipedia we find:

“Psychological Operations (PSYOP, PSYOPS) are techniques used by military and police forces to influence a target audience’s emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and behavior. Target audiences can be governments, organizations, groups, and individuals, and are used in order to induce confessions, or reinforce attitudes and behaviors favorable to the originator’s objectives. These are sometimes combined with black operations or false flag tactics.

This concept has been used by military institutions throughout history, but it is only since the twentieth century that it has been accorded the organizational and professional status it enjoys now.”

It exists a site, http://www.psywar.org, where there are a lot of information about PSYOP and a useful glossary about it.

 This information is intriguing but does little to really explain how the process works and why it has been so successful in “inducing confessions” from those who are considered a threat to natural order.

 From my studies I have found exactly how the program is used to induce Mind Control: Robert C. Gunn, PhD, Arbor, Michigan, is a an NSA clinical psychologist involved in the human and Constitutional rights violations of Mind Control. He has committed unthinkable atrocities, worldwide Gunn is involved in covert psychological warfare against innocent Americans and other global citizens. He is among the developers of Psychotronic attacks, which is a highly advanced, surreal form of mind control that is intended to induce suicide among its thousands of targets. The mind control technology is known as Remote Neural Monitoring.

The technology employs Satellite-delivered  (ELF) Extra Low Frequencies to communicate voice-to-skull transmissions. This produces schizophrenic symptoms.

ELF radio signals are used to communicate with Naval Submarines deep below the oceans' surfaces. These frequencies can pinpoint a target anywhere on Earth and can penetrate water, rock, concrete and other dense matter.

Consider this, the brain is composed of neurons (wires) and is powered by low electrical currents. Much like insects communicate with non-contact antenna, humans can communicate with radio transceivers.

Just like each of us has a unique genetic code (DNA) each of has our own distinct radio frequencies. Find the frequencies and a terror technician can communicate directly to the brain.

Gunn is part of the development team that created a protocol of torturing victims. For decades, Gunn worked as a clinical psychologist at the Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs Hospital. There, Gunn deprogrammed World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War prisoners of war.

Gunn learned the secrets of mind control torture techniques by deprogramming these POWs. Then, in the 1980's, Gunn was recruited to work on the Strategic Defense Initiative, commonly known as the Star Wars program.

He had already been involved in land-based mind control experiments involving mobile microwave triangulation transmissions.

Gunn and a staff of technicians would isolate a victim and beam radio signals into the victim's home.

Now, unbelievably, these attacks are delivered via satellite.

In addition to mind control torture, Gunn and others developed a methodology to produce remote-delivered body shocks to the groin and elsewhere.

The third component of this torture involves holographic projections and audible acoustic projections.

Finally, the fourth component of this electronic harassment involves "gang stalking." This involves actual incidents of community operatives stalking and spying on neighbors.

Sometimes, the gang stalkers are paid operatives that are equipped with electronic eavesdropping devices, infrared detectors, ex-ray viewers and directed energy weapons that fire-off high-energy microwave pulses.

Gunn is involved with a covert unit of the National Security Agency. The unit operates like Nazi Gestapo agents without regard for human or constitutional rights.

The first reports of these attacks surfaced throughout Michigan and Canadian border communities.

Michigan is the only state in the nation to enact legislation outlawing this type of electronic harassment, which lends credibility to the fact that these covert operatives exist.

The Ada, Michigan-based Amway Foundation is among the many right-wing organizations that help fund this quasi-governmental domestic torture group.

The founders of Amway are the largest contributors to the Bush Family's so-called New World Order, which is high-tech offspring of the Michigan Militia.

Amway is notorious for gang stalking people who seek to escape the Pyramid Scheme subculture.

The targets of these attacks are often estranged domestic partners, Jews, Blacks, women, disabled people, whistleblowers, people seeking criminal and civil justice and local “degenerates” who are addicted to drugs or alcohol.

Gunn and his wife Leah, the Co-Chair of the Washtenaw County Commission, are involved in local homeless shelter projects. Gunn has conducted psychological interviews of numerous homeless people and then used the information in his subject experiments.

Robert Gunn is an undetected human rights violator.

Palindrome, written by Maggies McNiell May 6, 2012, is a short story that asks two prominent questions, that have made me revere her all the more. “How are men treated in this world?” and “How Anne came to be arrested?”

 I love her because I’ve been asking the questions in reverse, “What happens to the women that must face the cruelty of prison because of the ‘prohibitionists,’ scourge against a woman’s interests in a man?” My second question has been, “If a man can be castrated for the presumption of perversion, what archaic methods are used against women?”

If men can be starved to nothing for not conforming to the whims of psychoanalysts, what happens to the women whom have been trained to believe the opposite sex is the reason for their pain and suffering?

Oh Maggie, I live in a world that is filled with mounting questions and little relief in long term answers. When I feel I have formed a coherent belief, I am again side swiped by a development or realization that after all these years of travel and socializing, I can not think of a time when as- a grown man- I could walk up to a woman, I did not know, schedule a rendezvous that includes dinner, a movie, a few drinks, and a good time and it not lead to police at my door or around my home. Violence from jealous girlfriends or a presumption of heart break because I was not going to stay around longer than three days.

I had no idea it was because in some form of fashion- be it what we read, watch on television, or expect from the relationship of the opposite sex, we have been conditioned to believe man and woman will only hurt one another. Which anyone who is ‘sex-positive,’ will tell you, “pleasure is never to be considered a crime.”

The Nordic Model of investigation used by global agencies: conflate sex-work with trafficking, pushing sex work further underground, making it unsafe: increases vulnerability to homelessness, create and sustain barriers to essential health services for sex workers. It is centered around a ‘victimization,’ framework. Zoe Bulls, is an Advocacy & Partnership Associate at the Center for Health and Gender Equality, and she does not agree with the Nordic model.

 Red Umbrella-Dec 17 2018-

While I was upset with Tumblrs actions on the internet, I failed to realize that the very day ‘adult,’ content was being purged from social media outlets, “for the safety of the children.” Many activists like Maggie where remembering those that might have suffered some form of violence in the midst of a sex-act because they are not protected in their growingly caustic terrain: threats from police, bad customers and monsters like Gary Ridgeway, Maury Travis, Steven Wright and Jack the Ripper. July 25, 2010 Maggie McNiell wrote an article that shows her contempt for the neo-feminists that use crisis events as an argument to abolish sex work; without ever dealing with why acts of violence occur in the first place. According to Maggie-violence occurs due to a lack of communication, being seen as a damaged psychotic, not deserving protection from violent assault, incompetent, as a pathetic addict or overall dehumanization.    

 Peter Bernart- author of “The Global Backlash Against Women,” is rather emphatic in his belief that every issue that has been presented in the political spectrum from 2016 to present, from America to the Philippines, has all been a strenuous effort to ‘subordinate,’ women. He goes so far to suggest that Hillary Clinton lost the election because those that support Trumpism believe her ‘sex’ alone in office is the corruption of the American political system. Nothing is said of the numerous accusations she stands accused of and the deaths of soldiers, that under her orders, received no aid and died while she was on the phone with them. Her loss of the election had nothing to do with misappropriation of nuclear material, back door payouts with Russians and the weakening of American advantage against Government over reach and her signing bills that eliminated 4th amendment protections for the American people. No, she lost because she has tits and American’s apparently have an aversion to the very breasts that assisted in giving us all pleasure and life. While the article makes my eyes bounce back and forth, like they are tennis balls, and my brain is serving double Love. He does not explain how calling the prior administration’s President incompetent is an attack on women, but he says so boldly and while accusing political leaders of using gender to discredit this or that argument, he does the job of making neo-feminism, sound like the rantings of a college dropout, who is disturbed that the first Lady President, for I feel we will have one, will be a white evangelical.

In our Dog eat Dog world, after reading Maggie’s essays, one thing is always clear. She will never stop fighting for the day women are equal to man. Honestly she is already there in my book, but to her equality is not by word or what women carry in the bank. She is not equalized by political influence, she is not equalized by the mutilation of the opposite sex. The woman is equalized by the capacity to desire the same food, shelter, and companionship that presents themselves time and time again in a ‘free market,’ society as a driving force of virtues of an unenlightened human being. Knowing this is how she feels I always felt I could stand on the field of battle for true independence with someone like Ms. McNiell, but true independence, economic power, that keeps her ahead of me and men like me will place her above me, weather she acknowledges it or not.

 One phrase that captured my attention from Maggie’s recent writings, at least her present articles on Dec 7 2018, was her idea of ‘passive recipient to someone else’s benevolence,”

In her article she suggests women place themselves in this position when they rely on our present social norms, marriage, minimum wage salaries, or anything else the PUA-type of whore haters deem to be the safe space for the female standards of achievement. She thankfully only speaks for women in the article because she is very much the ideal woman.

Though I dare say this notion of being a slave to benevolence is not gender specific. I am a man and very much the ideal man who day in and day out must bridle my tongue for the sake of peace and maintaining the kindness of those around me.  Making me a slave to the validation generated from the approval of others. Ever since I was a child that has set me into a tirade of demanding, ‘unconditional love.’

I have always felt by giving such a love, others would want to give something like that to others or the one giving it in return. I am 30 and to this day I find people are more prone to take the ‘unconditional,’ and instead of understanding that you are not a slave to their kindness, that you don’t have to do what you are doing, but you do it because you genuinely care for them, despite their ingratitude. They take what you’ve done and spit in your face with demands upon your vestiges with a sense of entitlement, especially if their Christian and with one notion, “If you were Christian or as Christian as you claim to be you’d continue in whatever state of discomfort you find yourself in and seek neither reprieve from your duty nor peace.”

 For me it is a problem because I am Christian, but for those that are not, I would like you to know, liberty, freedom, independence, and everything that allows for free will, mind you though you can find those words in the bible and attribute what ever interpretation you like, none of those words allow for a judgment such as “If you were as benevolent as you claim..” “Would you let your daughter do it?” “would you love your brother any less if he was homosexual?” Those lines of questioning bring about indignation in anyone with principals or convictions and none are to be considered contractors of hell because we refuse to be slaves to benevolence and not argue in search of the road that appeases on another. Manipulation of people breeds a miasmic anger inside of me that I refuse to abide. There is no need for it ever. It is because we confuse advising for manipulation there is the confliction of wills. You don’t need a priest, preacher, teacher, or soothsayer to illustrate that for you and not a single one them would advise it.



Posted by AdventVoice - December 25th, 2018

Anything and everything is allowable. If you have an idea, a story, a face, a moment. If you want it recorded, remembered, and flying acorss the universe back and forth and making memories as it travels, well it will cost you a little to keep the lithium batteries charged. 

  150.00 USD per request for projects that last longer than 72 hrs.

   50.00 USD per request for projects that are traditional and last longer than 72hrs. 

   25.00 USD per consultation fee for graphic productions that take a year to produce. 

PM for transfer information, or if you have any questions and would like to haggle over price(s). Mark downs avaliable for those that have the best sales pitch. 

These are my accomplishments in the past two years. 



More is to come!

Posted by AdventVoice - December 21st, 2018


December 18 2018

 I, Advent Voice, entered three of my portrait pieces into the Center of the Arts in Pittsboro NC 18 E Salisbury St, Pittsboro, NC 27312.


There is a little gallery close to where I live, that I had ventured in and out of for two years, wondering to myself which of the 208 pieces they would be most inclined to take.




I was very happy to present these pieces and have promised them more. They have agreed to display my works for 3 months and each piece is worth after their appraisals, $50.00 each. Which is not bad at all.

 Portraits where the last thing I would have thought would have interested the gallery, but you know, they are wonderful pieces and when you hold them in your hand and look at the detail, they are simply mesmerizing.

 The owner of the gallery, said he was initially reminded of  “The Cars” album covers and that is why he liked them.

According to Wikipedia: David Robinson said in an interview that he "had designed a very different album cover [for The Cars] that cost $80.00 to design." He continued, "I remember the price exactly. It was completely finished and everything, but it was a little more bizarre than the cover that they had in mind, so they changed some of it because of copyright problems and put it in as the inner sleeve. But I think that was way more how we envisioned who we were then."[3]

 My renditions did not cost me all of that but if someone can look at my works and see something as amazing as the album covers of music giants like “The Cars,” I am more than pleased.

Being a real gallery means I can stop telling people I am a hobby artist and have moved into a professionalism that I thought was above me. 

Good news just feels great!

Posted by AdventVoice - December 21st, 2018

Deep in the catacombs of the internet, there is a group certainly not safe for work, that is questioning the position of corporation heads who feel banning adult content will make the internet safer and more user friendly. Shannon Liao of the Verge Magazine could not share much on sites like Tumblr’s policy reasoning and many don’t feel they need to give a reason to curb and suppress intellectual property.

The purge of adult content is a proxy. A precursor to a broader issue. Where freedom of expression is the manifestation of freedom of speech, it is presumed, by suppressing what is seen, no offenses can be claimed for ‘illustrations,’ don’t speak.

 To those that believe this, “Art,” has no language and they refuse to listen.

When I make the leap of correlating the Tumblr purge with that of Brazil’s National Museum in Rio de Janenro, tens of billions of images are being destroyed-hidden, suppressed. I can’t help but to wonder, “How much money was set to flame by the burning of books contributed to Tumblr’s actions that are not going to change despite appeals.

Tumblr’s recent actions are not new mind you.

Maggie McNiell wrote an inspiring short story entitled “Penelope.” Every time I think of literature or art that is banned by a Moral Climate Machine of our own making, I think of what she wrote and how right she was.

Tumblr CEO Jeff D’Onofrio posted on Tumblr about the change.  “As Tumblr continues to grow and evolve, and our understanding of our impact on our world becomes clearer, we have a responsibility to consider that impact across different age groups, demographics, cultures, and mindsets,” D’Onofrio wrote. “We spent considerable time weighing the pros and cons of expression in the community that includes adult content. In doing so, it became clear that without this content we have the opportunity to create a place where more people feel comfortable expressing themselves.”

That is an interesting concept to me. A world without adult content is presumed to be the ideal place to feel safe to express oneself. A world without sex, without nipples, male or female. A world where the conversation surrounding ‘sex,’ is a natural occurrence and if one uses the word or says *fellatio* you are considered eligible for purging, euthanasia, castration, or any other form of mutilation without a contest.  

Where I miss out on some very important details, I can always count on Maggie to hit the finer notes:


According to Maggie “until the media and our allies are willing to admit what the Whore Nation already knows, the best we can hope for is to minimize the damage and try to keep things from getting even worse.”

I had to ask after reading this article: Do we minimize the damage by rolling with the punches, following the rules and staying cool under pressure, because that is all I can think to do at the moment.

I am at a standstill on how to get people to see that demonizing ‘sex,’ is worse than the moral tirades of those that see abortion and gun rights as the only issue worth Congress’s time. Privacy does not mean much to those that stand on either side of those issues and they are willing to give it up and give up avenues of wealth for the sake of party alliances.  That is incredible to me. Much like what you wrote in the story of “Penelope.”

Are you ready to go to Mars yet, because I am buying a ticket?


Can we cure men, or the world?

That is what the real conversation is. We have come to the stage where we are willing to say ‘sex,’ is not ‘love,’ and love can only be seen based on conforming standards and Chinese like census boards that determine how many children you have, how many hours you work, how much food you can have, and what makes a man different from a woman. Heck we can just create a woman from a man with Government funds, so lets just have who we want to have sex, have sex and get rid of the no regards that do so on their spare time for their own private pleasures.

Merry Christmas indeed.

Posted by AdventVoice - December 17th, 2018

For me as an artist “Just Different, is Just Better.”

I have been thinking of my hesitation in readily “commercializing,” my showcases for the sake of popularity and viewership and have been readily thankful for being and maintaining the position of standing out. I feel by doing so I’ve managed to live up to the demands of legends, now few have heard of but in my time where on the lips of everyone.

 They were different, they were the odd man out but as time has moved forward, what they thought would change their worlds, is used in many circles to date.

I can’t even presume those younger than me or those in their 40’s or 50’s, who according to the Harvard Business Review, are running 2.7 million start-up companies from 2007-present, know who the Monkey King is and why Bruce Lee was more than just a street fighter who knew kung-fu. At least to me these two legends brought a form of revolutionizing thought to their respective periods that by simply saying “King and Lee,” many perked their ears, or should.

  Bruce Lee came about in a time when prior to him there was no Jeet Kune Do, a method of martial arts made by him and used in the 60’s to erect a supremacy in a fight that lasted 11 seconds. Prior to Bruce Lee there was an idea that only the head masters knew all the rules, the gang-lords that ran a particular part of the city could surmise the funds or win the bids and no young punk like Bruce Lee was really going to come around and not only give trade secrets to outsiders and devise his own school, but beat the old methods of thought and write about it.

 Lee’s story is fascinating because in a superficial gloss, he was fighting the same battle of the Monkey King but in real life and in the 1960’s; it was not some ancient mythology of some dead man’s scrolls.  Did you know to this day the Triad pockets the money of their exceptionally talented stars? Controlling their lives and showcase a brutality against disobedience that Bruce Lee had a knack for keeping in their place.


When I was a boy, I loved the Monkey King, not because he was a trickster or childish or any other demanding thought some have prescribed to him. I liked him because when the Gods refused to allow him to erect his seat among them, he was willing to take them all on. Establish a doctrine behind his beliefs of success and in most cases won. Bruce Lee loved  the authentic, while many others would hold to the notion of martial arts being an art form, like a John Woo film or Chow Yun Fat, even Jackie Chan was known for using the traditional theatrical flash of the art that Bruce Lee could not stand and his gut knew would never help him or those he taught how to win a fight. He stressed forward movement, never backing from the enemy and loved the six-inch punch.  I do at times wonder how he would fair against 1-P man or the youngsters of today that created the Raid Series but I have faith that his methods are still up to date even after all these years. They managed to make there way into The Black Panther movie without a lot of fan-fare so it is safe to say that his ideas of martial arts is comfortable and expected.

 All this talk of kicks and punches, you might be wondering what does this have to do with art?

Here it is!

What is NEXT?!

No I am not talking about Kung-fu or fighting films, I am referring to the established way we define art.

I was speaking to the Mistress of Art https://twitter.com/ArtMunky she is gorgeous!! And it pleased me that she was unaware of who Bruce Lee was. It meant that their was room to continue the journey in breaking the glass ceiling that keeps artists and creators talking about the same things. Or my clients asking for fan art of their favorite video game character. The Mistress of Art has her own innovative projects that I am not at liberty to discuss but I am so pleased she is willing to attempt it. I am so happy she has the never to put it online and I am so happy to be of the few to know about it first.

 I do enjoy my Futa-tales and the American Presentation I can bring to the franchise. Of course I would have to devise a whole lot more and advertise more but to have cross dresser to openly support my web-comics will be difficult since they are still in the shadows.

Bruce Jun Fan Lee beat Wong Jackman and solidified his name as a staple in 1964 of Long Beach and echoing in that name is the idea, “In a state of fluidity the spirit harbors nothing, nor is it tipped off balance.”

 Anime was the result of this thought, I am sure because the human form is the natural visual that arises when we hear the word fluid. Beyond that, because we’ve not perceived, we dare not think it exists and certainly will not place the thought upon the tablet.

 So like Bruce we are asked to remain in our shelter of conformed thought and stifle creativity for the sake of comfort and the prestige of Triad overlords. Like the Monkey King we are told something is not allowed and we are not allowed to eat at the table of the Gods because unless we conform to what is, nothing shall be.

It is 2018 going on 2019 and I am daring to be different. To think different and believing like Lee and the Monkey King that all of the tradition that I’ve been taught or that many of us have learned is hogwash compared to the practicality of applying real skill to a project in the middle of an open forum and what we have come to believe drives production in the world of art is not working and those that disagree should put pad to paper and draw something we’ve never seen before. I want not to be the only one blowing minds.

Then after we creators have devised a new thought, I want publishers and publicans to buy what we sell, no more pro-bono work. I am open for commissions. I am willing to give you, the viewer, what ever you want, as long as the image is a door to a would we’ve yet to stake a flag in.

They gave Bruce his statue in China, I don’t care how long it took them to do it. I am just glad they did. I am glad there are those that don’t know of the Monkey King that said it’s ok to challenge the Gods of a social order and this is how you do it. It means  there is room for my expression and a path to be paved in continuation of the paths that captivated me as a child.

Bruce Lee challenged the status quo and turned the Chinese actor into a hero opposed to the beggar. I am an African American artist, I should know all about how to turn the beggar or a slave into a fighting man-standing alone-with his Hero Complex, to become King of the mountain while the Tiger is away.

Then again I would still like to know, what else is in store for artists like me in 2019.

Posted by AdventVoice - December 16th, 2018

I am really not sure how I feel about my disclosure supporting the idea of my being responible for 206 pieces of art and only 60 can be seen.


I am wondering who else his having these issues but I am sure everyone else can see what I have created and will continue to create and I am the only one that must suffer visual handicapps.

Now I am mad that I did not store this information or make back up files for everything. I mean a lot of my work is stored but yeah not everything. Every day it is something. We really can not live without drama huh?