I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

All Over

Joined on 5/15/17

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AdventVoice's News

Posted by AdventVoice - March 12th, 2019

I am convinced now more than anything of Hentai-Foundry's sexual bias issues. Most of there denials are completely irrational and not founded on much besides being afraid of anything that might gather traction. I have seven images uploaded there that have a few mistakes, I am not so prideful that I can't admit it, and that is why I upload more images and I continue to practice and make tweaks and change this or that, etc. The point is I don't believe in bad art or that anything is worth trashing, I am a Bob Ross disciple and I only believe in happy mistakes, that can be corrected in time. So when a company suggests that a piece of art is irredeemable, I become a little upset.

Date: March 6, 2019

Rejection notice: Sorry, but this picture will not be approved for submission. It would require a significant amount of reworking in order to meet the quality requirements. Please do not attempt to resubmit this image for approval.

You want to know which picture set them off: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/black-amethyst-2

They were not going to have it, but they were willing to take: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/clara

See what I mean, irrational, now I never complained when they decided Clara was suitable, I mean I love all of my creations. They all have a special place in my heart. It took them 4 days to mull over Black Amethyst and I guess I should enjoy the fact that they looked at for so long.

It took them less than a day to tell me: Date: March 11, 2019

Rejection notice: Sorry, but this picture has anatomy errors and does not meet our quality standards for submission. For further and more detailed help and advice, please use our Constructive Critique forum.

Can you imagine https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/dreams-of-being-alone does not meet there quality standards but https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/sarah-and-the-narcissist-sex-education which is riddled with mistakes that I only noticed days after submitting it.

It is days like this that I am tempted to get on my high horse and denounce them for their hypocrisy and feature my own works to prove the point. You can not deny me publication on the basis of my work not meeting your standards of approval when it is clearly better in presentation than anything I have presented before. If I was to listen to that group I would continue in the same mistakes and publish works of the same caliber from The Adventures of Pete & Pete began on Nickelodeon in 1989, oh the glory days and yeah I am not going back that far to appease some moderators on a smut site. All because they don't like the Dream Weaver's appeal with beautiful whores.

Posted by AdventVoice - March 11th, 2019

I’ve made several friends online despite the trend of isolationism, protectionism, and the general threat of the FCC and global governments to begin controlling publication rights or the individual’s creative content. I have become so frustrated with talk radio, and the general media with their supposed ignorance as to why anyone would be against Net Neutrality repeals or government control of cellphone companies, Netflix, Hulu, internet broad ban, twitter, Facebook, Times Magazine, The Economist Magazine, CNN, MSNBC, all of it controlled by the government and funded by the WTO, (world trade organization.) is a very bad idea.

 Just as the World Bank having any control of a countries central banking system and holding interests’ rates at less than .1% out of some twisted notion of equality. In times passed I’ve suggested Republicans should have their own media outlet, and that was because it was clear to me that everything written or constructed for the entertainment and education of the general public is scripted for the appeasement of NWO, (new world order) and OWG (one world government) lovers, i.e. globalization supporters.

 I enjoy variety in my life.

What I don’t enjoy is censorship, the idea that no one will read or see my art based on where I live, or how much money I am willing to give to watch re-runs of the Handmaids Tale. I can’t stand the idea that my friends in Costa Rica, or the Philippians won’t be able to read my letters because I don’t believe Prime Minister Netanyahu has taken the stance of a ‘victim,’ but is being victimized by his opposition. Verbally at least. So much so that not a word is heard here much about him, besides, how incompetent, those that don’t want him in power see him.

Ahmed Hussein-suale Divela was shot in cold blood in Ghana for the positions, politically he stood for. Outside of America, taking a stand on how you feel about something gets you killed. Here, no one knows you exist and so you can’t make money and if you can’t make money in America ~ you are better off dead.

 Because of this truth I have taken the few friends I have made online and in real life (IRL) to heart and care about their wellbeing. Enough to desire snail-mail correspondence for security, in the event the ability to send a message overseas or abroad becomes impossible. In previous letters I’ve offered to mail a free publication of poems that I desire them to have. I hope to increase this list as time passes. I just don’t want to ever be alone again. Which is pretty easy, when those around you can’t explain how to take Gold-Silver-and “real money,” earned and convert it into digital dollars that can enhance your online franchise. To find someone that will be honest about the damage to intellectual property set to incur to industries forced to apply Net Neutrality repealed regulations. Conservative voices and Republican legislation have ignored the appeals of NN (Net-Neutrality) supporters like Evan Greer who suggests Ajit Pai’s repeal order crippled investment and caused layoffs of Verizon and AT&T employees. Big Cable funded politicians are confusing legislation that up hold an open internet market under normal FCC rules, while claiming to save pieces of the 2015 policy. Despite the language of the clauses, internet subscribers want an assurance that there are no loopholes in the reformed legislation that allows for broad ban providers to control what is published, seen and provided by the Free Press, online.

The Mendocino Complex fire in California was an extreme case against NN repeal, in which 460,000 acres were lost in a fire, and Santa Clara Firefighters blame the throttling of internet service by Verizon. The real heart wrenching piece of this story is the idea that Verizon suggested if the Fire Department had paid for better service they would not have had to deal with the slow reception.

Apparently ISP’s will act in the brand ban providers economic interests, even at the risk of public safety. This can be said of small business proprietors who, because they do not pay for the premium packages advertised by the holders of broad ban connections, their e-commerce will be regulated and or information lost.

Joseph Cox, a writer for “Motherboard,” believes this ‘bounty hunting,’ practice is due to the overplayed hand of the FCC and FTC regulations.

I personally can not see the motivation behind the bartering of geolocations and data of individuals. This information is sold to low level officials and people not authorized to have it in order for bail-bonds me to find people. That is not new information, it has been going on for thirty or more years. There are those that believe none of us have a right to privacy and we are all subject to become criminals and the best way to prevent crime is to monitor people at all times.

For some reason the FCC thinks if people are aware of the trade and selling of their data information or the ability for law enforcement to raid their homes without probable cause because the individual has been tracked to their place of residence via their phones, customers will be more agreeable to this violation of privacy.

The truth is, since the inducement of these policies, developed by private entities and sold to the government, the American people have had their 4 Amendment rights violated and many have been jailed or imprisoned by these tactics with no more than circumstantial evidence, here say, and a geolocator data harvested from an Unsubs phone. Where law enforcement were bogged down by regulation, cyber interfaces have paved the way for ‘precognitive,’ and ‘forensic,’ technologies to aid in obtaining warrants, indictments, and prosecutions virtually without a motion of discovery or trial. Typically cases aided by these blood hound enforcement measures end in plea bargains by suspected criminals who can not explain to a court why their geolocator pin-pointed them in the vicinity of a crime.

 I’ve been made to wonder if the general public and local law enforcements and the brass that implement statutes and act upon legal clauses that encourage the ‘life-time,’ or yearly monitoring of already having completed their time convicts. By any normal legal standards, if the notion of harassing those that have served their time in prison and simply desire, upon their freedom, to achieve what everyone else has, Constitutional rights restored. When free among the general public, should not these men and women be given Constitutional protections as (free citizens.) Are people truly ignorant of the parallels between this system and that of the interment procedures of those considered combatants against the control and command of WW2 US, Russia, England and Germany. I mentioned these because in as a snapshot of history these are the only countries that implemented the use of camps to confine someone based on race, creed, caste, or sex and the implication that because the world was at war and because Germans, Japanese and Jews or the mentally degenerate were the cause of most troubles, they were ‘spirited away,’ in the night when deemed not to comply with that eras rule of law.

 It is not so much that I believe in Theocracies, though those that oppose my views may accuse me of such. They may say I would weaponize ‘forgiveness,’  and free everyone that is locked up. That is going to the other extreme. I am for the rule of law, knowing full well that when I am wronged I will desire retribution. Since my college years I’ve been proposing that as justified as a court may be to convict me, I am equally justified to wield my tongue, retain my rights to privacy, in pursuit of happiness. In hopes of rising above the murk found in my flaws, obtaining freedom from the institutions of criminality or DOC.

As idealistic as this is perceived, none of this is monopolized by Christian or Democratic views but is equally humanistic.

When we consider The Dream Weaver's past and all he has been through, the things shared of his time in prison have been discussed in hopes of others becoming willing to share their own stories. I have always people not be the sum total of our flaws.

Those are not just words for me. It is a belief that allows me to see women as Maggie McNiell as not flawed at all but an architype of what a heroine freedom fighter looks like. Her unashamed stance on sexuality and sensuality appeals to a man such as I, who was imprisoned behind his sexual desires, which honestly could not be beaten out of him, starved out of him, stun-gunned out of him, nor through phycological badgering, could I be made to feel shame for my love a woman.

 I have made excuses for her out of admiration. She never did answer my question about the fate of men in this game of cat and mouse poised by sequesters of adult literature.

“What is to happen to the men who’ve agreed, for the sake of peace, in their homes, with their lovers choice to make ends meet by trading services for goods?”

…Silence was all the decriminalization(ERs) gave me. Contempt for bringing up the masculine equivalent to their Venus.

“Where is Venus without Eros, where is woman without the quencher of her thirst? Are you truly willing to stand by and say nothing while supporters of your trade are threatened with castration, mutilation, emasculation and death by the same group that in a pinch will throw you to the wolves in the midst of a litigation suite because you made more than them in their entire life time through tax free means?”

…It is better not to ask, saves me on the heart ache to know her sweetness is for the moment. Leaving questions that remain unanswerable to die. In my heart of hearts, I know she has been there, she has seen levels of pain I could never imagine and her ability to stand on any position for as long as she has and it seems like she is alone, content to write her books and dream of worlds that would be if given a little push. She is 52 or 53 and still I desire her. When she is 71 and makes it to 120 years old I know I will desire her as much as I do now. She is nearly an immortal to me now for the aura that surrounds her thirty plus years of work. I suppose when it’s all said and done and the final chapter of our lives are revealed I would like her to know she’s been the best friend a guy could ask for. 

Posted by AdventVoice - March 6th, 2019

I am a Rebel Just for Kicks!

Proverbs 23: 6-9 KJSV


Have you ever made a decision with your money that you’ve instantly regretted?

I did. The following discourse is a synopsis of what occurred.

So the other day when I spent $25.00 for a monthly interaction with an online escorting site called, Flirt.com, I was not disturbed during the first ten minutes of using the site. Many of the women are kind and pleasant, even if the Administration refuses to allow paying users to upload images of themselves or exchange email information, website links, or any other means of communication outside of the database. (For the safety of consenting adults from predatorial activity such as fraud.) This fraud of course is not equal to the level of fraud of the online institution encouraging the escort to stress the need of more money to continue any lewd discussions already transpiring. $50.00 more to be exact.

 In short the first ten minutes of use allowed me to realize this site was not for me. Yet because I paid for a month of use and lewd talk, I decided to muster through the lack of any “real,” dirty conversation and the risk of being accused of being a “cat-fish,” myself, though I paid for the service. All because no one could believe I was who I said I was, with no picture.

This was a standard introduction of myself:

Well whenever you are not at work and eating ice cream check out the site and tell me what you think, I hope it makes you climax in your sleep and inspire you to send me pics to illustrate for my comics. I am a starving artist and don't get paid much, so I have to do this 25 dollar lewd talk with you and can't spend no more money. No extra packages or none of that, but if you could get people you know to look into my work, they could buy from me and I will have more money to spend on you..do you want me to spend more money on you? To make you cream all over by big black dick while I suck on your nipples? If so you will have to send as many people you know that site and give me donations, to adventvoice.newgrounds.com/

Most of the time those reading simply respond with: Clicked it but there's only a blank screen. I will try it again later, or they act as if I did not say anything at all with responses like: If i were your genie in a bottle, what would be your wish? imagine i can fulfill one of your sex fantasies...

I am generally equally unresponsive to those that ignore me.

Honestly though, I could get over that, if the escort could, what was hard to deal with was the notion that those women who work the site are not “REAL.”

They were bots, who would only be prompted into conversing for a few minutes and if you did not pay into their sales pitch or add other features of the site, they would no longer talk at all. Bots! Can you imagine, that is what we’ve come to? I was really turned off by the automated feel of the numerous responses to my lewd questions. “What do you look like when you climax?” “Where is your favorite place to have sex, the bed, the couch, the bathtub?” “Do you like to have sex standing up?”

 To be completely ignored or distracted into only discussing the next available payment package and told I would no longer be able to chat, really started to piss me off, especially since I paid for a month of service.

Which is fine because I could always not pay next month and cancel my application ~ Well I am still not sure if I can. I tried to delete my account and the administration never sent me the deactivation codes or what not, needed to say I never made this horrible mistake. Which may mean, after this month ends, I will have to take or threaten legal action just to make sure they don’t charge my account in the future.

All of this over $25.00

You know its really sad that I could not even find pleasure in a site built on the idea of causal lewd conversation. Gone are the days of Myspace, or the Facebook whores and Tender sexting trends that lead to an actual human sliding her tongue into my mouth, after a few hours of getting to know me. I am all for technology and the positives that can be derived in algorithms, weeding out individuals that may not meet my specifications. What I don’t like is the electrical interference between me and the ability to slide a satisfying, three fingers wide, ten inch cervix pleaser, in a willing vessel. I am 6 foot tall, African American, well formed, Red Panax Ginseng Extraction drinking, naturalist. Who does not really like to sleep with a woman taller than 5’7’’. I mean, I have, but when I really want to have fun and ensure I’ll be able to grind deep, hard, and long on the cervix and clitoris of my partner, let her be 5’5’’ with beautiful large breasts and a sweet mouth, long hair and sensitive earlobes. Let her grip my broad shoulders that glisten with the sweat her heat and pounding heart generates from me. Let us fill the room with steam simply from heated passion that lasts from sun down to sun up.

 Oh, how I miss the days when having a woman was as simple as flashing a smile, sending a card that gave the date of the rendezvous and an address she could respond to.

I cast a poll, curious as to how people, women between the ages of 18-71, single or married, especially, desire to spend time with a man and comparably, would they rather do so for free or spend money to do it?

 You’d be surprised at how many would do it for free.


It is this knowledge that confirms my awareness on how absolutely pointless it is for a man to spend his hard-earned money on women who will not spend theirs in return. Of course my pride would not ask for a dollar from those that can barley keep the lights on; I am not sure if pride is the right word. No, I think, it is merely kindness and a fantasy I have devised on the notion that if I am kind to others they will be kind to me. If I am sensitive to the woman’s needs, she will be equally understanding of my own.

Surround her with roses and the cooling of passions by the pool side or a fountain viewing port in the center of a market square, encase her in love and she will cascade into your arms, in response. 

Posted by AdventVoice - March 1st, 2019

I learned something very interesting on the 28th of February. About myself really. “I am intolerant of the intolerable.”

“Jazmine&Jazz,” was a piece of art that has inspired the muse of this piece to interact with me through correspondence for a month. https://www.deviantart.com/adventvoice/art/JazminJazz-786309422

With nothing but good things to say. From platonic conversation, to the intimate and just causal discourses on her favorite colors. She has donated 1,000 points to my cause and cheered on my artistic development. She loves to express “love,” and caring. We are not committed to one another mind you and because she has a girlfriend, I try to refrain from pushing too much, my own ideas of affection and keep things as innocent as possible.

 Then we come across a woman like Faye Foxx, a NSFW cosplayer, I have a sample piece of art with her holding her breasts and half nude. For two years she has done nothing more than send me little hearts and likes on a few comments I’ve sent her way. I’ve always initiated conversation to receive no response and the first time she decides to say something to me, her words are, “I do not cosplay to fulfill anyone’s desires but my own.”


Yeah, I blocked her. I really wish I had responded as some creative minds online suggested, what the provocative question such as, “You Mad?” I did not and so I will never know what would have come from that rabbit hole. What I do know is, I have a little threshold on my level for stupid. I have been that way since I was young.

 I am not a disrespectful person and I don’t like it when people insinuate that I am because I enjoy drawing women in the midst of irregular angularity. A BBW (Big Breasted Woman.) Suggests she wants to lose weight and have the figure of another woman and I ask, “Why should such a notion occur, how will my bbw+bbc fantasy be fulfilled if you lose weight and become someone else?” She flipped out on me and I was going to apologize for coming off as rude~ But you know I am a NSFW artist, a sardonic writer, and a bbc extraordinaire, you’d think she would have offered me employment or want to collaborate on a project, you’d think since she runs around half naked on the internet half the time, she’d appreciate the interest of a fan, like Jazmine&Jazz, Set, SatinDarling, Medral,


(I love the fact that she did not even allow me to apply color to the image before giving me her words of support with the project and just overall satisfaction with the idea alone.)

My list is extensive of all the women that think I am great and fun to interact with and allow me the freedom to express myself, or distress myself. I mean if anyone was going to show me some level of contempt or anger towards my craftsmanship or words, you’d think CalipsoCere would have raised hell, considering I illustrated her having sex and enjoying the bbc of the Dream Weaver. 

Faye Foxx was not given the honor and I am glad I did not waste my time with the idea, she is only focused on herself mind you so this letter won’t phase her.

I won’t speculate further on why a cosplayer who most of the time is naked gets upset because someone says they are attracted to her breasts. That stuff has never worked for me. I remember when I was in middle school and a girl tried to “play my face,” asking me if it is true all black men have big dicks and do I have one. In response, I told her, “If your so curious come find out.” She got upset because she thought I was calling her a whore, or what not. I remember times in college, I am grown, and expect everyone around me to be just as grown, or can handle their liquor. We are at a football game, my school lost every game so I never gambled, but there is a group of women that all the guys knew to be easy and I would treat them with kindness, I would joke with them and encourage laughs. Remember I am the master of sarcasm and I know how to ooze contempt. One of the women asked me if I was packing, or do I find her attractive or whatever. I give her a few compliments, does not mean much to me and I did enjoy her big boobs. I move into her place when I needed the help because the college kicked all of the undergraduate juniors off the campus. Never did get to play with her big breasts like I wanted to. She knew I wanted to and we were good roommates, I never said anything as she whored herself out to anyone willing to pay the rent. Outside of supplying her with weed, I don’t know why she allowed me to stay around as long as she did. She left nudes on my computer, I got to see her all and told her as much, that I enjoyed her and would not be remised in having tasted her. You know the woman went to her, “Homeboy,” and told him I was talking about abusing her or some stupid shit. I laughed when he threw the first punch. She did not think I could fight and when her “homeboy,” ended up out the second story window and the othes ended up eating asphalt, she swore she had nothing to do with it. She asked me to forgive her and let their be peace.

 Well needless to say, “I blocked her,” out of my life, just as I did Faye Foxx or anyone that does not know how to simply say, “I appreciate your kind words but I am really not interested in what you have to offer, we can always be friends though.”

Posted by AdventVoice - February 26th, 2019



Well all artists desire their works to be seen and appreciated. Most of us have stories to share and laughs to give. For me the stories never stop rolling and the laughs are always a surprise, even to me. 

I have had my patreon account for a few months now and I have supported a few and there are many on my list to continue to support or start supporting. My wish list does not include new applications or better software, it includes having enough money to give away to others. Strange I know. In the future I plan on giving a real in-depth discussion as to why past recessions have made me so charitable. Thing is, if I don't make any money, then I can't give it away to artists I have come to appreciate, and to be truthful I have found that in this guild, we have to put a little away to be helpful in the future. As I watch the news and read the Economists journals or just surf twitter, I know we are in for a big surprise soon and the starving artist is going to be having to dig in real deep from his boot straps to keep this franchise alive. 


$1 or more per Tales of a Travler


You have an idea for an original character and would like them to do more than fill up a page or stand in pretty poses, contact me through my email cag3lefant@aol.com and I can assist you in dynamic illustrations, story boards and crafting real graphic fun, for the whole family. I pride myself in the belief of being able to draw anything.

Includes Discord rewards

$5 or more per Tales of a Travler


Present to me what you desire to see, and true to my craft of being able to 'dream weave,' I would certainly supply you with a dream you can add to your collection of wall art.

These images can be used memorabilia of your favorite musical band, animated cartoon, animals, fantasy creature, stickers for coffee mugs, or vinyl covers for albums of music, posters to decorate your rooms with white washed walls. 

We don't like white-washed walls, where I am from! 

Includes Discord rewards

$10 or more per Tales of a Travler




For $10 membership fees I will draw your portrait and add you as a feature with your own promotions and story connected with avproductionsblog.wordpress.co… and how your contributions are being used to empower artists internationally. 

-Digital Portraits

-Traditional Portraits 

-Side Views 

-Full Bust

I can't think of a better way for people to get to know you than to fall in love with your face.

Why not be drawn by a professional today?!


Well I hope you all can join me and help me create some massive stories!

I think if I can get my portfolio filled I can devise a hard copy book to sell to those interested in New Art and illustration styles. The history behind them and how they can be improved. 

I have pitched this idea around for a while and I have had a few takers. I want to add my Dream Weaver series in the volume but I want others to bring their own series about interpersonal ideas of "Freedom," what it means to them and there illustrations of the idea of "Liberty." Place it in a volume and pile our names in the back so others can find us and commission us for more work. 


Liberty is a very important concept to me and has been a theme I have fallen back on for a while. Half of my motivation is to put a number on how many others feel as I do and what kind of art do they devise when they have the time to think about it.


Posted by AdventVoice - February 11th, 2019

I’ve recently been contemplating the overall definition of “The Mature Artist.”

When we hear these words we can find some security in the thought that to be a mature artist one has to:

 Have a strong sense of design in their work, props and characters aren’t just thrown about without thought. The artist can admire the work of other artists without doggedly reproducing another artist’s style. They have a unique style that viewers instantly recognize.

Notice, educational background or annual income are not considered factors in this definition.

I am personally transported in time, to 1975 when Henry Fantazos finally found his inspiration for a piece of art that I have come to enjoy. “Temptations Under Magnolia Tree.” By 1963 he had a hard time placing value to modern art. He considered it to be “dead-end barbarism, invented by dilettantes bent on obtaining the cheapest uniqueness.” He cursed television as the “Murderer of Literature,” and in his rage envisioned wonderful still-lives.

 Though, as unique and fantastical as his one-man-show was, due to his isolating nature, I can’t consider him a mature artist.

According to the American Heritage Dictionary, published in 1983, to mature is to have reached full growth or development, to ripen, Payable, worked out fully by the mind; perfected.

None of this is lost on artists such as 1857 Jean-Francois Millet who created “Des glaneuses,” or Polish artists Igor Morski, who opened his studio in 1995. Nearly two hundred years has passed and for those mature enough to be honest, have seen how pervasive the artists use of his mind has matured and in this essay I aim to encourage my partners of such a respectable guild to continue to spread wide the halls of imagination.

The mature artist is not one that sees potential for improvement and clings to their crutch of tradition. I find it painful enough that as a writer and artist I must contend with those twenty years my senior who propose, “Unless you are aiming to have your works showcased among Vincenzo Foppa or to be featured in the Economist with Kathryn Rose, a Canadian “jobbing composer,” you will not be successful.”

Success being defined by how much money you have and ones networth being the gauge of maturity.

The mature artist does not allow the ramblings of a philosopher published in 1935 to dissuade them from applying ink to canvas. Instead they realize that Walter Benjamin was speaking from a view point of limited validation for his own material. When holding no political opinions kept you in business and anything as innocent as the “zipper,” was denounced as an ‘alligator of ecstasy.’

I am an affirmed believer that the mature artist and his or her work, and no, maturity is not gender specific, will stand the test of time, despite the profusings of Samuel Johnson. The mature artist knows that their vision of the world, expressed through art will hold a place in the heart of exceptionally young art enthusiasts long after this digital revolution and intrinsically that should be the aim of every creator, at least those aiming to mature.

Sadly it is very difficult to equate the essence of art with a numerical value. The great “Traditionalists,” rave against the youth, instead of embracing the change and suggest everything presented in the past 20 years to be worthless, degenerate, perverted, carbon copies of thoughts born from The Renaissance.

Which when we strip the boisterous voice of it’s regalia, all we find are the echos of a time that refuses to understand the beauty behind contemporary thought.

  The mature artist not only knows how to take criticism but to include the voice that spoke out of a displaced world view of days gone by and bridge the gap that separates us culturally, economically, socially, and geographically. At least that is what the mature artist should aim to do.

When I think of the mature artist, I think of:

@Umbramark @banesias063 @AtalyaSuccubus @PorkyPiexxx @BrytlejuiceArt @cthulhuzann @sabtastic @Medra192 @celineorelse @Lewdua @Della-Kitt @OtherWorldSam @BunnyHarriet @Seanpphillips https://loveinart351.newgrounds.com/ and not necessarily because I like them personally but because in the midst of my transition between an average hobby artist they were voices of reason, willing to give advice, communicate and bridge the vast space of our highly complex world and just laugh and find joy in this guild I love.

For all the negative press that is dished out about NSFW material, sex, women, men, and any other thing a very cynical person can use to bring another down, these are the few visionaries I would ever claim to desire to have coffee with in real life and have mature conversations about the world of art.

I’ve mentioned Jenna Bryan in the past and I really should keep in touch with her.

I find we get so busy in our craft, that it becomes very easy to tune people out, forgetting that without their input, we’ve missed a chance to further ourselves.

In my youth I craved solitude. I enjoyed being alone with my pad and pen, never watching television, rarely played video games, had one or two friends. Believing that because I was a military brat, and I moved from place to place, having no roots, meant severing all ties and those I neglected were just not mature enough to stand alone.

As I’ve gotten older and desired to have a home for my assorted displays, I’ve been hankering to throw a celebration. To raise a toast to the loving nurturer that Art is.

As technology rages on to make all of us next door neighbors, beauty is captured, scanned, digitized, tweeted, archived and set to make us all remembered, worked out fully by the mind, perfected, matured. 


Posted by AdventVoice - February 9th, 2019

PetaGaye Edwards

https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/petagaye-edwards called me today after receiving her gifts.

I am thankful they made it in time for her birthday. She called to tell me how grateful she was to receive the cards, to tell me how nice it was to be able to see herself from my eyes.

I told her of the challenge to capture her beauty just right, that I would try again at a later date. She told me she understood, “Many have attempted to draw my face in the past and have failed is far worse attempts.” Telling me I should not waste my time with that and focus on my writing. “You should certainly aim to sell your own publications, you have such a way with words.”

I rather wish I could remember what it was I said to her to make her blush so. I remember pieces of it. The question is, would anyone pay for words that make them feel as beautiful, kind and endearing as they are? As she is?

There was a time in my life when I did not need the validation of others for most of anything. Of course, for me when I was young I was deemed self-efficient by those older and my peers. Many were willing to pay for my services and art.

To me validation, true validation, equated into the form of some cash and gave birth to the idea that anything was better than nothing. This independence on the accreditation from my esteem public was during a time when people felt comfortable spending $10-$20.00 on a publication. Now your lucky to find anything worth reading on the shelves in your local market and a lot of that is not due to the myth of internet market bubbles, rising and bursting. The success of online blogs or the individuals lack desire to read anything unless some form of sensuality is pronounced.

 I believe it has a lot to do with some mystic organization that has been teaching the general public, censorship is good and there are certain publications and works of art and social groups that should not be funded for some obscure reason.

 I was reading, “DieKittyDie,” Heaven and Hell #3: which is a comic that was published by Chapter House: Astroid Comics, written by Fernando Ruiz and Dan Parent.

This particular issue was going over the ‘70’s and everyone’s need, who was Christian, to send their daughters to convents because they dipped acid or smoked a cigarette. That was the idea (blame Christians for moral policing while everyone else gets away with policing our thoughts.) It sold like hot cakes and helped to further the push of anything with a moral or plot out of the public square. If you get people thinking about right and wrong, even from a humanitarian point of view you were stepping on toes of investors that sold stories based on superficial teenage baggage, not art.

 In “DieKittyDie,” she was asked to allow an evil publisher to die, his name is Skip Stone, in the story he is owner of KittyComix, who like many that lacked creativity would steal from others and threaten to sue them when they asked for their cut on the proceeds. That problem was not exclusive to the 70’s and occurs a lot, now-a-days.

I am always weary of thieves and try to be up front with people about my desires. I was asked recently, “What do you want of your art, what do you want it to do for you, what goals have you trekked out for your work?”

This of course coming from someone that believes my talents to be as irrelevant as Latin or the aspirations of a concert pianist. I wanted to tell her, my admirer, or at least the admirer of my talent.

“ I don’t want my work to do any more that it is already doing. I want those that view it to be able to map out my heart, to see line upon line- here a little- there a little- that as the lines connect, identification is developed, recognized and valued beyond Aadhaar or what the tech giants have placed value on the “reconciliation,” of our beautiful faces. 

Posted by AdventVoice - February 7th, 2019


I now know why so many don’t do it. I mean it was not all that bad at first. I sent out the add. Ok I did this to myself, but I sent out the add for desiring to role-play with a woman. Anything is fine. I just want to craft stories I can later turn into illustrated comics. It was a wonderful idea. I mean you can’t have a comic without content and if you can find someone to brain storm with you or build something together, well you are hard pressed to find someone to do that through linkedin or some other hiring website. Another reason why it is was awesome, and before I go into this rant of how bad it was. It was free. Free content that can be used at any time.

 Why is it bad?

Cause the story changes every three minutes, and you end up arguing over the most asinine of details. For instance: I met this girl and she is nice and she wanted to role-play RdR2 and she asked if I played the game and I ignored that question because with role-playing I was sure we were not going to use the plot of previous stories and the overall character had room to grow. NOPE! Arthur Morgan remained a guy that could not talk to a woman enough to get her pants down and get his dick wet, even if he is set up with a 16 year old virgin. Even though I started this little adventure, none of my ideas where applied because “I never played the damn game, I wouldn’t play the game, not with the reviews that it got.”

Anyway in the middle of the role-play I slipped, I suggested that he was married to Eliza, but I forgot he wasn’t and it gave me a headache to remember exactly why he refuses to fuck the next available woman. Something about not wanting another Issac in the world. It sounds really gay to me, but this chick I am role-playing with thinks that kind of thing is sexy. I don’t know.

She wants details and sometimes does not think I am in character enough and decides to tell me what my character would say and how he would say it. WTF! Is that. I wanted to say and in character, I hope you are not this demanding in the bed room. Cause if so you are better off just using a vibrator.

After several days of game play I decided to change the characters nature a bit and because of what I know about the game this is acceptable:

  Arthur sneers as Adelia and spits back at her disdain and hatred. As of now he has been wanting to keep the playing field between her father and him on "High Honor," he does not owe the man anything but he would like to be remembered for having being good at his job. Even if the job is as small as bring back the girl. Seeing Adelia tied up and vulnerable, young and still filled with a spirit to match his own. Her red hair cupping her face flawlessly, blood finally coming back into her cheeks after her heart began to settle began to make his own heart move around in a way that is uncomfortable for him. The thought of the night being a place only where the predators win due to their 'low honor,' reminds me of how shitty it is that all this trouble is going to bring him $500.00, she is well worth 3x as much, honestly as he continues to look at her, her desire to live out here among the wilds and moonlight is priceless. He is not too proud to make the offer. "Listen it is clear you don't want to go back to your father. I want to make it clear that I am not any man's hired hand but I do have this idea of being reputable, a flaw I know that gets in the way of a lot of good things for me, but I really can't stand the idea of anyone losing lives behind money, disgusting. So if you can make it my while not to take you back, then I won't. You have to have something worth more than your father's $500.00. Anyway if you don't have anything of value, I know of another way to get you off the hook. There is this killer in town, supposed to be some hot shit cause the sheriff won't do his job. I planned on going back and rustling up the money that comes with his hide, dead or alive, and maybe I can use that money to sweeten the value of your father giving you room to grow out side of his care." He cuts a smirk under his eyes wondering if she will take the bait of coming home with him peacefully believing he would be willing to buy her from her father, no matter the price. "I have not been with any woman since my wife and son died, I have had my share of pickin's but I have never met anyone with lips as tasty as yours, nor eyes bold enough to repeat what they have noticed of my beastly disposition and actually attract me, makes me wonder what you are hiding beneath those oversized clothes."

My role-playing partner was fine with everything but the last part obviously or I would not be writing this paper. She did not like the last part because he would not have talked about his problems with someone he just met. That is granted, but I also feel he would not have had this problem at all if he would stop being a little bitch and get over something that happened nearly, by the date of this role-play, after the Van Der Linde gangs comes to New Hannover, that would be years later, for those that have played the damn game right?

 Anyway, I really felt role-playing would give people a chance to stretch their imaginations not become trapped in a world of days on end of text and no real motivation to continue. I have a hard time finding how Adelia could be attracted to a man like Arthur Morgan who is confused about everything and does not know what he wants out of life. Supposedly this little girl is going to want to ride off with Arthur and all that. He was 15 when he left home and survived well. He is an ace shot. That is what makes a video game work right, the hero does not die of TB and act like he is afraid of women or his shadow. Anyway I have not grasped how to reconcile with a character who is a virgin and naive but smart enough to keep a grown man from having his way with her. She would not be able to stop him. It is his own conscience that does that, and in the 1800’s wouldn’t she be curious, wouldn’t he need to tell her, “I won’t hurt you because of such and such reason.” Naw he is a bad ass that does not talk much and likes to rope little girls.

Yeah I could not take it and I like all sorts of stories, but this one was driving me bonkers.


Posted by AdventVoice - February 4th, 2019



Well the Dream Weaver and I have been through a lot. We have self-published a book: www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… 
We have encouraged artists to continue at there own pace to create what is beautiful to them and not to be discouraged by the NEH-sayers: www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… 

We have touched on the issues of being a "Rolling Stone," or an absentee father and the struggle to forgive oneself for past mistakes: www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… + www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… 

He has made his way through the maze of Creative Relevancy and can be considered a household name if some regards: www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… Making us question the benefit derived in giving ammunition to head-hunters to continue trampling on the ideals of manhood:  www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… 

We have learned through him what is means to be a Freedom Fighter: www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… + avproductionsblog.wordpress.co…  what he would teach his son that he has only met when he was 6 months old: www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… We learned the things he would love to say but dares not say to the witch of a mother that gave him his child:  www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad

www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… + www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… 

We also learned of all the many ways he decided to get over the past and never allow failure to define him: www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… 

Taking the good from the bad and making a difference in the world is all that can be asked of him now: www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… + www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… 

In the midst of his confrontations we learn of his smoothness and wisdom: www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… We learn what makes him different from the average hero and we began to love him more for his weaknesses: www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… He became real to us because he refused to wear a mask to hide his motivations. He reason for being: avproductionsblog.wordpress.co… +  [COMM: AdventVoice - Dream Weaver by knilzy95]   he came to candidly and decided to share his truths lest anyone decided to speak for him and call him a liar. He gave you the Voice of liberation: avproductionsblog.wordpress.co… and encouraged you to dream beyond internationalization   www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… that the unrepentant whore is a woman too: who deserves respect: www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… 

He continues to teach on the dangers of censorship and the encroachments of the "Thought Police." www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad…. He has carried you into the worlds of the unknown and proven the paths to immortality www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… to ascendance and is convinced that it is not an idea to remain in the realm of fiction of fantasy.  www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… but is as real as the deamons of mans creation that would seek to stifle your ability to dream: www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… There is a dimension in which man can be more than what life has determined they are to be and in his tales he has weaved the path to accessibility of the third eye:   www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad… 

All in hopes you will never allow anyone to censor your love: www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ad

It has been one explosive ride. Nearly 9 years in the making and I am beginning to wonder to myself if it is time retire the old man. 
Who knows he might return, but for now I will ask you all to keep on Dreaming.


Posted by AdventVoice - January 29th, 2019

I am currently in a heated debate with moderators of Deviant Art and similar servers over a rendtion of https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/adventvoice/siren-s-allure-siren-s-lair-page-2 I submitted to them, in which most of the image is covered with sea-weed to block the view of what might be considered obscene to some, in hopes of fullfilling there censorship clauses for publication and making the art a little safer for underage viewers, who happen to ignore the fact that image is located in "Mature," "Adult," and clearly forums intended for those older than 18. 

 Aside from the arguements raised by artists such as @OtherworldSam who to my estimations diagnoised the issues facing NSFW artists perfectly: 

Lets take for example the passive aggressive poop nugget that reported me to DA today. (Let me save you the trouble of looking, everything sexual is pixellated to hell)


I make fictional material about controlling others.


Someone who wants to feel right and is so ruled by their own insecurity that they seek to control my actions in real life because they feel threatened. Kind of like people who get reported for their Patreons and peoples need to control others literally takes money away from them that is supporting them and their families. Really classy lol

I stand by own position: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1438669  that in light of what we deem to be pornographic and not art or just obscene, if an artist goes out his or her way to censor there own work and are still kicked off of a server, or there art is deleted, art, in the midst of https://www.deviantart.com/cyberkitten01/art/Kate-Five-781367441 <<<Which thought is a wonderful piece of art, none the less is a nude woman >> Then we can not say we are censoring NSFW material but we are censoring the context and ideas surrouding the image. We are willing to curtail a thought and storyline because it does not fit with a culture or social code, that at the moment I have yet to devise a definition for.  Maybe the truth is I know exactly what offends the said oversears of Deviant Art and Tumblr and the like and it has nothing to do with images of babies or rape victims. It is simply heterosexual interactions and the male entity as a whole. 

As I have said before, it is perfectly fine to draw a bare-naked lady, in a room, by herself or with other women. Just don't draw her being satisfied by a male partner.

I have taken upon myself to dispute there claim to my violation of there terms, by using my forum post as a foundation.I will begin to write more rebuttals on this issue and there is a part of me that feels I should let it go. 

I mean why argue over something everyone else seems fine to allow to happen. Why put my work and future development on the line for a guild that has no real defense for itself and is not considered "Art," by the majority of influencers in the world. 

The short answer, I hate to lose.

In light of fairness and the belief in the freedom of speech, expression, and artistic vision, I don't think it is fair to those that come after me who as they learn their craft will begin to desire to stretch into this field of study and will be denied because no one said, "You are pushing too far against a brick wall of determination." Few have really taken into account that if we are asked to sacrafice our skills and development for the sake of a few, works like https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/724073 or https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/cthulhuzann/attack-it-happy-thanksgiving will not recieve the credit they deserve as being pieces of art worth adding to our video games or hanging in our galleries, sold, traded, and garnering a profit that elevates each of us out of the past that has limited us to being starving artists.

I don't know about you, but after I sell a product or recieve accreditation for anything I write or project I submit,  I am hitting the drawing board looking for ways to increase my own popularity and place in the halls of creative innovation.

Kind of hard to do that, if at every turn someone is willing to censor what is said or delivered because it might be construed as offensive.