I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

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AdventVoice's News

Posted by AdventVoice - April 25th, 2018


I have compelations full of stories, moments of when I was traveling the country from 2009-2012. That is a long time to travel by foot anywhere. My only regret is that I did not have a camera. Just for this moment, so that when I take the time to catalouge where I have been, what I have seen, I can give you more than just words.

Words can be taken out of context. People can challange your truth, by editing and supplanting better ideas or something that sounds softer and kinder than how things really are.

  Our vision is disturbed because we live by echoes, the radio says something that has no baring on our everyday lives and we tend to catch things long before it can even be fixed or debated, even changed for ones advcanment. Life is not like a video game at all. Sure the simulator is created by people that try to get every angle right and the stories are written and can be considered to be as close to triuth as possible. The point is, no one can take anything away from you when you have seen it for yourself first hand.

 After seeing it, what do you do with it. Store it away for later, tell a reporter that is is going to call you crazy and steal your 15 mins of fame, or do you hold onto the information until you can find a computer and tell the story yourself.

I like the idea of the latter. Then it is just a story, a fable, lost in time and you can say whatever it is you want and you don't have to be made to account for it. (Well that is not true either. We are made to account for everything we do or don't do in some way.)

  I suppose what I mean is, I don't want to be made to regret a thing in the future and love living life like there is no tomarrow.


Posted by AdventVoice - April 24th, 2018

I check twitter from time to time to just to see "what's happening" as there slogan suggests. To me the best news is from the word or mouth of those that are interested in the same things I am. The world is just safer that way.

 The crazy thing is: A lot of the time people follow me that I don't even remember speaking of:

Cavs (RepMyCity)

I have never suggested to anyone that I am a NBA fan. My own mother does not know and for most people, well just me, my family knows a lot about me. What I like and what I don't like. We might be miles apart but the computer makes it so they always know what I am getting into: Even if they are not into my feeds.

  They have never seen me "Rock Out," with friends in Dallas. Nor have they supported my art or visions of getting my books in the hands of everyone they know. I am still boggled by the idea that someone would think I would follow or that someone that supports the NBA should follow me.

Anyway it does make me want to ask those that do read my posts and are interested in the same things I am interested in: What do you think about them Cavs and do they have a chance to WIN BIG or are the GOING HOME?!

I love video games and movies and music; I just never played sports games or spent a lot of time in Hooters.

Not true, my college years was filled with hot wings and hot sauce and cramming for finals while supporting the LAKERS but that should let you know how long it has been since I joined anyone's band wagon.

 That is the craziest thing that has happened to me to date.

  I'll have better topics in the future, I might even do some EA SPORTS ART or SPORTSILLUSTRATED web designs just because. Who knows.


Posted by AdventVoice - April 22nd, 2018

I can not really travel as much as I like anymore. Those days are over but even as I sit here the advancements achievied from the computer have made it, to where I don't have to go anywhere, the art is brought to me and I am so pleased with what people are choosing to do with there talents. What people are willing to talk to me about, share and debate over, in terms of art.

There is an Art Collector that has materialized upon my radar that has found a way to steal my heart with the works she presents and finds a way to sell them for 320K.

I am the artist that was only able to branch the 60,000.00 mark as a kid and now as a grown man find myself entertaining collectors and visonaries who desire to showcase works you would only find in the highest of places or someone's shrine.

(I am humbled to say the least)

I have traveled far and wide and when I find myself allowed to speak to someone like Abby Gege‏ @AbbyGege_China who is apparently in Norway with a room filled with people viewing and bidding on art like

Chinese coloured ink brush painting. Good book is a good lover by He Jiaying Sold for £320k at auction in Dec, 2017. Abby Gege - make Chinese art collection simple and affordable. #art, #painting, #culture



I am floored! Feeling I have to share it and ask my fans and friends what they think.

Half the time I care very little for what people consider art or good art. I think what really gravitates me to the work and the people of this culture is the idea that they want to speak to me on a level we all can appreciate. As I have said before Art, prose, wrtitings, books, all if it has a universal language and true connoisseur's of this world will come to you and ask where you grade there material. Most of the time they don't ask you anything, they allow the art to speak for itself. As I look at this piece I am made to marvel and ask, "Who bought it?" "Where is the original artist? Where did they come from?" There is a story behind the artist and a lot of the time I want to know it.

 I would love to sit and have a cup of coffee with Abby Gege‏ @AbbyGege_China in Norway and viewing the world from her mountain top, (If she is on a mountain, in my mind she is sitting on a cloud teaching the world of the wonders presented in the medium I have grown to love.)  Something I long to do most desperatly. I am an anthologist in my own right but nothing near as wonderful as what the creators in China are dreaming of. I am ok with that as well you know. It is there culture. Their story.

 The true challenge is to present the American culture with the same verve.

She tells me that she has pieces the capture China in a lot of ways as it is today,

(That is still how it is today. To save cost, I think the fishermen only have the basic equipment. Normally I tell the full story on Linkedin. In case you are interested.)

I am so very interested and might take her up on her offer and send her money and support ss mcuh as possible, not that she asked or even needs it. I suppose my heart is into this venture because as a child I would read as many works from the orienant I could get my hands on and besides buying the product I was never sure if I was really helping to aid the project. Now that I am a bit wiser, I am sure the conversation will become more perosnal in the future and well, I won't have to worry about third party vendors cheating people out of their fair share.

To be a starving artist is not nice. I have not completed my anthology indevours and I am not sure if I ever will. Time has a way of catching up to us, but to be known as a person that aided others in their dreams of being seen is a concession worth buying into.

Now to fly her out to America and work on artistic studies and develop art with her would just be wonderful...to save the money and study under her in Norway or China would be even better. As I write this I wonder if she would take me up on my offer?

To travel like that and catalouge my traveles with an artistic pen would be a feat worth publishing.

At least to me.


This is a side note that has nothing to do with what I previously was discussing. The only relevance is the fact that they are on my list of artists I want to meet: Clamp (クランプ, Kuranpu) is an all-female Japanese manga artist group that formed in the mid-1980s. It consists of leader Nanase Ohkawa (大川 七瀬, Ōkawa Nanase), and three artists whose roles shift for each series: Mokona (もこな, Mokona), Tsubaki Nekoi (猫井 椿, Nekoi Tsubaki), and Satsuki Igarashi (いがらし 寒月, Igarashi Satsuki). Almost 100 million Clamp tankōbon copies have been sold worldwide as of October 2007. They created a master piece Tokyo Babylon and I have always wanted to ask them particular questions about the motivations behind the work. I have not found any write ups about it and I really want to hear it from the horses mouth anyway. So while I am thinking of hanging out in that area, I would have to pay them a visit, if they would have me.


The joys presented in Art.



Posted by AdventVoice - April 20th, 2018



Pulitzer Prize
2018 Pulitzer Prize
Awarded for Excellence in newspaper journalism, literary achievements, musical composition
Country United States
Presented by Columbia University
First awarded 1917
Website pulitzer.org

The Pulitzer Prize /ˈpʊlɪtsər/[1] is an award for achievements in newspaper, magazine and online journalism, literature, and musical composition in the United States

They gave the Pulitzer Prize to a rapper, why? Because his writings have more influence then everything the prize entailed, for a group willing to buy into what he was selling. He was denoted an economist, yet his words did not encourage Free World Politics. Repeating phrases sounds too much like a mantra, so to free my mind, I allow my art to remain in Free verse. Violence is repressed but encouraged by the music, ripped out of their chests. Heathens preserving the spirit of strife.

I was asked about the History of Violence, why cowboys and Indians, cops and robbers, Thugs and Pulpits, Blood and Worship are interconnected in the daily discussion. Ask the rapper what he thinks about violence, he'd say, "Whatever wins me the prize of the moment of silence." 

While the world shmoozes at the feet of Darwin believing it all sprang from a planet that aped in: choosing to ignore righteous indignation, while the bullets fly and swords clang, only after watching the red wine staine can they feel the pangs. Mouths of barbarians on every station, drumming anthems of an aged old language. In the name of peace they ask men to surrender their arms, begin to wave plams, no need to be alarmed.

Haven't I heard this before? Are we still singing the same songs?

We are about to give birth to a new demoractic method; Arm wrestiling under Greek processions. Asking why men are made to pull swords, encouraged to make tanks for war, preserving doctirines built upon folk lore? Are we just bored?

I did not begin to speak to bring peace, but to bring a sword.

My family always believed I was too ready for violence to solve my problems, ever since I was 8, when I memorized the Japanese text of the Art of War. (Enemy of my Enemy is my friend,; living a life feudalistically, believing the strong survive and the weak bend.) That's why the military would not take me, refusing to give charge to a loose cannon. Now I work in the garden contemplating the History of Violence; Where is the line between the games we play and tactics that inspire them. Music we sing and the lives that buy them.The money spent and where it went.




Posted by AdventVoice - April 19th, 2018

From my experiance with art and the structure of character development, the building of a story and placing people in place to begin the plunge into a work of art, I have found software to be a major factor in the overall presentation.

 Many are discussing a need to become better artists, as if their skill with a pen is primarly comparable to that of anothers skills with a pen. I find this thought to be flawed. Especially considering I do not believe there is any such term as "BAD ART." Good and bad are relative to the project, perspective, and audience you are speaking to. Making terms like, "Another man's trash is another's man's tearsue," inescapably true and a constant reality in the discussion of art. Video game graphics have never been the death knell of a project or the signture reason behind the success of a project, I remember playing tons of games on the PS1 that if they had the graphic capabilities of the PS4 still would not sell to this day, you could make something shine with the best digital mastery to date and the art would still be relative to the crowd it was intended for. Software plays a major factor in how something is viewed though and can hurt a project, or increase it's value. Take my two recent projects for examples. "Violence is in our Nature," and "Art of War," are techinically the same foundational project. Software is the only factor in the overall presentation, not skill. Using the same stroke measures for each project, the same fluid behavior of the masters pen, and the clicking of the computer, and you virtually have two, very different projects at the end of it. The question then is, "Are those that are seeking a better presentation for their art, suffering esteem issues, software issues, or skill issues?"

  I like to really bust it all up and ask, 'Why does there have to be an issue at all?"

We are looking for perfection in our works, is the real answer to that question. Artists are never satisfied with there product and this is a healthy approach to life. One can take some things too far though, I can assure you. (I beat myself up all the time when my software just can not produce what I know I can do with my hands alone.) I desire the software though. It is a fix for me, like air, I could not imagine what I would do without the ability to tag your world with my computer. So I suffer my battle with software until I can find better, half the time I don't look, believing I can find the balance between ecletic and perfection. The balance between originality and comfortable. I wage a war with myself and ask those around me to watch and be amazed as my hands fly and flash and produce worlds I see only in my dreams.

  (For the artist that is still not sure if they are making an impression on the world with there works, for those that feel they have just made it to the round table of achievers because it has not achieved a thousand resounding clicks of approval, just ask yourself, "Can anyone elese do what you doing, is your originality worth sacrifcing for another's approval?" For me it is not, I remember when I was younger my father would look at my works and ask me if I was "high" I would get very angry and suggest he should learn to open his mind. See the world as I see it and you would not ask me if I need to do drugs to produce the wonderful effects and bends of the ink)

  He had an emotional fear of Anime, The Orient, Native American Art, Video games that depicted war and strategy, He had a fear of Final Fantasy, of H.R. Giger who lived a full life and gave him the very movie he hides in his collections from company that visit; (Aliens) 5 February 1940 – 12 May 2014. I wonder to myself, who will take his place and could creators do better?  I suppose with better software.

  I have been compared to many artists from the past, at least in thought, not in skill and I hope I would never believe to have there skill, Salvadore Dali gave the world something wornderful and he was never on drugs to do so. He just thought it and so it was. That is what I hope, after you all have left from viewing my world, walk away with. An understanding in the joy of thinking and making it so.

I have set out to constantly disrupt what I feel is boring, in hopes of etching a style others can take with them from gallery to gallery, place to place, people to people; dreamer to dreamer. Artists are the greatest Pinoneers known to man, for their pens build cities and cultures, while others are made to sit on the sidelines and talk, the aritsts has already lived and surpassed the dream.


To me the greatest example of this was in the development of Black Magic (ブラックマジック M-66, Burakku Majikku Mario Shikkusuti Shikkusu) is a cyberpunk manga written and illustrated by Masamune Shirow. It was first published as a dōjinshi in 1983, and was later reprinted in tankōbon format by Seishinsha in 1985. Long before Ghost in the Shell and the numerous tweaking of this genra of cyber punk and social education, there was Black Magic M-66. I bulding block upon the dialouge of what is achievable with software and inks.


I won;t talk about how disappointed, I was that they would not cast an asian for a primarly asian story. I will just say as the years have gone by software has really done a wonderful thing for the world of art.

 Though we understand the achievement accrediated to software we really have not been able to correctly assauge the minds of man about the nature of vilonce. We would continue to demonize the artist that can correctly illustrate, at least attempted to paint the picture, taking you from past to present and sharing the story of Selfpreservation as best they could with the software that was available. We would continue to suggest that the artists involved had no idea what they were talking about and they were simply crazy people looking to make a buck off someone's demented desires for blood. I always felt sad for people like that. Not at anytime did they listen to the story and see what truth was hidden beneathe the surface or even desire to. Then when they had to really face a situation of their worth being subjected based upon their personal skill and that of the skill presented by a machine, they ask themselves, "Where have they heard this story line before/"

  When they are challanged by others for their own special place in the world they are made to ask, "Where do these feelings of rage come from?" as a child asks why the pot is hot, having missed it all from their apparent denial to give credence to the story tellers of the past.

 This is where on of the greatest stories began. I want you to let that sink in the next time you think about art, and what it takes to develope a ground breaking franchise. This is where it all began. They first had to break the clock that made them believe they ere standing still.  

Posted by AdventVoice - April 17th, 2018


 This is why I love ART!

Many ask me why have I put so much value into my art? I am hoping the image that is before you will help to enlighten you on the importance of art and the value of it.

Art is built upon a heritage and the keeping record of it. Heritage has a price that in unlimited and should not be bargined away at your nearest flee market. Not when you can reach a stage performance as seen in China.

To see something like that happen here in America based upon the presentation of an American is a dream. I would love to see my work so honored. So remembered.

This is what is at stake for the artist, for any creator.

This is why I love art.

One piece bidded at 350,000 USD.

 Many of us devalue our worth because we are unsure of the potential, we have very little grasp of the global significance and live loose with our presentations. We cry about an economy that is unfair to each generation. Baby Boomers are more well off and won't teach Millennials the value of what it was or is that keeps them wealthy; or visa versa. A number of lame reasoning's behind one generation doing better than another. An idea that the younger generation just refuses to work for a living and 20-35 year old's just like paying high rents. Rush Limbaugh is good at making Millennials look stupid, here in America; then you go to China and find that they make that much money based upon there Art alone! This is why I love art. This is why I want to be apart of that number!

I don't feel I have to live in China to do it either!

Right here in grade A America, if people really understood how influential art can be, numbers like that could have anyone sitting pretty for a long time.

Posted by AdventVoice - April 16th, 2018

Abby Gege‏ @AbbyGege_China 14h14 hours ago
Follow Follow @AbbyGege_ChinaFollowing Following @AbbyGege_ChinaUnfollow Unfollow @AbbyGege_ChinaBlocked Blocked @AbbyGege_ChinaUnblock Unblock @AbbyGege_ChinaPending Pending follow request from @AbbyGege_ChinaCancel Cancel your follow request to @AbbyGege_China

Chinese colour and ink on paper. "SOUTH WIND" by Feng yuan Baimajing fishing port in Danzhou of China's southern island province of Hainan is entirely run by women. Abby Gege - make Chinese art collection simple and affordable.


Her art is really cool, that is why I was interested.

The news that the entire port is run by women, just made me ponder as to where have all the Men gone?

Where they picked up by aliens?

I mean how doea an entire male population just disappear? Maybe I don't have enough information...No MEN anywhere?

Posted by AdventVoice - April 12th, 2018


You have just watched a video of a woman that loves cosplaying as comic book characters. Ghouls and goblins and any other fun thing and robbing people blind as told in pervious stories.


6384799_152357104411_gp6XM-pr-hExnzA8rrNTLMQLzo_lhYYS6iax0pYLKuI.jpg She likes to play the role of a witch during shows, as seen here. I have just been made to wonder, "Where is the line to be drawn between Fact and Fiction?"

When does role playing characters and video game plot lines for huge fans or Comic-Con and the industry take a break.

How can someone  feel comfortable with stealing Crowd Funded material in  a product line among 25,000 people and only deliver to 100 and claim there are no more items in stock while counting away $1,000,000 potentially in a matter of 8 years and what do you have? $8,000,000??

At her shows she is known for toating a mean pocket rocket and that is where her name comes from. Charlie Rocket, yet it would seem amazingly she has had the ability to flash that cute face and with a little handy 9milimeter make all of her modeling dreams come off without a hitch.

A rioutous camilion queen of whatever universe she sees fit in being apart of giving the world crazy sob stories of her criminal  origins: http://www.comicbookandmoviereviews.com/2015/06/charlie-rocket-cosplay-zzoooommmm.html

I wonder if people will still say beauty will get you no where in the world?

They still won't answer my letters, which is fine, for now, they feel because I have such a little fan base, and very few can weave through the world of dreams and see truth amongst the lies, that they will have a few more years yet to reek havoc.

We will just have to wait and see.

(Tune in next time, to find out where you can be entertained and possibly robbed by the PrideStark Gaming  Foundation).  

Posted by AdventVoice - April 11th, 2018

After receiving such mixed reviews about discussions poised in "SilveWOLF," https://adventvoice.newgrounds.com/news/post/1010515 I have decided to postpone any further search of this elusive club until I estabilsh a readied defense for a genre of art that seems to be getting the bad end of the accredidated stick. Since I have been made to worry about the "sensitivities," of avid readers and viewers of NG's material and content, I've decided to stage a defense for the creative minds of the Macbre, Beautfiul Bizzare, Heavy Metal Magazine, Asylum Magazine and anyother genre that can only have achieved the likes of great visuals and detailed effects from the minds of EX-CONS.

Presenting an idea to the world that most of these ecletic arts, illustrations, and views of the world originated from the bowels of prisons.

I think of men like Marque De Sade; an erotic novelist whose acclaim was originated from the Bastiel of France. Dante's video game originating from the trilogy of his comedic expression of traveling from the Inferno's to Paradise and was only materialized through his all too real ostrinization from his home land in Florence Italy.

I was applaused at the idea of my presenting, "Prison Art," or the Dark Arts to this round table discussion and those viewing would turn to the likes of Manson and Jody Aries.


As models for Macabre liturature; This demonization of what can be a grand tale of Redemption, Renewal, and Reconstructed Vision is base and of bad taste.

 Every piece of art was depicted by someone that has had to do a little time and as you can see there minds are pretty awesome. I am sure those that have seen the movie of Jet Lee in "The One," understand the concept of the soul seeking physical or incorperal assension; The Matrix comes to mind when so many fans applauded, "Mr. Smith's" desires to be free from the stench of his virutal box. "Prison," but I must suffer the corrupted conversation of those that would suggest the work of an Ex-Conn is not to be counted.

How sad your life must be; you'd never be entertained by the writings of Monte de Cristo.

I wonder what Ted Dekker would have to add to this conversation.

 who's writtings and art I've witnessed restore a many a man's soul who is locked away in the man made catacombs of the very prisons I am asked to ignore or speak less about. To forget I have seen. Michal Jackson sang about Dirty Diana whicih I always felt that was about Michael Christopher Diana but again that could be stretching things and I did not come here to make fun of Mike and his creepy ways. I came here to talk about how Babylon A.D. was given wonderful accolades and Mathieu Kassovitz was considered a fine director and writer dispite his, "How shall we say, Colorful Behavior."

Kassovitz is also known for his outspokenness, frequently making controversial comments on socio-political issues.

In November 2005, riots spread throughout suburbs of Paris following the deaths of two teenagers of black and North African descent, who were electrocuted while avoiding police ID checks and questioning. The question of whether young men were victims of racial discrimination set off a chain reaction of violence in schools, gyms, and police stations, and an aggressive response from then-Home Office Minister Nicolas Sarkozy. Sarkozy stirred controversy and outrage when he said the rioters were "rabble" and should be "cleansed" from the banlieues (suburbs) with a "fire hose".

This making me sure he and those around him have done some time in someone's lock up and developed art worthy of my posts and visual consideration.



Posted by AdventVoice - April 9th, 2018

Spedmallet has looked into my work and apparently there is something that caught there interest. It is only fair that those whom take an interest in me are given a fair shake in posting rights and display of there work. That means in laymen's terms, many of you should think about interacting with  https://spedmallet.newgrounds.com/ a little more because they thought about interacting with me. After you speak to this Level 25 artist about me maybe they will tell you weather or not they are human, male, female, old, young. Something because I don't have much for you but a link posting and the fact that they think I am worth Scouting.

  They have not told me yet why they are interested in my art, prose, writings, or thoughts.

Garbage whistle?!

  Is that supposed to be a reflection of my product thus far, cause you know, (He/she is ranked a police sergant) What do these badges really mean, Gear they own is toilet paper. Sigh* I was not looking for the best in the world to support me, I am glad to be Scouted by anyone. I am just concerned if the following is supposed to be a relfection of what my general audiance thinks about me and if so, "What is that to me, anyway, I just create things, no one said you have to like it!"

  We get what we put in for I guess. ( Total Medals Earned: 84 (From 14 different games.))) He or she is great gamer though.

I am the kind of person that does not read manuels before I tinker with my work. It was one of the things my little broher could not stand about me when we were kids growing up.

He loved the game Adventure Quest. Spent a lot of money playing and winning medals and much like Spedmallet love the art that went into the games and the story. Only problem was he could not create the stories and had little imagination. He needed me for that, and supply I would. I knew all the cheat codes, all the key locks, all the mage switch power boards and what ever a Dungon Master would devise because I loved games as a kid. The mechanics behind them and creating the worlds that are all involved.

Another problem...I am the one that would get all girls.

So my brother would not let me play anymore and we have this giant rift in what we think is important about the game. Is it winning or is it the journey that gets you there. For me I was the RPG player. He was the Shoot-em up Hack and Slash, PC loving Mayehm player. Still is to this day, but he keeps his personal life far away from me, and the last game we tag teamed together was Adventure Quest.

Then I grew up real fast, decided to travel, and lost touch with everyone but the flip side to having lived in the woods and alone and far from a computer or switchboard is the fact that I have these amazing stories now.

Like Silver Wolf.

Anyway I had great stories when I was kid as well. They are all gone now and I am looking to open up seals to some real DreamWorks after a while.

I just hope me and my new scout don't run into the problems that arise among creative thinkers. Like my brother and I, who I really need to get in contact with and see if he is willing to tag along for this ride.

https://www.instagram.com/kingdom_aige/ <<If he will stop working out for ten mintues and listen we might get some work done.>> 

 He is in the Air Force. I don't know what he is doing for fun anymore. If he even knows how to have fun. I don't think he is invloved with any Covens or anything like that. I don't think he would tell me if he was.

He won't answer his big brothers emails. Shame on him. Maybe my Scout can hit him up for me and let him know that his brother wants to work on some ideas that can make us all some money and get us in that Hall of Fame of Dreamers.

Keeping my fingers Crossed.