I am an artists who always seeks to give you a piece of material that makes your heart beat like a speaker!

Age 36, Other


Of Hard Knocks

All Over

Joined on 5/15/17

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AdventVoice's News

Posted by AdventVoice - March 22nd, 2020


As I mentioned before in my latest news report: https://adventvoice.newgrounds.com/news/post/1088928 I was asked by https://bmesias063.newgrounds.com/art to help him devise a comic of many series and comical events that we could publish together. So this is a general sketch of reference images for new characters for a comic I have wanted to create for a while called "French Connections," featuring the fantasies of a french student in college who has a french teacher he can't get enough of. Her name is Cheryl, and I will be spending time telling her story, along with finishing, "Bad Guy," and a few others. Way to go me!!

Oh it is an American tale by the way..with a lot of real world occurrence's or at least things that partially happened to me in my younger years.

My approach to coloring was a lot different than previous pieces but I find it to have been a lot of fun. Cheryl Bennet was a lot of fun in school, the last time I was there.

She failed me in French Class for my first year and I had to asked, "If I received an "F" because I could not French Kiss, or because I could not speak the language well?" She was sure to insist that the French Kissing was fine, she would much rather that I never spoke it. The butchery should be illegal.

I am excited about being able to present her in more features in experimental positions and moments of climatic releases. The ability to publish anything at all should not be taken for granted, not when money is going to become an issue for all of us again. There is some comfort in being able to produce art leaning in that direction but the amusement that can be maintained in the midst of conflict is a nice trick, don't you think. My friends and I would much rather talk about the things that make us laugh and giggle all day, opposed to the quickest way to die, while avoiding COVID-19.


I do not take from anyone who find it encouraging to focus on death and morbidity. I on the other hand, enjoy the notions of love and peace. Smoothing out the wrinkles of the world with images of comfort. Delicious curves that remind you of your first day in French class, with that excessively desirable teacher.

What kind of wonder man could satisfy her?

Posted by AdventVoice - March 20th, 2020

The title of this report is misleading, for I'm sure I'll get paid in a another week, but with Covid-19 running the world scared, my employers have saw fit to make life hard for me. I'm hoping it's virus related and not a reflection of what they think of my apitude to do the job.

When I'm not producing art, as you know I Care-give...stressful right?

A private group, not beholden to governments or state laws. I liked it since I was not expected to pay taxes...6000 a year..I was not going to pay taxes anyway. Now, that my check is every 2 weeks and liable to be 50 usds instead of the usual 100 usds..I'm hurting.

I don't say this as click-bait, or a desire to silicate monies. Merely to inform friends and supporters of the reason behind my recent lack of production.

Truth be told, it should not stop my art, but producing comics out of a cardboard box, or a cave just does not sound conducive to my health. I shared most of this on Twitter: @Scope2Mars but many of you don't tweet so I'm reiterating my state of depression and desire to produce content that uplifts us all...please bare with me (those that support me)

Posted by AdventVoice - March 13th, 2020

My home boy, from the phillappeens, wants me to do a collaborative comic book with him. It's a great idea but I want to finish "Bad Guy" before the story dies. I don't know, sympathy. The comic would be wonderful to feature for my collaboration and I might enter it. To support the franchise, ill be sure to add my "French Connections" issue. I loved French class as a kid for many reasons, but nothing better than the memory of my first time with a 23 year old woman when I was only 14. Since no lollies and gore are allowed for this collaborative expedition, so I will up-age the chacteres to college age students.

The work load is going to kill me. Can't forget I'm making "Valmont" Comis too. Love Furries forever.

I count myself fortunate. I have this escape. A way to create universes that help me make sense of my mundane existence. NEWGROUNDS.COM is the kind of place that the heaviness of the day dribbles out and my tension is removed. I can talk to you all about my struggles and at times receive's solutions from the active minds in the abyss.

I am curious though...if I publish worKS here...am I allowed to pulish those works in a comic book published by another party?

I've been curious about the distribution for volumes of collaborative or singular works already given a platform. As of yet I've not found anyone willing to try..well all but the Philippines and France.

There is a lot of talk about Covid-19/ 5000 or more contracted the sickness in my area...and I've been drained lately and that could be why the stories are taking so long to draw.


Posted by AdventVoice - March 8th, 2020

In pervious posts, I've spoken of the challenges of an artist like me to have meaningful relationships with people. I spoke on it cause I thought it might interest you to know, why a sex fiend like myself is single...feels alone around friends and family, and has a horrible relationship with his mother and other women.

Clearly I'm not abusive. I'm kind. Well mannered and we'll spoken. Yet as a traveling kid, I learned early on, it matters not how well you speak but how well your understood and how well you deflect the presumptions of others.

I hate being this way. I can say hate, here and not be acussed of condoning hate speech..which I am careful of. It true though...with a passion I wait for a woman to come around that will love me and know I can't be seperated from the one thing that brings me peace. For then peace is the dream and I'd forever live on my dreams. What would be lefthe to me?

I did not go to church today because the niece of the woman I care for believes I'm not worth investing in as a person..told me in her judicial fashion, that she cares nothing for me and my well-being and just wants to see her aunt happy. Which is fine. Yet makes me put distance between us. Makes it so if I don't interact with them I'm the enemy and everything they claim me to be. They I mean her, Rebecca, and that fat PhD man whom believe's my talent to be a farce and my stories of digging under fences to eat, to be fables.

Manipulator is how they see the man willing to care for their elderly..not my own family but theirs. What a joke

Now if they saw the art...my job would be over. I drew tit's and guns in the sam imahe and that makes me as bad as Hitler, in the eyes of those around me.

How am I to ever find love if I am seen as an evil man?


Posted by AdventVoice - March 7th, 2020

In my travels I remember when I was in a homeless bind. Traveling south and making it to Dallas, Texas, I visited a tree-house, a band of travelers like myself that pay lights and utilities, when I was there I met a young lady. She was very sweet on me but we both knew I was not staying long and she lived in Waco. Only came to Dallas on the weekends. I told her, 'At least while I am here, you can find me at Deep Elum, on the weekends.


Time came for me to leave, and I wanted to stay for her sake. She was fine though. She'd have school, our memories, and if she ever saw me again, I was an ace in her book. Leaving was still hard for me. Made easier by her understanding nature.

I think of her and how hurt she really could have been. How much of a liar I may appear to her now, since I never really kept in touch.

As time has flown by since those days, Rebecca came along and much like the young woman of Dallas, can see that I'd have to chose to stay or follow the path I am already on. She has her mission in life and I have my own and if we really cared for one another, we'd compromise. Well Rebecca wanted to stay in the home I reside in with me, as I care for an 85 year old woman. I was not against it, but my benefactors were not having the conversation and wanted "ME," to be the one to break the bad news, to Rebecca. I was not having it, so I told the benefactor to do her own dirty work, she did and still insisted I talk to the woman. Nope. "You don't want her here, You tell her."

Of course Rebecca heard the voicemail, recorded it and has been fuming because all she heard from the line was, my voice, telling my benefactor to leave the message.


It could have happened to anyone really. The point is. Instead of taking the separation on the grounds of mutual benefit like the young lady in Dallas, who bare in mind, would have changed her life for me had I not told her no, Rebecca decided to throw atom bombs to my face and shut me out of her life. Believing, I intended to hurt her in some way and have no feeling to her present state of affairs. It is useless to have this conversation with her. She won't respond to my texts and may insist that at this point, if I keep talking about it, that I am harassing her. When in truth, it is my own egg on the face, I am cleaning up. Oh how I pleaded and damn near begged for the comfort of a woman that I am not supposed to express feelings for in the presence of my benefactor. Rebecca is as of yet to face the interrogation of an 85 year old woman that feels she knows what is best for the African-American issues.

I have written to Rebecca, since the publicizing of this weekend edition, she is still not speaking.

On a lighter note. I had a rather successful day, yesterday and plan to have even more fun today.

I was in Odd Co ((You know the shop of art run by the lady that sees nothing but sex in my art, even if it is a Furry Red Panda.)) Well she has a daughter that is 17-19 and I showed her how awesome 2D animation has become since I was a child: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/747889 She really got a kick out this one. So I was able to kick around a few hours with friends and watch monkeys throw poop at one another. I very good start to the weekend.

So despite not having art that I can make to sell in the store at the moment, at least not work that is going to immediately remind this mom, of penises and tits. I feel something is on the works and coming soon.

Posted by AdventVoice - March 6th, 2020

I completed the portrait's of Rebecca and I suppose, before I could go into discussion of her I should say, I can't tell her story. I should not speak on her motherhood. Instead I will speak on my ability to worship her...as a wind goddess.

I'd be willing to call her wife if she chose to travel with me. She tells me her story in confidence and I dane no further.

Some claim to have seen thinfo that give them fire proof skin, but my scars run deep. Her confidence in me is very important, mind you. So I will shaRe this about her. She has always been kind to me. Despite knowing, my darker thoughts. She does not see me as evil, like my mother. Yet in her kindness, I would never seem to abuse her.

Took me weeks to learn when she is involved with another man. She never really tells me. Oh sure, I've had dreams, but that can't replace the reality of her winddressed presence.

Well now that I'm done fawning..on to pressing matters.

I have nearly lost my present occup at ion here in my nice home, caring for an elderly woman. It was to come to an end a whole lot sooner.
the man that has not trusted me since I began living here..is going to have me kicked out. I have packed art supplies and moved a lot into the basement, of Odd Co. (( a small shop of artists up the road))

In light of the changes and not wanting to loose acess to the shop and the crew, I'm looking to take anther job and buy an apartment. Wouldnt that be grand? I think so. The man that never trusted me, has been filed with rage because I won't tell anyone what I do all day. He went so far as to accuse me of havingredients no talent and lying about all of the places I have been and the lives I've witnessed in my travels. That I lied about being homeless in stages of my life. Homeless I'll be after losing this job.

I could not carry 4 years of art around in barrels- I don't have many friends becausee the very notion of being an ex-con turns people away.

So when my current employer says,"you have to leave," I realized he'd forgotten or no longer believes, that homelse's people deemed useless and worthless, we're picked up in droves, held captive and rot to this day in PRIVATE PRISON FIRMS. ((G.E.O.)). Held captive and re-educated, until they could prove they can care for themselves, under State guidlines and not common sense measures.

This cycle of corruption begins with the Christian who believes, if someone is not completely transparent, they are evil and not be trusted.

I am always pushing the envelop of any original contract to secure a good position for myself, if that is manipulation, then we are all guilty.

Posted by AdventVoice - March 3rd, 2020

Anyway.I have this new phone that is bad ass when your lit!!! What costs most ppl to turn on was 35 usds. Not bad for what I want to do. Or how I a would like to spend my time bragging on my art and others through my sidemail poxket. Damn auto correct...sidepocket...Until I figure out how to draw with it....I'll let you know.

The fact that I can be doing anything in the day and chirp abut it. Now I need something to say. Oh... be careful of your phone provider. Google has a hit on nsfw...you know shadowbox ur bill. Cause of the art we share. Just an fyi. No more PSA..I'll post art tomorrow.

Posted by AdventVoice - March 3rd, 2020

I received a new smart phone yesterday from the same woman that said I was evil. My mother sent this phone and I don't consider it an act of apology for what she said. She just wants to find a way to keep in contact with me.

When I sit at my desk to begin a digital painting or just write samples of my expend-ability in my current contracted service. Desiring to bolster art sales in my local and national area. I don't mind shipping overseas, but it is only because I am supposed to say that.

Having a lot in front of me for the day, A few of the art pieces I have planned will have to wait till I can take them out again. I wonder how you all are doing with the potential of Joe Biden heading up against Trump? Being that knuckle head kid that can't keep his name out of trouble, I thought I would ask a personal question. I am personally upset with all of those old men sitting is such a seat of power, politically. Not that I feel I am more qualified than anyone, in my present state as an artist. When that fat PHDman sought to throw shit on my art and poetry and my overall work ethic, I was nearly inclined to believe and wondered what he would say if he knew I was the artist of: 1085088_adventvoice_sarah-s-locker-room-dap-adventure.jpg?f1573992512

Would most of you consider him right about me, that I am nothing more than a washed up stage performer who grew up on the mean streets of life. Found a way to make light of the days. You all know me as a match-stick writer. Setting off sparks with his words as he goes from place to place. I don't know how long it will take me, but a time will come when someone will read my desires and see the potential for pushing change. Change in how people recognize art. I listened to a woman on NPR singing about "Brown Skin," https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaMt97Q40Io <<I love how she makes love to brown skin in this song. This is the kind of music and art that the fat PHDman would not respect and finds to be jibberish and have no reflection on his reality, so it is not important. Can't stand people like that.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSS37tfIif4 I can load his desk full of ideas but they would not be received or he'd run with it in a direction away from me.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knj36fq2Y5w Free to take the mind and warp my world with it as I can. Gaining access to an audience that loves the idea of Futa's being connected to my journey of liberation. Not building tribes but enjoying the infusion of ethnicity and the dance floor being checkered with mulatto red headed children. If I had started singing in front of the confrontation that was placed before me. Would the song be enough to change directions away from incarceration for thinking differently. What you reap is what you sow. I never forgot these and words and have used them to my own benefit. Furnishing the defense to illustrate sexy women like "Sarah the Switch Hitter."


Growing up in the generation that enjoyed the mixing of races and tanned lovers where fabled to have higher libido's than that of their lighter partners. I am never sure if it is the flick of the eyes or the tossing of hair that signals me to a woman's interest. That is just some keen people watching. https://www.npr.org/2017/04/08/523044892/beyond-the-pale-male-marvel-diversity-and-a-changing-comics-readership The truth to these conjured issues is the pushing for more brown skinned writers and artists to publish their dreams into the public eye. As long as those stilled influenced by the wet dreams of loving their families as they did in 1929 is asking too much of the wise and dexterous youth of today.

I sit here proudly devising ways to tell these kinds of stories at the risk of suffering from impartiality from my employers. **We are all entitled to a few secrets**

1159962_adventvoice_dream-song.png?f1580473642 Because of the rise in opposition to creatives and their intellectual property rights, and the moneys allotted to those stolen or censored, to be repaid a month after infraction. This would give a lot more cushion to my lewd friends that lose money every time someone leaves, fails to subscribe, or provide for the platforms being used. The above picture is cute, because that is what I am going to have over my holographic headstone if I perish before this work is done. Digital invasion is what they called it when I was a child and that was 30 years ago. Now it is normal way to have a conversation.

That is what I aim to achieve as time goes by. For a kiss is just a kiss...

Well I will love you later guys...I only have a few minutes before I have to go back to work. I will talk with you all again real soon.


Posted by AdventVoice - March 2nd, 2020

It has been a while since I could just sit here and talk to you all. I use my house like a studio and that pisses some people off. The college educated monks that presume because they went to school and achieved a PHD in theologies that I am supposed to bow the knee to their superiority. *Clearly that is not me.* Gets me into a bind.

I should be working a 9-5 but I can't cause I am care-giver by contracted services. I leave the house for two hours and people start losing their shit. Makes it hard to make the money to pay for my new phone, that costs 120.00 to turn it on.

Pushing me to want to go to extremes for more exposure. Start tagging buildings with my art work. So this fat PHD man, decided that because I can't play the guitar well, that I never played music on the street as a bum and I am too young to have seen as much as I claim to have seen. "I read it a book!" Which could be true cause I am always reading.


**I dare someone to say something about me stealing my own art for this feature.**

Looking back on the good days when my mind would fly away with me for a bit. I am still in love with the saucy and nastiness of how the cum curls up in her ass. The toes and inked projection.

There are some that would see me closed down and not allowed to feature images of my twisted fetishes. Does that mean I am to stop? Hardly. I don't know what to say to those that get in the way of ingenuity and constructive use of ones time. It only gives me more motivation to take some of my favorite images


and in light shows filled with music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ml7C-CqmGYM that ensures people understand the feelings won't change. I have become more vigilant and catching all the local news about how it is going to become more expensive to post articles of interest. For me at least. What with the new smart phone bill. I like the idea though. Share all of my art on a notebook and walk through town showing off the work.


My work will be in my pocket and showed like a business card for those interested in advertisement through my digital ink presence.


Giving more time to finish "Bad Guy," (( I keep talking about it but the time to put sketches down to fit all of my ideas is lacking.)) So I have slowed down a bit and all I really want to do is get back on my grind. I feel tied down, by circumstance at the moment and if I am not able to finish my work, What that fat PHD man said would have some credence: WHICH I VEHEMENTLY DENOUNCE!! Not because I am evil as my mother suggests. But because I have stories to share that have to be flashed in tech-cafe's and sandwich shops.

I am working on a portrait of "Rebecca," that is coming out better than I had hoped. The time I have spent solidifying a style of art upon the page, the flow is so much better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yeq5D56GFA That I feel I can walk my pieces into any venue and the people will desire more. Dig in and force me to show more personality of the Dream Weaver Universe.

Those of you that are interested in having portraits produced and talk to me directly about anything be sure to leave comments on this page and https://www.patreon.com/AdventVoice I am always check messages and get back to all as soon as I can. I might even feature your question and my response in future journals.

Posted by AdventVoice - February 29th, 2020

I have to give a million hand claps to the very first person that would come around and talk to me about art. @Sevenseize https://sevenseize.newgrounds.com/ was the one of the first to flatter me.

She would say, "Your work reminds me of Toulouse-Lautrec https://www.toulouse-lautrec-foundation.org/ which I have held that to my heart.

When I do ink works I always try to keep in mind that I have a lot to live up to. I did a piece of portrait work to continue with my Traditional Ink Studies, and reproduced "Rebecca." iu_97501_6384799.jpg

Well not being satisfied with one piece, I began to work on another and though I have not colored it, I wanted to show off the ink presentation: iu_97502_6384799.jpg

The study likes it and thinks the whole idea is grand. Nothing bad to say about the stylizing and no questions as to why I chose to go this direction than what I did previously. To me they are much the same. I know when I begin to apply the color, I will shape the hair, more defined and play with the light more than before to continue the congruence of the heavy ink application.

This is why I have been so happy. Because I have been slinging ink as I was taught from the years of being under pressure. I would take images of people while I was in the prison and for a cup of coffee, I would produce portraits and pin-ups for the men. For myself. For guards and birthdays of the children of the employed.

Well enough of that.

I can day dream all day. When I apply the color I will be sure to update you on that process and how I plan to enhance her more exotic features in her face.

I have not heard from @SevenSeize in a while. I have not had much trouble to report and little reason to flirt after the dress down she gave me last time. In a year though it would be nothing for me to buy that new cellphone you wanted to take pictures of your back yard barbecues, you have without me. I am so hungry right now.

That is all for now guys I am going to be coloring the above art work for a while, inking more panels for more stories and working on the plot for Vincent de Valmont, I feel like I want him to get in as much trouble as I do on a regular basis and introduce more characters that tear stuff up with him. The Red Panda from Hell!