I am going to begin my search for the elusive Silver Wolf. I am free from prison now and my art has reached enough people to where I am suffencitly scouted and desired and it turns enough heads to where even my sons mother, who has turned into some kind of vampuric-succubus-BlackLives-Matter-Video-Gaming-Whore of zero ambition besides defrauding all potential investors of merchandise and investesments.
You know its one thing to rob people because your hungry, poor, and the world is seeking to annihilate you through political movements as depicted in the latest block buster the Purge.
There is justification somewhere in the middle of the action and some sort of ability for a person to have pitty on you, enough to throw a dog a bone. It's another thing entirely to own a house, a car, a truck, every console known to man, a computer and a closet full of name brand designes and homemade material that you pawn off on ebay every month, and still have to stoop to robbing people, false advertising and keeping a son away from his father.
Everytime I think about her, I wonder how I could have ever loved her.
As I contemplate the theft and usery, I dream of enlisting the aid of a few members from the local, (they might be a National) Coven, SilverWOLF
I was made to travel very far and wide to find you.
What do you know about Silver Wolf?
Is it a book, a person, a coven?
Is she a woman or a man? Does she smell of sun flowers or snow storms?
I know I ask to many questions without revealing myself. I just want to know if I am on the right trail?
I read some of your works and I thought you might have heard of this Silver Wolf and might have known what I am to expect from such a one as thee?
To assist in the retrival of my "Lost Merchandise."
It would take a stone cold blooded hound from H-E-Double-TooTh-Picks, to deal with my son's mother.
To keep a child away from his real father because, as she claims, I am too violent. I would not let her have the freedom of being a trolloping whore whenever she felt like, or because money was tight. I'd stiffle her creativity because I wouldn't appreciate her chopping nob, for a role in a movie.
Little Brat!
The Variant @ C2E2 @the_variant @CharliexRocket
I am too viloent because I am willing and able to contract with anyone as long as they are fair to the group and don't stab me in the back. I would ask the leader of this Coven of Wolves to sniff out the mother of my son, or bring her to me. She knows I'm violent enough to pay for such a movement and runs like a wild marre farther and farther from my iron grip. Desiring to see me wither and die without the joy of my son.
She is a Comic-Con junkie, living her days inside of her fantasies of being a heroin andn married some slug from outer space.
All I want is to see my boy before they contaminate his mind with all sorts of ideas like, "We will love you no matter what you do son, It's ok to fail in life, we will be here to pick you back up, we love you, even if you marry your ex-girlfiriends boy-friend from last year."
Yeah I'm violent alright.
That's why I am looking for SilverWOLF~ I want to know how they feel about the destruction of core values in family life and if they'd pay the little pixie a visit. Just encourage her to make the right decision. For the child.
A Son; the first born, no less, of a very strong willed man, a kind man. He desires you no harm. Just Peace.
(I would not have much of a story if I made all this fuss about Covens, wolves, witches, and dark doors that need never be opened. I would not be much of a story teller. So I hope the motif has been solidifed for the few that have been reading and following.)
Manipulation: is a ver real component for those that practice any art, Good or Bad.
One must manipulate. Now the idea that I could have been such a wonderful person, lover, friend and soon to be father without the use of manipulation is hard for a lot of people to grasp.
I hope SilverWOLF does not feel I am manipulating them, by asking for assistance. If they ever did, I would go no further with the mission and she'd be free to pursue her desires of keeping my son from me. When we were in college, my son's mother could not stand me. I had this wonderful ability to speak and the world would bend to me. Along with her. The I was sealed away in a box.
Bad end to a good guy. Now I have this gift that I desire to give to my son and I am denied by this horrible woman and her slim ball of a husband. The spineless ant of a creature; those where the only men I'd ever allow her to play with, the spineless I could do away with if they began to disturb the natural order of things.
Black Amethyst : is more than a book. It is more than my story an a way to speak to my son about the love of a father he never knew about. It is a manual filled with messages to young men about what is expected of them from the stand point of a man and not the cloistering ideas of Bohieman women. It shows you that many can claim a gift to be the figmant of one's imagination. They can say their are no such things as good and evil. That all of it is relative to who we are around, but I do not want my boy to ever be fooled into believing it's ok to dress up like a PoWERPUFF GIRL, just cause his mother and father are not bold enough to give him more to aspire to.
I pray in my hearts of hearts that all of you with children will pass this treasure to them, so they will know a man is allowed to excerise his GRIT for the ones he loves.
I am happy to have completed the book: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/AVplusME I did it all by myself you know. It was a heats cry of three years in a box. My heart yearned to be near my family and to leave something behind for my child. Every word crafted to create the picture of a time and place of a prince, ostricized from his rightful place and having no fear of death. To forever be remembered as the Weaver of Dreams for those that might have lost their dream along the way.
If I could convince one of the SilverWOLVES to deliver the book to my son and his mother that would be nice. I've sent messages to all invloved thinking she would read it, but why would she, she knows how it ends.
She knows very well how it felt to leave me in my prison cell, knowing she could have said something, anything to defend me. If she had an ounce of loyalty inside of her. The witch came to see me one time while I was incarcerated claiming she did not know who to trust. She was confused. They claim so many horrible things about you. I don't want MY son to be around someone so violent. I don't want him to carry your name. I hate to leave you like this but well. Good bye.
The cell doors closed and I wrote every word vowing when they freed me BLACK AMETHYST would see the light of day and everyone would know what betrayal feels like.
The world would feel all of my pain, my fire, my fury, and my son would look at the television, asking his mother, "Who is that man Mommy, that speaks to people about Truth, Justice, Compassion, Virtue, Forgiveness, Loyalty, PEACE!?"
Who is this man that can go into dens of wolves bars of Nightingales and teach them to dream?
"That is your father."